Sunday, September 5, 2010

Biased LATimes writer Lopez attacks prop 23 while supporting CA job killer AB 32

California's Prop. 23, backed by oil giants with a lot to lose, needs to go down in flames

This is a partial, abbreviated synopsis of the above wingnut piece by ultra lefty LA Times writer Steve lopez, who is basically running a propaganda hit piece against 'big oil', tea partiers, and Texas energy companies. He is running political interference against prop 23, the pro-jobs measure which would roll back CA global-climate AB 32 job killer measure

Here is his rant:

"I don't mean to disturb your holiday weekend just when you're trying to scrub that grease off the barbecue grill. But I thought now was a good time to remind you that in two months, you'll have an important choice to make about the air you breathe.'

'In November, you'll be asked whether California should continue on the path to becoming one of the world's environmental leaders. Or give up the good fight and pray that the global warming deniers are right.'

'I'm talking about Proposition 23, which comes to us courtesy of some of the finest corporate citizens America has to offer. We begin with Texas oil giants Valero and Tesoro, which both have refineries in California and are together sinking millions into the campaign to rewrite environmental standards here.'

'Then there's a company owned by oil billionaires Charles and David Koch, which has kicked $1 million into the Prop. 23 kitty. Those two cowboys have earned themselves a reputation for sponsoring campaigns to debunk the need for renewable energy and also for backing groups that have trained "tea party" activists.'

My rebuttel:

Lopez says Valero/Tesoro are major polluters. That is a lie. Huntington beach has Valero energy extraction site right along Hunt Beach/Bolsa Chica shoreline. Hunt beach has 5 oil well platforms off HB coast. Hunt beach is a world famous surfing beach, and famed for it's wide white sandy beaches and clean cold pacific waves. HB/bolsa chica also has the Bolsa wetlands sensitive marshlands. I personally surf & swim in those waters 3-4 times a week and don't emerge from those waters soiled with oil or grimy soot.
Having Valero right at the HB coast does not affect the local shore/beach/marshland environment, and there is little or no oil pollution. Orange County & the energy companies make great efforts to mitigate and minimized effects of energy production infrastuctures upon OC shoreline environment.

Steve Lopez is a genuine left-wing ultra Dem hack who is running pro-Jerry Brown/ anti-Meg Whitman pieces, and slanted pro-AB32 articles in the LA Times. I am responding to his ultra-left rants in LAT comments section. At least LAT has the decency to allow opposing counter arguments to their slanted left-wing articles by their leftist moonbat writers.

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