Friday, July 9, 2010

US Dept of Mis-Justice pushes minority rights even if it has to skirt a few laws

Who Will Investigate the Investigators? -

More mischief in our U.S. justice dept, the most radicalized leftist, corrupt dept in the Obama adm. A dept determined to advance minority rights even if it has to skirt a few laws or impede/drop civil rights violations, ignore voter intimidation tactics, or inflate voter rolls: all in the name of advancing certain aggrieved minority groups.

Here's the latest mischief from our so-called Dept of Justice. All direct quotes are from the article written by John Fund of Wall Street Journal:

"Associate Attorney General Thomas Perrelli, an Obama appointee, overruled a unanimous recommendation by six career Justice attorneys for continued prosecution of members of the New Black Panther Party on charges of voter intimidation in an incident I detailed here yesterday. But

Mr. Adams leveled an even more explosive charge beyond the Panther case. He testified that last year Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandes made a jaw-dropping announcement to attorneys in Justice's Voting Rights section. She said she would not support any enforcement of a key section of the federal "Motor Voter" law -- Section 8, which requires states to periodically purge their voter rolls of dead people, felons, illegal voters and those who have moved out of state."....

"Not coincidally,Obama's Justice dept saw fit to dismiss the case in March 2009. Curiously, only a month earlier, Ms. Carnahan had announced her Senate candidacy. Missouri has a long and documented history of voter fraud in Democratic-leaning cities such as St. Louis and Kansas City. Ms. Carnahan may now stand to benefit from voter fraud facilitated by the improperly kept voter rolls that she herself allowed to continue."
"According to Mr. Adams, Justice lawyers were told by Ms. Fernandes: "We're not interested in those kind of cases. What do they have to do with helping increase minority access and turnout? We want to increase access to the ballot, not limit it.

"If true, Ms. Fernandes was endorsing a policy of ignoring federal law and encouraging potential voter fraud. Ms. Fernandes was unavailable for comment yesterday, but the Justice Department has issued a statement accusing Mr. Adams of "distorting facts" in general and having a political agenda.

So we have a US Dept of Justice which is aggressively pushing minority rights, even if it means inflating Missouri voter rolls via dead people, illegals, felons, ect., and aquitting black panther thugs who intimidated voters in Philly.

We already know that Asst Attorney Gen and head of US Justice's Civil Rights commission Thomas E. Perez, a radical pro-illegal attorney, is spearheading the Ariz lawsuit. Now we have this Ms Fernandez , another radical-leftist obama appointee, dismissing/ignoring Missouri voting irregularities.

The U.S. Dept of justice has become the most infiltrated, politicized, agenda-driven, radicalized, far-left U.S. Cabinet dept in the mainly far-left Obama Adm. It's only agenda is to advance the rights of minorities at expense of whites.

More on this from Pajamas Media:

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