Thursday, January 14, 2010

In depth look at illegal alien fraud in clownifornia part 1

10's of Millions of illegals have come into CA and spread across U.S last 20-30 years. A significant % of these illegals have committed serious document fraud thru use of phony work documents to obtain work which should go to unemployed American citizens. After a couple years working under the table using fake doc's or no doc's these illegals start moving up the economic chain by obtaining improved fake green cards or by scam marriages to US citizens.
By these methods, Just in last two decades, 10 million + illegals in CA have scammed and abused the immigration process and thereby insinuated themselves in American society. They will work here only long enough to send back monies to their home country, then go back after fleecing Ca out of billions in welfare, education and health care handouts.

They also spawned another 20-30 million U.S- born anchor babies while here illegally, or brought them across border when young. These anchors grow up in abject poverty and many of them turn to gangs, This is especially evident in SCal and LA. The dropout rate for the anchors in LASUD is 50%.
These barely educated, often illiterate anchors, being citizens, add to a massive surplus of laborers/blue collars in SCal ,and being eligible for benefits do drain the CA welfare net of 10+ billion each year. Being first generation offspring of illegals they still feel primary allegiance to their home countries, often despise and disrespect the US, and will not easily assimilate.
They along with their illegal parents contribute to a huge CA budget shortfall, as they are very adept in scamming the CA safety net and grabbing as many benefits as they can, often using fake /phomy doc's and crooked clinics/lawyers/gov't workers.

I have actual first hand knowledge of the types of fraud and phony green card doc reproduction which took place back in the 80's and 90's here in LA. Millions of illegals took advantage of the laxity of enforcement of our immigration laws and LA/CA being sanctuary regions to brazenly commit uncounted felonies and frauds in obtaining work permits and benefits illegally.
In CA we have 13% UE and 20%+ real UE and 2.5 million Native Californians are hurting and out of work yet we have allowed illegals and their anchors to swamp into CA/LA last 3 decades and steal way blue collar and laboring jobs which should be held by UE Americans.
There are now 3 million illegals in CA. 2 million are working in non-agricultural jobs, often in lucrative blue collar jobs. At least 1 million of these workers are using fake stolen docs/SS cards.

CA does not have a state mandatory e-verify system which if implemented would result in the immediate firing of one million illegals holding down jobs using fake/ phony work doc's.

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