Essays & descriptions on the collapse of California into a gigantic 3rd world cesspool run by corrupt leftist union-bribed political hacks, with particular emphasis on the largely ghettoized Los Angeles metro region
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Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Why CA voters need to pass proposition 23 and delay AB32
The Ca AB32 cap and trade seems to be a massive revenue windfall for the state of CA which they can then use to invest and subsidize green energy technologies. It makes the state of CA/gov bureaucrats the innovator and investor in Green Tech instead of private enterprize. It will also lead to higher energy prices to families and businesses. It needs to be rolled back/delayed. It is environmental extremism gone amuck, based upon unproven assumptions about global warming. It is a CA environmental government boondoggle which gives gov scientists/ bureaucrats soviet style centralized command/ control over green tech/energy technological developments.
AB32 appears to be a vaunted attempt by select billionaire silicon valley green tech entreprenours, greedy money-stealing state bureaucrats & politicians, and the ultra left enviro-fascists to use global warming scaremongering/anti big oil rhetoric, to impose carbon use fees/taxes upon all CA families and businesses, which would be a massive carbon tax/revenue windfall for the state of CA which can then redirect and funnel this windfall revenue into favored silicon valley green tech companies, and also into the pockets of greedy tax-grabbing CA politicians.
It may also be a scheme to balance CA's budget by extorting carbon taxes upon all California citizens and small business owners, already burdened by the steepest taxes and environmental regulations in America. The big oil multi-nationals like Chevron/shell/BP will actually go along with AB32 and cap™ as they are large enough to game the system to their benefit, like Ken Lay and Enron did to CA a decade ago.
The promise of abundant green jobs is only a smokescreen - the federal massive stimulus funds devoted to green industries have resulted in virtually no domestic green jobs creation.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Senator boxer's past association with terror- supporting group Code Pink revealed - Free link shrinker
On October 12, Scott Swett at the American Thinker reported that seven years ago(2004) Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) along with Representatives Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and Henry Waxman (D-CA) secured diplomatic courtesy letters that allowed anti-American Code Pink activists to travel to Fallujah, Iraq. The radicals traveled to Fallujah in late 2004 to donate $600,000 worth of humanitarian aid to the people who had just killed 51 Americans and wounded 560 more earlier that month. Operation Phantom Fury in Fallujah was the heaviest US urban combat since the Vietnam War.
The article says that Code Pink:
“Secured diplomatic courtesy letters from US Senators Barbara Boxer of California and Raul Grijalva of Arizona and Congressmen Dennis Kucinich of Ohio and Henry Waxman of California"(talk about a quartet of extreme leftist wingnuts).
Swett reported on how Barbara Boxer and Code Pink assisted terrorists in Iraq:
Perhaps the most revealing window into Boxer’s true feelings towards our military is her close alliance with Code Pink, a radical leftist group that reviles American troops as terrorists and assassins while praising their enemies as freedom fighters. For years, Code Pink has viciously harassed wounded veterans and their families outside Walter Reed Hospital, even telling the mother of a slain Navy Seal that her son “deserved to die.” Code Pink actively supports terror groups such as Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban, Hezbollah and al Qaeda.
The Code Pink website repeatedly praises “our beloved Barbara Boxer.” And why not? Boxer has worked with the group and supported its goals on many occasions. In early 2005, Boxer was the only member of the Senate to oppose certifying the Electoral College result that returned George Bush to office for a second term. Code Pink hosted rallies and participated in various demonstrations and marches to “defend democracy” against the results of the 2004 elections. They wrapped up the event at Senator Boxer’s California office, “singing her songs of thanks.”
So would aiding and abetting terrorists to kill US soldiers qualify as behavior unbefitting of a sitting US senator?
On October 12, Scott Swett at the American Thinker reported that seven years ago(2004) Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) along with Representatives Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and Henry Waxman (D-CA) secured diplomatic courtesy letters that allowed anti-American Code Pink activists to travel to Fallujah, Iraq. The radicals traveled to Fallujah in late 2004 to donate $600,000 worth of humanitarian aid to the people who had just killed 51 Americans and wounded 560 more earlier that month. Operation Phantom Fury in Fallujah was the heaviest US urban combat since the Vietnam War.
