Monday, September 3, 2012

2016 The Movie, a personal review

      I went to watch the movie '2016 the Movie.', dealing with Obama's early  background and how it may affect his presidential decision-making process. It is not possible to get a thorough review of Obama's presidency in a 1.5 hr movie but I will attempt to provide my own admittedly inadequate impressions from viewing the movie.

I get the impression that Obama seems more aligned with the third world and the world's impoverished 3rd world nations than with the USA and the Western European nations. He appears to be some kind of anti-colonial figure straight from the 50's/ early 60's like Nehru, Nassar, Sukarno, et al, not a President who cherishes deep ingrained American historical traditions and values. I do not think he is very grounded in American patriotic values, or wears them on his sleeve. He was not raised in a  pure American apple pie mileus, being born in Hawaii, which was an American territorial outpost till shortly before he was born there. His father was a Kenyan national, his stepfather was Indonesian, and his mom seemed to be a white anti-colonialist America-hating radical.

     He basically grew up without a steady father authority, and his alcoholic, abusive Kenyan father was a poor father figure with numerous wives & multiple offspring spread over several continents.
      Getting away from Obama's personal life, i got the impression from the movie that he seems quite anti-US military and wants US military presence reduced and US role in world reduced. Not in an isolationist sense but in pegging US downward and more on an even plane with the rest of the world. He does not believe in American military might and USA being the paramount world power- that was one of the movies themes.

   Also from the movie there is no evidence that he has one iota of business training nor background, and though he has his roots in 3rd world slums he grew up in sheltered academia with radical anti-US, anti-colonialist, anti-capitalist college mates and mentors, and never mixed into the real world of ordinary working people.
Scary thought but his background seems like Lenin, wholly absorbed in theory and law books. No real world roll-up-your-sleeves type experience, and not one bit of real world grounded business experience.
    The most damaging revelation in the movie is his known ties and long  association with Frank Marshall Davis, a dedicated Hawaiwian-based communist.

   I think that Obama really views American from an anti-colonialist, anti-european slant. Certainly Western European 19th and early 20th century colonialism  has it's detractors and is a controversal subject today but cannot be seen entirely in black & white.  Obama may actually see it in black & white, and view USA as just another corrupt colonial power, no better than the old Soviet Russia, Red China and even WW2 Germany and Japan. Shocking but may be true. That is why he has packed his administration with pro-illegal alien open borders apologists( which is not treated in the movie), in keeping with his conviction that America needs to be a more tolerant society to minorities & recent immigrants, which he may actually view as oppressed by the US/ white European neo-colonial capitalist yoke.

 I gleaned from the movie a view of Obama as a firm believer in radical wealth re-distribution, and the movie gives some evidence that Obama means to tax the US wealthy and middle classes to the hilt in his second term, to not only re-distribute to the nations poor but also to the world's poor.

    The movie's treatment of Obama's actual presidential decisions is given short rather simplistic snapshots( acompanied with graphs) but are fairly damaging revelations.

   All in all a 1.5 hr movie cannot provide much details on a big complex subject like the Obama Presidency but the movie's painstaking research and ample documenting of  Obama's early family background, and especially his patriarcial side, may provide clues as to his drift.

  I was already confirmed in my view of POTUS as a leftist radical long before the movie so i picked up no new revelations. The movie may provide startling revelations for those less sophisticated politically or who have never delved deeply into politics/history via internet or deep reading.




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