Friday, December 16, 2011

California Goes KAPUT - implications of 2010 Dem election sweep then and now

Post 2010 CA election blues, and what's ahead:

Post CA election blues. I was one of the 40 % who were on the wrong side as the Dems completely swept all CA political offices, and elected re-relected the leftist Dems Jerry brown and Barbara Boxer. After the Nov 2 elections the wind seemed to have been taken out of CA: i even felt a general dampening mood in the streets, as if a stange disease had settled upon CA.

All productive busnesses and middle class productive folks should be depressed and down-spirited by the election results. We all know that CA will see more taxes and fees imposed by the left-wing socialist business-hating green-goon democrat thugsters upon the higher income PPL, while the huge imported 3rd world proletaran welfare-scamming classes pay no taxes.

CA has become a fairly bifurcated third-world banana-republic, with a tiny wealthy elite, a repressive goose-stepping thug-union leftist political ruling elite, and a huge population of poor and welfare dependents. The CA middle class is shrinking and many have pulled stakes and already left for greener pastures in other less-taxed states.

The heavy, oppressive, leftist public-union government thugsters will keep on strangling CA and extracting oppressive taxes and fees upon the few remaining Productive hard-working Californians. That is the unalterable rule and nothing can change it.

The only thing left is to avoid the system, or scam it by becoming a CA entitlement grifter, if u are not yet an official entitled CA welfare dependent. Either you are a beneficiary of CA welfare payouts or a payer. The majority who vote and keep the CA Dems party in power are the receivers and beneficuaries of CA generous welfare entitlement payouts such as illegal aliens, scamming anchor offspring of illegals, scamming CA Works recipients, medi-cal recipents, home-care aide grifters, supplemental SS grifters,ect.

Update: CA has already cut billions from welfare/entitlement payouts due to tough budget problems but, as i long predicted, the shrill cries from CA Government leftist policy wonks for more taxes are already echoing clear across CA's vast landscape. 2012 will witness a bevy of proposals for more taxes, or CA wil fall into the sea or burn up in some greek-type financial inferno. A least that is the cassandra predictions.

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