Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Repost of my rather over the top polemic against the Dream Act, which would have opened the door to yet another illegal-alien wave

I have reposted, in abbreviated form, my original 2009 polemic against the Dream Act, when i was really mad about illegal immigration, having recently lost my job in late 2008. This post or variations of it have been e-mailed & faxed to my CA Senators, my Congress Rep, POTUS, and LA Times about a 100+ times , and re-blasted 4 times Yesterday Sept 20th, prior to today's Senate vote on the Dream Act. Both my traitorous CA Senators Boxer and Feinstien sponsored the Dream Act, and Boxer will hopefully pay for this with her defeat in NOV. Boxer has about a D- grade in her illegal immigration stance, and has voted against every bill which would strengthen our borders, strengthen E-verify ,and voted against every other bill to limit/restrict illegal immigration.

A short precise comment on dream act, cleaned up to put out in public posting

The Dream Act is nothing but another minority empowerment boondoggle which attempts to boost up a select minority group, in this case latino immigrants, who are the most uneducated & uneducatable class of immigrants to come into the US.
They soak up billions of taxpayer wasted dollars in free healthcare , education funds, welfare pmts, law enforcement and justice system resources, yet provide zero returns to the US in the form of an educated, skilled, productive class.

Dream Act is yet another Attempt to reward illegal alien lawbreaking by handing out amnesty to illegal’s kids. These kids have a 50% dropout rate in LA and often become lawbreaking gang-bangers, yet we are supposed to to give them amnesty so they can steal away jobs from the growing ranks of UE American citizens. The Liberal appeasing pro illegal-alien Democrats are in effect saying 'screw you unemployed American Citizens, we in Washington do not give a damn about you but want to give employment opportunities to millions of lawbreaking illegal nationals and their gang-banging children so they can crowd the increasingly scarce jobs market in a depression'.

Shame on the Congressional traitors who have decided to grant out freebies and citizenship privileges to illegal alien lawbreaking foreign nationals who steal away lower-level jobs from UE American Citizens, often by using fake phony ID’s

The dream act is a Trojan Horse which if passed would open the gates to another massive wave of illegals, chiefly by allowing the students granted citizenship status to bring in all their families and extended relatives. It is just a sneaky backdoor attempt to grant amnesty to millions of illegals illegals.'

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