Monday, September 27, 2010

My replies to yet another boneheaded pro AB32 article by LAT's Steve Lopez

Fighting Prop. 23 one phone call at a time

Reply one:

AB32 appear to be a vaunted attempt by billionaire silicon valley green tech entreprenours, greedy money-stealing state bureaucrats & politicians, and the ultra left enviro-fascists to use global warming scaremongering/anti big oil rhetoric, to impose carbon use fees/taxes upon all CA families and businesses, which would be a massive carbon tax/revenue windfall for the state of CA which can then redirect and funnel this windfall revenue into favored silicon valley green tech companies, and also into the pockets of greedy tax-grabbing CA politicians.

It may also be a scheme to balance CA's budget by extorting carbon taxes upon all California citizens and small business owners, already burdened by the steepest taxes and environmental regulations in America. The big oil multi-nationals like Chevron/shell/BP will actually go along with AB32 and cap&trade as they are large enough to game the system to their benefit.

The promise of abundant green jobs is only a smokescreen - the federal massive stimulus funds devoted to green industries have resulted in virtually no domestic green jobs creation.

reply two:

Another latimes sob story about some poor down and out immigrant in some poor LA ghetto district being the victim of horrendous evil industrial polluters and evil monster oil companies, and texas oil companies at that. All these oil companies are concentrated in torrance/carson/south bay/LA Port area yet South Bay is a quite livable quality district. Manhatten beach and Hermosa beach are a few miles from chevron refinery and Scattergood power/waste water treatment facility, with it's 3 smokestacks. Yet MB has some of the highest priced beachfront homes in LA and it is an extremely high quality city to live in.

In case lopez has been living in a cave CA just passed LA/LB Port Clean Air legislation which greatly reduces port diesel emissions and mandates that all trucking companies use modern updated big rigs which run much cleaner that older polluting big rigs.

Actually the air quality in the South Bay may be cleaner than LA DWTN and in the IE. Palos Verde is only 2-3 miles from Wilmington's Tesoro oil facility but is one of LA's most expensive exclusive high rent districts

If you live in a typical LA barrio/Ghetto like Wilmington you are much more at risk of getting injured/maimed from gangbanger bullets than getting sick from asthma/cancer.

reply 3

Global warming is fraud science and the global warming eco-nuts are extreme nutbags. Cap and trade is dead at the national level and China pollutes at 10,000 times the rate of CA. Go ahead environmental wingnuts- make CA a job dead state with your job killer AB32. What CA does has no impact upon rest of world which will go ahead with max resource extraction and spew out those greenhouse gasses. Meahwhile CA will 'import' 10 million more illegals(carbon polluters) who may actually need blue collar jobs like workin on offshore oil rigs. Environmental extremism is good if one can ignore the 1000+ sq miles of polluting 3rd world ghettos spread all over the LA Basin, filled with inconvenient immigrants who may actually need work in blue collar/trades jobs in 'dirty'smokestack industries.Global climate warming is a massive scam based on misleading, even fraud science, like Piltdown man. So what if a few glaciers are melting and the oceans rise 1-2 ft in 100 years. Earth has had violent geologic/climatic upheavels all its history without man's impact--review the Little Ice Age.

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