Tuesday, March 23, 2010

How Obamacare will benefit as many as 5 million uninsured and /or welfare recipients in LA County:

How Obamacare will benefit as many as 5 million uninsured and /or welfare recipients in LA County:

LA county is the most impoverished big city in USA with 3 million welfare recipients. Many if not most of these are already on medi-cal/medicaid or receive LA County health relief so will easily slide into obamacare and be subsidized by US taxpayers. Add another 1-2 miilion impoverished/lower working class/laborers, those who have lost coverage due to recession and being unemployed/underemployed, or are currently not covered by their employers, and you will have as many as 5 million new Angelinos eligible for obamacare and 90% of them will be subsidized by US taxpayers. That is half of county poplulation.

Facts about LA Countys impoverished:

Close to 3 million or 30 % of LA county's population is receiving public assistance. Anyone care to rebut my assertion that CA, and LA in particular, is being filled up with poor illegal aliens and their anchors

LA city and county population is 10% illegal alien, and 30-40% of entire county population are recent immigrants(legal and illegal) here less than 30 years. Vast majority in either case are south of border immigrants. LA has 10 million souls which is 27 % of the states population. 3 million of those are on welfare assistance programs. 3 million is more than the population of all but two or three cities in entire US.

The vast majority of the 3 million In La county receiving public assisatnce
are either illegals or their Anchors. LA City itself is now 70% latino immigrant and much of the city is a vast illegal alien- spawned ghetto dump. Example: zip 90011 which is the old historic south central part of LA just below Dwtn may be the most polluted filthy ghetto in America. It is filed with nothing but illegals.

30 years of massive non stop infiltration of illegals into LA city/county/IE has resulted in the creation of the largest expanses of illegal alien-spawned ghettos in USA. These ghettos are sited all over the LA Basin in 1000's of gang- infested districts & hoods, and the entire territory runs nearly 100 miles from Inglewood all way east/NE to victorville, and 80+ miles from Santa Ana north all way to Lancaster.

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