Tuesday, February 9, 2010

MO of the Democratic party operatives in CA- chicago style thug politics

The leftist/socialist radical union thug-aracies which run the CA city & state gov'ts and are the radical socialist wing of the Dems in control of congress are waging a war against the tea party movement and Republicans in general. They will send out SEIU, ACORN, Public employee union thugsters, militant teachers, ANSWER, la raza,and all other assorted leftist brown shirt goons to harass and intimidate the TP movement and conservatives in general. They will resort to physical violence if needed. Watch a tea party protest opposed by SEIU goons and u will witness the intimidation and thuggery of the SEIU/ acorn activists.

They will drag out the outscourings of the ghettos, ex-gang members, section 8 nasties, illegals, homeless, acorn thugs, black panthers, union goons ,ect to confront the TP at all protest rallies. All scumbags scraped from the nastiest sewers of the cities will be used to wage war against the TP, in the finest tradition of Chicago thug politics.

This is how the Dem party operatives running the Dem party in CA and the nation operate. Dig up dirt, throw mud, heap slanders, use name-calling, get down into the lowest base levels of accusatory mud slinging politics. Now, as if on cue, we have one Gloria Allred, the chief Dem hit assassin for CA Dem candidates, dragging one Nicky Santillan, nanny, out in public with accusations that Republican Gov Candidate Whitman fired her employee nanny prior to her Gov campaign, knew Diaz was illegal, abused her nanny, and basically slandering/libeling Whitman. I will have more on this story in an updated post.

http://bit.ly/cOGBKK Pajama Media as usual gets it right on Allred's slimy despicable attempt 2 derail Whitman campaign

Unfortunately the Republicans cannot lower themselves to the basest level of gangsta style taunting, epiteth slinging, no holds- barred style of politics which is the Chicago way. To many Republicans are too decent and too far above getting down in the dirt with the gestapo- type tactics of the Dem Party operatives. Boxer only won last two elections because dem operatives were able to sling massive amts of mud and slander at her last two opponents,

The only way to win against Dem gestapo tactics is meetng the radical leftists/dems at the lowest level, at the gutter, a feature of fascist/ communist street brawls in 20th century Europe.

The dems only maintain control in CA by bribing the Hispanic voting block and legisatures in SCal thru welfare handouts and by allowing SCal to become a vast illegal alien infested 3rd world stew. Latino voters and all the other ignorant welfare riffraff /serfs in SCal will continue to vote for their Dem feudal lords up in Sacto . Mom rule in action.

The MSM which are in cahoots with the progressive/radicals will also paint the TP as a fringe right wing nut group.

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