Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Los angeles facing a bleak future-random thoughts

Look for massive increases in penalties and code enforcements (stealth taxes) from every corner of the state and local governments”

The local municipalities will be calling on their PD’s to step up traffic ticketing enforcement. Look for speed traps set up al over CA along favored roads in which the speed limit is 35-40 MPH on empty wide thoroughfare lane and U are going 45 or 50 mph and boom, motorcycle cops is set up in a hidden turn- off with radar gun and hits U for speeding over 10 mph. $200 ticket min and increases exponentially for each mile over the posted speed limit. Add $33 for court fee and $20-40 for traffic school. Red light cameras even better for city revenues :$400-450 per ticket including school and court fees, which is why U are seeing them everywhere now.
Cities are calling on the local PD’s to be revenue fee collectors extracting money from normally law-abiding citizens who may ocasionally rush thru traffic late for work or race thru that light turning from yellow to red. Especially in Car-crazy SCal 9 in 10 drivers goes 5-10 mph over speed limit on fwys and roads.

Meanwhile 40 % of LA city drivers ,many of them immigrants, drive without auto insurance.

CA state and local gov’ts only exist to screw law-abiding taxpayers out of their hard-earned income while the state employee unions , CA bureacrats ,political hacks and assorted pasasites are all sucking off the gov’t dole, and sticking it to the average middle class citizens and small business owners.

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