Thursday, January 14, 2010

Update on the amnesty wars in los Angeles and California:

The May 1st 2009 immigration marches were a joke, a tiny turnout compared to the big ones in 2007 which failed in the Amnesty that year.
The pro-illegal alien lobby is desperate to get an amnesty early in 2010 because as we get deeper into 2010 and during the midterms congress will not touch this very unpopular measure(75% of the voters nationwide oppose amnesty and want strong border measures). The pro illegal alien lobby groups are loud(though numerically in a tiny minority) and amply funded by the greedy immigration rights lawyers, a scam group. However, 10's of millions of US patriotic citizens will be galvanized/angered by any push for amnesty especially in a severe economic depression with 17-20 % Real U-6 UE rates.
The amnesty forces are deluded if they think Obama and congress will pass any amnesty this year. Half of the country did not vote for him and this half will hammer washington with e-mail, faxes,and angry phone calls.
I am on the front lines of this anti-illegal alien backlash as i am a member of 5 anti-illegal organizations and was one of the moving forces in getting John and ken radio show (AM 640 los angeles/SCal) on the anti-illegal alien bandwagon. We were successful in stamping out amnesty in 2007 and will succeed again in 2010 as US is now in the worst economic meltdown since the great depression and 75-80% of the citizens are opposed to amnesty and want the borders shut down. It will be a piece of cake in a depressionary climate to block amnesty-much easier than in 2007.

If you really want to see how illegals benefit the economy just take a visit to Los Angeles and drive all over the city. 80% of the city and 60% of the county is nothing but impoverished 3rd world ghettos or decaying middle class slumburgs. LA is just one more sun baked 3rd world seedy grimy megalopolis with large portions of it as slimy as Tijuana. Of course this never is portrayed as such by the lying LA TIMES newsrag, which is about as truthful as your typical MSM/cable news spin rag.

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