Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A sharp drop in illegal border crossings reported

A sharp drop in illegal border crossings reported

These are the two retorts i put up in LA Times comments section after they put up a slanted article on 'sharp drop in illegal alien border crossings'. Anyone who follows this issue closely cannot believe their figures, nor that of the Obama Adm/DHS/Census bureau. As they say, it is "lies, damn lies, and statistics". This is just a whitewashed attempt to paint a rosy picture of fabricated illegal immigration reduction numbers as a prop for the Dems fall election campaign. It is meant to mollify and sooth the independent voter block, moderate Dems and even moderate Republicans into thinking that our illegal immigration problems are being solved, even as the real picture tells a different story. My estimation, based upon much study on this issue, is that Arizona alone had 1/2 million illegals invading across their borders each year in 2007-2009. That includes repeat re-crossers, which the U.S bureau of liars in our Fed gov chooses to ignore.

degoboy at 10:02 PM September 01, 2010

"I applaud Arizonas tough stance on illegal immigration. At least that state is facing up to the massive problems of illegals invading across the Arizona border and wreaking havoc on law enforcement. AZ is only responding to the epidemic of crime and lawlessness from the cartel drug wars spilling over into Arizona.

CA has for too long allowed illegals to roam freely, and freeload on the state's welfare programs thru their anchors. No other country allows foreign nationals to enter illegally thru our open borders so easily as the US does. Here illegals are allowed to run free in the streets, commit massive ID/ doc fraud and SS theft in obtaining jobs, and engage in wholesale criminal activities such as drug/human smuggling, auto insurance fraud, EITC fraud, mortage fraud, medi-cal fraud, bogus 'civil rights' lawsuit fraud, ect.
That time has come to and end with US in bad recession/ depression, and official UE at 10 %(CA at 13%), real U-6 UE at 17%(CA at 20+%). Americans are demanding that the drawbridge be raised and there be a complete moratorium to any more immigration, legal and illegal, till the UE rate dips to under 6%. Obama Adm is deporting at rate of close to 400,000 per year: we need to deport a million/2 miilion a year till 20-30 million UE/underemployed American citizens are put back to work. "

degoboy at 9:43 PM September 01, 2010

"This PC'ed article by the LA Times regarding illegals is aided/abetted by the CA Liberal progressive Dems, SEIU, and the Obama adm, which is proposing amnesty by executive decree, attacking AZ, and actually encouraging even more illegal immigration. The ultra LIB 'progressive' Dems only want the votes to stay in power and it does not matter to them if LA/CA are becoming third world ghettoized cesspools. Votes and keeping power is all that matters: just throw freebees at the howling 3rd world proletariat masses and keep them in line with state handouts and laker games.
It matters little to them if there is an illegal alien-spawned crime wave, with illegal-aliens & their devil spawn killing off each other, and even an occasional innocent bystander killed by stray bullets or hit by a drunken illegal. The Liberal Dems see it as small coin in exchange for getting the hispanic vote and maintaining their grip on power in CA and the US. It is all about power and control and no matter that CA has a 20-25% U-6 REAL UE RATE. The sufferings of UE Americans are of little consequence to greedy power hungery liberal Dems as long as the Hispanics keep voting them in. Just throw the shamnesty bone every now and then."

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