Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Long beach dumping ground for sex offenders & early release paroles

INTRO: My hometown of long beach continues to plummet and is already as degenerated, perhaps even more so, than the state of CA, though LA city is not exactly a rose garden. Looks as if LB will be receiving a fair proportion of the states early release parolee's under the states plan to release 6000 low-risk ex-cons in order to reduce the states massive budget. Heres my take on this, in five segments:

1) Long beach is already infested with more gang bangers and all other assorted outscourings of society than any other city of it's size save oakland so what if we pack a few more early release immates. Long beach, the ghetto by the sea, has a talent for attracting the best and brightest as one can witness by a simple drive down Altantic ave/long beach blvd or along PCH between the west edge of city and lakewood circle.

2)The state and city are dead broke and LB has a 15% UE rate(real UE rate is close to 30%) so the chance for anyone currently UE to get a job is close to zilch. Yet LB is supposed to pony up $ to train and provide outreach programs for the early release criminals.
What is needed instead is a massive training program to teach the few law-abiding citizens left in LB to be street aware, teach self defense courses, provide subsidies for folks to install home and auto burglar alarm systems, ask for federal assistance in installing massive street/park lighting and video survellance systems at every intersection and LB criminal/gang hot spot, pass out flyers/maps with redlined bad areas of long beach, and put clamps on the aclu and crimial defense lawyers so they cannot interfere with the citizens right to defend themselves from the coming LB crime epidemic.

3)What more do u expect from D. Andrews, who represents the poorest LB district, and is only responding to the likelihood of 100's of early release immates soon to inundate his district.
He should blame the corrupt leftist/Dem politicians which create and perpetuate ghettos by their policy of welfare handouts, allowing job-stealing illegals to inundate CA, and having CA be the big sugar daddy and free ATM for the state's 10 million shiftless and welfare spongers, who in turn have created the massive ghettos in his district.
LB used to be called 'Iowa by the Sea'. We can now call it 'Ghetto by the Sea' or 'Oakland south.'

4) My view of the LB political estabishment is that most of them are left wing union-bribed hacks who have PC stamped on their foreheads and go around sprouting 'we are the world' and 'cumbaya'. Ditto for most LA and CA politicians. Union bribed, brought and sold, and **** up/down to minority empowerment politics. The only thing they have in common is their absolute inbecility in practical business matters. LB, LA, and CA are examples of what far left socialist/progressive/union thug/ illegal-alien catering politics do to a city and state: turn it into a BK third world polyglot laughing stock of USA and entire world.

5)"Long Beach is ideally suited to accommodate the Sex Offenders and the Felons."

LB has this massive district which sprawls from the river east to Redondo beach blvd, and from dwtn/4ht street all way to PCH, which is nearly 6 sq miles of degenerated filthy ratted ghetto sprawl ideally suited to be the states dumping ground for sex offenders and early release immates. The adjoining dwtn and Belmont shores/hgts will be ideal hunting grounds for these ex-convicts and recidivist offenders to prey upon the unfortunate denizens of 90802 and 90803

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