Thursday, January 14, 2010

stop amnesty now and forever part 1

If u are against amnestyfor illegals and planning rallies with ALIPAC and other anti-immigration groups this spring this is what u are up against:

The lobbying forces for amnesty are loud, well funded and unscrupulous. Besides the affordsaid immigration rights law groups you have the biased bogus academic studies coming out of the anti american lefist/marxist universities, the SEIU/ Acorn thug groups, the scamming hispanic causus, racist LA Raza, Mecha, and other pan Mexican/pan S American groups, the US Chamber of commerce and their allies the big, exploiting, outsourcing big business interests, agribusiness, ad nauseum.
All these forces simply want to drive ordinary independent-minded middle class Americans under the bus in favor of a third world klepktocracy run by tiny financial/gov't oligarchy, with the aid of unions, Gov't employees, and other assorted leftist/marxist groups who want to see Amercia as a concept disappear in favor of a balkanized multicultural mishmash which they can more easily control. The politicans are dupes and well plied with bribes and favors and are the puppets doing the bidding of the multi-culturists and multi-nationals.
It is no accident that amnesty is being pushed hard as the hard-left Dems see 12-18 million more democratic voters they can easily dupe and manipulate with bread and circuses(handouts) and maintain their power . That is why amnesty is being push against the will of the ordinary American Citizens in the US.

Only a massive inundation of phone calls, e-mails and letters to your local, state and national reps will turn the tide decisively against amnesty. We did this back in 2007 but this time the Dems are firmly in power( though their support is rapidly eroding), and will likely attempt to force thru an unpopular amnesty bill like they did with the abomitable health care bill. They have this small window in early 2010 before the fall elections when the Dems will lose seats in both senate and house.

Here are the anti- imigration groups to joIn and make your voices heard:
Numbers USA - Best action site for e-mails,faxes direct to your reps
FAIR - most scholary and respected
ALIPAC - Grassroots organizing network

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