Thursday, April 8, 2010

Why the CA environmental movement is a fraud

Why the CA progressive environmentalists are complete hypocrites, and why i quit the sierra club years ago and turned from the environmental green movement to embrace conservative activism,

The leftist, liberal ,union- dominated progressives based up in Sacto/San Francisco pride themselves on making CA an environmentally progressive state with the strictest environmental regulations in the nation. All that does is cause businesses to leave the state and outsource to China,Mexico or to more business-friendly states.

Much of the CA Env legislation has caused massive loss of jobs thru outsourcing, mainly to China but also to,ironically, Mexico. Many of these dirty polluting jobs were done by recent immigrants, including illegals.

Two examples of CA job killing legislation:

An LA/LB port ruling requiring trucks to be upgraded to modern clean burning diesels caused the elimination/ retirement of 1000's of old junk semi's driven mainly by Latino immigrant truckers. Another env ruling to protect certain animal species has resulted in 1000's of poor central valley immigrant farm workers to be destitute and starving.

If nothing else the Republicans are the pro-business party. Latino's may want to reconsider their choice of party in light of the CA Dem far leftists creating an anti-business regulatory climate which results in loss of 1000's of factories, business's and jobs which are mainly worked by Hispanic laborers and blue collars.

The powerful environmental lobby here in CA has for several decades made it their goal to eliminate polluting industries, and have recently promoted green industries and jobs. They are complete hypocrites. Massive 3-decades influx of 5-10 million impoverished illegals into CA has resulted in the spread of vast ghettos in greater LA Basin region starting at LA DWTN and running clear out to the Inland empire and north all way to the impoverished high desert communities of Victorville and Lancaster. These ghettos are extremely polluted, with strewn garbage and wasted foreclosed properties, along with polluting black market businesses such as salvage yards and neighborhood mom and pop garages, which are neighborhood eyesore polluters.

Latinos are really muddled in their thinking that the far leftlist dems are their friends. The far leftists really view all folks as carbon polluters and only use the Latino votes to stay in power so as to keep passing their anti-business jobs-destroying environental legislation.

Message from the radical leftist Dems running CA: 'Please be good little Democrats you Latinos voters and keep us progressives in power so we can have a clean California without polluting industries. We don't care, and hope you are too stupid and ignorant to realize, that these dirty industries would employ millions of legalized green card and citizen latinos here in CA.'

BTW i personally have no problems with CA being an environmentally clean state but right now the issue is jobs and economic growth. This is where the Republicans can score points on the job killing Dems in Nov.

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