Sunday, June 6, 2010

prospects for Long term UE older adults very bleak

Bad news for the long-term unemployed over 45 years old, and older boomers in general who have been out of work more than 6 months. As this article states, the prospects are bleak in this depression economy for older unemployed boomers, and the longer you go without work the harder it gets to get back into the workforce once the economy does pick up, which i believe will not happen anytime soon. Despite the rosy spin of the pundits and Obama administation economists, UE rates will hover around 10% U-3(official stats)for next several years. This is my opinion, based on the fact we are experiencing a more or less 1930's type depression, which has been mitigated in its severity by 99 month extended UE benefits and 12 % of US population receiving food stamps. In process the US is piling up enormous debt, and bankrupting itself in the process.

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