Monday, May 24, 2010

LA & CA cities increasing ticket enforcement

Today, I went out for a short errand here in long beach and was stopped by a police officer. According to PO, i got off the freeway off ramp and did a rolling stop at the freeway off ramp stop sign, and the cop saw that and pulled me over. In my defense, i drive real slow and cautious, and maybe i did not fully stop at that freeway off ramp stop sign but i was not being wild and reckless. I made a stupid mental error, being somewhat tired and groggy.

Luckily I actually got off without a ticket, as i told the cop i was in economic hardship and could not pay that ticket, and i told him that in a sad, desperate manner. I have learned from long hard experience that it is better to put one's head down and be as inoffensive to ticketing PO's as possible, even to feigning desperation and extreme sadness. Another words, go limp and conjure up a desperate story of economic hardship, which many of us are going thru these days. Accepting tickets angrily does not work-cops are human, vindicative, and will give you that ticket if you get mad about it and argue over it.

luckily i was feeling really sad, worn, and depressed at that moment(I suffer from depression), and that feeling filtered to the cop, and he actually let me off with a warning only.

Now to my more public statement, which relates to my personal story above. Los Angeles and all other BK CA cities are stepping up traffic enforcement efforts, employing more red light camera's, and raising parking fees, in desperate attempts to raise more incoming revenue for nearly BK city coffers.

carmine pete (ripsaw880) on Twitter

I have been aware of this for some time, as all cities in CA are facing budget problems, and to balance their books will use their Police Depts as revenue collectors.
This i call balancing city budgets on the backs of taxpayers and law-abiding drivers. Being a 15 year veteran driver i know all the tricks PD's use to issue tickets.
That's one reason i quit driving for a living, as the economic climate in CA is so stacked against delivery drivers, and the idiotic CA DMV laws make it almost a capital crime to have penalties/DMV points on your driving record. These points are used by insurance companies/delivery companies to ferret out risky drivers. As cities get more desperate and broke they will issue standing orders to their PD's to go after driver's and collect more tickets.

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