Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Illegal alien activist groups filing bogus lawsuits against cities in Scal

Part 2

"Here in Scal the illegal aliens activist groups
swamp the city halls and file lawsuits/complaints against local municipalites if any action is taken by the local municipality against illegal activicty, or the mayor/city council speaks out against illegels."

"Los Angeles-based immigrant rights advocates announced Tuesday that they have filed formal complaints against a Santa Clarita councilman they say deserves to be censured for violating the city’s code of ethics and conduct by declaring himself “a proud racist.”....

"The Full Rights for Immigrants Coalition has sent letters to state Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown, Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. Steve Cooley and the U.S. Department of Justice, alleging that Councilman Bob Kellar “breached the public’s trust and has acted in an unethical, racist, xenophobic and biased manner by making public comments scapegoating so-called illegal immigrants.”

"The group also alleges that Kellar violated at least eight provisions of Santa Clarita’s ethics and conduct policy, which requires that municipal leaders be “independent, impartial and accountable to the people they serve.”

"The complaint further targets the remaining members of the Santa Clarita City Council, who the immigrant rights’ advocates charge violated their “fiduciary duties and not speaking out and condemning” Kellar’s statements."

"The legal complaint stems from a Jan. 16 anti-illegal-immigration rally in Santa Clarita, where Kellar, a veteran councilman and two-time mayor, spoke. In his comments, Kellar referred to a statement by former President Theodore Roosevelt that the United States has a place for only one flag and only one language."


Illegal alien activist groups filing bogus lawsuits against cities in Scal,0,...

Part 1

Here in Scal the illegal aliens activist groups
swamp the city halls and file lawsuits/complaints against local municipalites if any action is taken by the local municipality against illegal activicty, or the mayor/city council speaks out against illegels.

These radical pro-illegal groups are well organinized/well funded, and have a vast network funded by deep pocked immigration lawyers and unions. I suspect that behind these gruops are radical left/communist ANSWER, LA RAZA, Maldef and their brown shirt goon squad bretherm.

LA Region has the largest concentration of illegals and welfare stealing anchors in America, and they will concentrate against any local municipality which defys them. You can put down LA as a hopeless 3rd world corrupted latino cartel-run region; in fact book it down as done deal. It took 30 years for LA to descend to the rottenness of Tijuana. The only thing missing are tijuana style beheadings and mass executions, which i suspect are not far off.

The full rights for immigrants is another scam group proporting to be advocates for immigrants, They are nothing but a scam group backed by scam lawyers gruops such as ACLU. These groups have also gone after an ordinance in Costa Mesa forbidding day laborers from congregating in front of home depot. There is a sinister aspect to these radical immigrant rights groups. They are likely backed by deep-pocketed radical SEIU and other unions , and certainly by the scamming scumbag immgrnant right lawyers.

This a prevoius post on the CM ordinance but applies to the Santa Clartia situation as well:

The ACLU is 1 % above being just another collection of scumbag lawyers who are in fact the biggest scam artests who's chief job is to find ways to extort judgements from the coffers of nearly BK cities thru bogus lawsiuts filed on behalf of scamming extortionist radical lefist/aggreived minorites/immigrant scam activist groups such as la raza,mecha, Maldef, full rights 4 immgrants,ect who are nothing but scam groups out to extort $ by waving the bogus flag of racism and civil rights.

The illegals and their abettors are nothing but extortion bandits and fraudsters . They have no principals except to extort $ from gov't agencies and insurance companies in order to scam and defraud the system. Bad as the islamist extremists are at least they have principles and are willing to die for them. The ilegal alien extortionists and their abettors the immgrant rights lawyers are empty suits only out to steal $ on behalf of the scam criminal syndicates disguised as immigrant ' civil rights' groups.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

MO of the Democratic party operatives in CA- chicago style thug politics

The leftist/socialist radical union thug-aracies which run the CA city & state gov'ts and are the radical socialist wing of the Dems in control of congress are waging a war against the tea party movement and Republicans in general. They will send out SEIU, ACORN, Public employee union thugsters, militant teachers, ANSWER, la raza,and all other assorted leftist brown shirt goons to harass and intimidate the TP movement and conservatives in general. They will resort to physical violence if needed. Watch a tea party protest opposed by SEIU goons and u will witness the intimidation and thuggery of the SEIU/ acorn activists.

