Friday, October 8, 2010

My conjecture( hopefully wrong) of CA Dem voter fraud in Nov elections, short version

A hypothetical conjecture( hopefully wrong) of LA Dem voter fraud in Nov elections

Look for Acorn-type activist groups to register fake ID illegal voters in LA's vast ghetto districts. There will be minimum 50,000, and perhaps as much as a 100,000 illegal/green card fraudulent votes dredged up from the murkey LA Barrios.

It is far easier to register fake ID Hispanic non-citizens to vote illegally than to use Chicago-style cemetary voter rolls. As the immigrant LA Hispanic population has long experience in using fake ID's, and a complete ready-made setup in LA for fake ID doc mills, transferring this know how over to LA voter registration fraud should be a piece of cake.
Look at what Nikki Diaz was able to pull off, using fraud ID docs to work in USA illegally for Whitman, and multiply this by several million illegals using exact same means to illegally work in CA. Forging fake vote registration docs would be far easier than forging fake green cards and using borrowed/stolen SS Nos.

Even if most of these fraudulent votes are actually thrown out we may still end up with 1000's of illegally cast votes by LA non-citizens in the final tally. We all know that the Dems have a history of using fraudulent vote tactics in dense inner city urban areas. LA City is overwhelmingly minority and Democrat. Since most of them depend on welfare freebies they will go to any lengths to defraud the electoral process to retain CA for the Dems, who are the party of welfare handouts to illegals and the lazy shiftless classes.

This IS not a preposterous scenario. I live in long beach(LA COUNTY) and when i go to vote the voter booth never asks me for voter or picture ID. I have just received my mail-in ballot and it looks rediculously easy for some clever fake doc forger to be able to forge/copy/reprint and use multiple fake signatures on mail-in ballots, esp as CA does not require proof of photo ID to vote.

The LA SEIU is the most powerful dominant vote-getting pressure group in CA/LA and they are making a massive concerted effort to register and get all Latinos to the polls. I can really picture them rounding up a few or maybe 1000's of non-citizen Hispanic immigrants( there are 1 million illegals and several million non-citizen green carders just in LA County). LOOK FOR FRAUDULENT ACORN/SEIU-TYPE VOTER FRAUD IN LA IF THE BROWN/WHITMAN AND BOXER/FIORINA VOTES ARE CLOSE, as they will undoubtedly be.

My prediction for both CA governor and Senate races will be that both will fall within margin of error(-/+ 3-4%)in voter polling results up to last week of campaign, and race may be decided by massive get-out the vote SEIU LA vote fraud.

Here is a short list of emerging Dem voter frauds with 2 weeks left till Nov 2 elections. Much of this vote fraud is committed by SEIU/activist voter canvassers in heavily minority/immigrant urban ghetto areas of major US cities largely controlled by Democrats. I will add to this list as i gather more instances of what will undoubtedly be an inundation of Dem vote fraud.

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