Tuesday, June 25, 2013

No On S744 so USA doesn't become a 3rd wld crapzone like CA

    Orange County(SoCal) has picked up  the Los Angeles illegal alien infection with gang stabbings, driveby shootings, packs of roving gangstas.. Even far down in SJC of all places. OC may be even worse than LA inner city as the illegals and their gangsta spawn have emmigrated and spread out all over CA and USA from their original lairs in inner LA,. leaving only the most recent poorest humble immigrants left in the  inner LA stews.

   The OC suburbs are not safe, except for gated, guarded walled-in  communities in which the diminishing OC middle/ upper classes huddle away from the hellish plebian mobs.

   The PC'ed  articles of the LA Time and OC Register regarding illegals and gang crimes are aided and abbetted by the state of CA and even the Obama Adm/ Congress who are now proposing amnesty for illegals, as they only want the votes to stay in power and it does not matter to them if LA/OC are becoming  third world crapzones.  Votes is what matters- just throw freebees at the howling 3rd world proletariat masses  and  keep them in line with gov't handouts and laker games
      It matters little to the CA hack politicians that  LA is the gang capital of the USA , that LA has exported it's gangs all over USA, that illegal- alien spawned gang violence accounted for a siginficant portion of the 2600 Homicides in LA County last 3 years,  and even that an occasional innocent bystander gets killed by bullets or hit by a drunken illegal.

     The Liberal Dems see it as small coin in exchange for getting the Hispanic vote and maintaining  their grip on power in CA and the US. It is all about power and control and no matter that CA has a 10 % UE rate. The sufferings of the UE Americans are of little consequence to greedy power hungery liberal Dems as long as the Hispanics keep voting them in.  Just throw them the sham-nesty bone.

BTW Bush Administration  was doing the same appeasement to illegals up to the 2007 amnesty fight before taking a harder line. There are big business/greedy corp Rino Republicrats as bad on the illegal alien problem as the ultra -libs - a  pox on both their houses.  

Monday, June 24, 2013

New improved 'No on S 744 letter' faxed to my Senators

Dear Honorable Senators

Over last 3 decades 10's of millions of illegals have illegally crossed over our porous borders and flooded into LA Region and California. They have committed uncounted instances of document fraud thru use of phony work documents and borrowed Social Security Nos. to obtain work which should go to unemployed American citizens.
I have actual first hand knowledge of the types of fraud and phony green card doc reproduction which took place back in the 80's and 90's here in LA.  Millions of illegals took advantage of the laxity of enforcement of our immigration laws and LA/CA being sanctuary regions to brazenly commit uncounted felonies and frauds in obtaining work permits and benefits illegally.

  In CA we have averaged over 10% unemployment and over 20% real U-6 UE since 2008.
Millions of Native Californians like myself have been economically devastated and have lost jobs or saw reductions in pay and benefits, yet we have allowed illegals to swamp into CA/LA last 3 decades and steal away blue collar and laboring jobs which should be held by the ever growing ranks of unemployed Americans.

Both USA and CA have for too long caved in to the illegal alien lobby/socialist do-gooders, and cheap labor -exploiting corporations in granting freebies and unearned benefits such as free healthcare to illegals and recent green carders. Illegal aliens, visa cheats, and those holding temp visa/ work permits have abused USA's generous immigration policies.  10's of Millions of illegals have come across U.S last 20-30 years and committed serious frauds and abused the generous CA safety net to get free benefits which has in part cause CA to be bankrupt.

 CA was till this year as much as 40 billion in the red and is still largely a 3rd world bankrupt state due largely to providing free benefits to illegal aliens who freeload on the free education and healthcare, meanwhile sending remittances back to their home countries and not providing one cent in taxes to pay into the CA social security net.

 I urge a no vote on S744 immig reform bill, which does nothing but give blanket unconditional amnesty to 11-15 million illegal alien lawbreakers, with false guarantees and promises of increased border security and fencing

NO on S 744 letter just faxed to my 2 Senators & WH

Dear Honorable Senators and my House Rep,

     Americans want to see our immigration laws enforced thru continued ICE Raids, not new legislation that provides citizenship to those who have broken our laws.    US economy is still suffering in a bad depression with 8-10% unemployment. Lots of American citizens are out of work and need assistance. Providing amnesty to illegals is the wrong prescription in a depressionary economy with 15-20% real U-6 UE.
     It is just plain wrong to allow amnesty and forgiveness for millions of lawbreaking illegal immigrants who used fake doc's and forgery to get jobs which should go to law-abiding Americans. No amnesty and deport all those who entered here illegally . And shut down that border.  You my Reps need to  wake up and realize that there are millions of UE Americans without work yet millions of illegals who have entered the country illegally last 20-30 years who are now holding  down jobs obtained using fake doc's . Do you stand behind the average out of work Joe Citizen or are a pawn to the big greedy exploiting corporations who prefer paying cheap wages to illegals who BTW also suck gov't benefits and drain the social security net, causing states like CA to be deeply in debt. 

    California has 8-9 % official UE rate, which is a vastly understated stat which does not count the millions of Californian's like myself who have simply quit looking for work, have become marginalized in the heavily immig-overrun California economy  and are thus not counted by CA EDD.  . 
The real U-6 UE rate is well over 20%.  That means nearly one in five Californians are either out of work & officially listed as UE by EDD, quit looking for work, involuntarily UE, marginalized, or reduced to part time work.
       CA also has 3 million illegals. 2 million of those are holding down non-agricultural laboring and blue collars jobs often obtained using fake/phony work documents. 2 Million foreign nationals have displaced 2 million UE California Citizens. Do you represent out-of work US citizens or 2 million Mexican Nationals who have crossed over USA borders illegally and are now  holding down jobs here in California using phony fake work docs.
No other country allows 10-15 million foreign nationals to flood into a country and steal away jobs from American Citizens.  

I urge You to vote no on the S744 blanket Amnesty Bill which is bad for the 30 miilion out of work and/ or underemployed suffering US Citizens