Sunday, August 15, 2010

'Progressive' CA politicians, far left unions , and the Hispanic vote. Why CA Dem politicians love illegals flooding into CA

If U wonder why the CA and the Feds allow continued dumping of illegals into SoCal and LA and nothing is done about it, the answer is entirely political.

The Liberal factions which run CA deliberately want as many illegals and their anchor spawn jammed into CA for one reason: POWER. They want and need the votes of the Hispanics and it matters little to them if much of SCal/LA have become vast illegal-alien spawned ghettos infested with illegal-alien spawned gangs and graffiti..

The leftist ,radical 'progressive' state employee public sector unions and their congressional puppets have caused the bankruptcy of Ca., They only stay in power because they have allowed the massive infiltration of illegals into Ca in order to court the hispanic vote, which allows the Sacto/San Francisco-based leftist progressives & state public sector unions in power to stay in power, dominate CA politics and maintain their inflated pensions, which are a prime reason that CA is reeling and bankrupt.

At election time as if on cue watch Boxer, Pelosi Feinstein, and other northern CA-based 'progressive' politicians make their twice a year forays into LA to slavishly lick the boots of the hispanic voters.

Amnesty is nothing but a bone to throw at the Hispanic voters to get them to vote democrat and keep the northern CA-based liberal Dems in power so they can keep on plundering CA taxpayers in order to pay the inflated union pensions and welfare handouts to the vast impoverished LA plebians, mosty illegals and their spawn.

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