They will drag out the outscourings of the ghettos, ex-gang members, section 8 nasties, illegals, homeless, acorn thugs, black panthers, union goons ,ect to confront the TP at all protest rallies. All scumbags scraped from the nastiest sewers of the cities will be used to wage war against the TP, in the finest tradition of Chicago thug politics.

This is how the Dem party operatives running the Dem party in CA and the nation operate. Dig up dirt, throw mud, heap slanders, use name-calling, get down into the lowest base levels of accusatory mud slinging politics. Now, as if on cue, we have one Gloria Allred, the chief Dem hit assassin for CA Dem candidates, dragging one Nicky Santillan, nanny, out in public with accusations that Republican Gov Candidate Whitman fired her employee nanny prior to her Gov campaign, knew Diaz was illegal, abused her nanny, and basically slandering/libeling Whitman. I will have more on this story in an updated post. Pajama Media as usual gets it right on Allred's slimy despicable attempt 2 derail Whitman campaign

Unfortunately the Republicans cannot lower themselves to the basest level of gangsta style taunting, epiteth slinging, no holds- barred style of politics which is the Chicago way. To many Republicans are too decent and too far above getting down in the dirt with the gestapo- type tactics of the Dem Party operatives. Boxer only won last two elections because dem operatives were able to sling massive amts of mud and slander at her last two opponents,

The only way to win against Dem gestapo tactics is meetng the radical leftists/dems at the lowest level, at the gutter, a feature of fascist/ communist street brawls in 20th century Europe.

The dems only maintain control in CA by bribing the Hispanic voting block and legisatures in SCal thru welfare handouts and by allowing SCal to become a vast illegal alien infested 3rd world stew. Latino voters and all the other ignorant welfare riffraff /serfs in SCal will continue to vote for their Dem feudal lords up in Sacto . Mom rule in action.

The MSM which are in cahoots with the progressive/radicals will also paint the TP as a fringe right wing nut group.

improved letter on why the left allows ilegal alien dumping into SCAL

If U wonder why the CA and the Feds allow continued dumping of illegals into SoCal and LA and nothing is done about it, the answer is entirely political.

The Liberal factions which run CA deliberately want as many illegals and their anchor spawn jammed into CA for one reason: POWER. They want and need the votes of the Hispanics and it matters little to them if much of SCal/LA have become vast illegal-alien spawned ghettos infested with illegal-alien spawned gangs and graffiti..

The leftist ,radical 'progressive' state employee public sector unions and their congressional puppets have caused the bankruptcy of Ca., They only stay in power because they have allowed the massive infiltration of illegals into Ca in order to court the hispanic vote, which allows the Sacto/San Francisco-based leftist progressives & state public sector unions in power to stay in power, dominate CA politics and maintain their inflated pensions, which are a prime reason that CA is reeling and bankrupt.

At election time as if on cue watch Boxer, Pelosi Feinstein, and other northern CA-based 'progressive' politicians make their twice a year forays into LA to slavishly lick the boots of the hispanic voters.

Amnesty is nothing but a bone to throw at the Hispanic voters to get them to vote democrat and keep the northern CA-based liberal Dems in power so they can keep on plundering CA taxpayers in order to pay the inflated union pensions and welfare handouts to the vast impoverished LA plebians, mosty illegals and their spawn.

Greater LA basin region is now predominantly minority, and the Dem progrssives based in northern CA know exactly how to play the fiddle with thse minorities. They simply keep on giving massive doses of welfare handouts and portray themselves as the party of compassion for the downtrodden.

LA county has 3 miilion souls collecting welfare, and a huge impoverished population at or near poverty level. 90% of these welfare recipients are minority, most of them recent immigrants both legal and illegal, and you can add to that an equally huge impoverished anchor baby population . They know the hand that feeds them and will keep voting democrat like brain dead zombies as long as the welfare spigot keeps on coming from the bankruupt CA treasury. No problem getting the minority votes for dems.

The northern based CA Dems see LA region and much of Scal as one vast dumbed down minority poplulated backwater to be kept in line with welfare handouts.