After the report was published at American Thinker the article was deleted at Islam Online. But, thanks to the internet archive a copy of the article is still available:
The article says that Code Pink:
“Secured diplomatic courtesy letters from US Senators Barbara Boxer of California and Raul Grijalva of Arizona and Congressmen Dennis Kucinich of Ohio and Henry Waxman of California"(talk about a quartet of extreme leftist wingnuts).
Swett reported on how Barbara Boxer and Code Pink assisted terrorists in Iraq:
Perhaps the most revealing window into Boxer’s true feelings towards our military is her close alliance with Code Pink, a radical leftist group that reviles American troops as terrorists and assassins while praising their enemies as freedom fighters. For years, Code Pink has viciously harassed wounded veterans and their families outside Walter Reed Hospital, even telling the mother of a slain Navy Seal that her son “deserved to die.” Code Pink actively supports terror groups such as Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban, Hezbollah and al Qaeda.
The Code Pink website repeatedly praises “our beloved Barbara Boxer.” And why not? Boxer has worked with the group and supported its goals on many occasions. In early 2005, Boxer was the only member of the Senate to oppose certifying the Electoral College result that returned George Bush to office for a second term. Code Pink hosted rallies and participated in various demonstrations and marches to “defend democracy” against the results of the 2004 elections. They wrapped up the event at Senator Boxer’s California office, “singing her songs of thanks.”
Code Pink’s leaders had just returned from Fallujah, Iraq, where 51 Americans had been killed and 560 wounded in the US Marines’ heaviest urban combat since the Vietnam War. Code Pink delivered $600,000 in cash and supplies to the very insurgents the Marines had been fighting against - quite literally giving aid and comfort to America’s enemies in a time of war.
Friday, October 8, 2010
My conjecture( hopefully wrong) of CA Dem voter fraud in Nov elections, short version
A hypothetical conjecture( hopefully wrong) of LA Dem voter fraud in Nov elections
Look for Acorn-type activist groups to register fake ID illegal voters in LA's vast ghetto districts. There will be minimum 50,000, and perhaps as much as a 100,000 illegal/green card fraudulent votes dredged up from the murkey LA Barrios.
It is far easier to register fake ID Hispanic non-citizens to vote illegally than to use Chicago-style cemetary voter rolls. As the immigrant LA Hispanic population has long experience in using fake ID's, and a complete ready-made setup in LA for fake ID doc mills, transferring this know how over to LA voter registration fraud should be a piece of cake.
Even if most of these fraudulent votes are actually thrown out we may still end up with 1000's of illegally cast votes by LA non-citizens in the final tally. We all know that the Dems have a history of using fraudulent vote tactics in dense inner city urban areas. LA City is overwhelmingly minority and Democrat. Since most of them depend on welfare freebies they will go to any lengths to defraud the electoral process to retain CA for the Dems, who are the party of welfare handouts to illegals and the lazy shiftless classes.
This IS not a preposterous scenario. I live in long beach(LA COUNTY) and when i go to vote the voter booth never asks me for voter or picture ID. I have just received my mail-in ballot and it looks rediculously easy for some clever fake doc forger to be able to forge/copy/reprint and use multiple fake signatures on mail-in ballots, esp as CA does not require proof of photo ID to vote.
The LA SEIU is the most powerful dominant vote-getting pressure group in CA/LA and they are making a massive concerted effort to register and get all Latinos to the polls. I can really picture them rounding up a few or maybe 1000's of non-citizen Hispanic immigrants( there are 1 million illegals and several million non-citizen green carders just in LA County). LOOK FOR FRAUDULENT ACORN/SEIU-TYPE VOTER FRAUD IN LA IF THE BROWN/WHITMAN AND BOXER/FIORINA VOTES ARE CLOSE, as they will undoubtedly be.
Here is a short list of emerging Dem voter frauds with 2 weeks left till Nov 2 elections. Much of this vote fraud is committed by SEIU/activist voter canvassers in heavily minority/immigrant urban ghetto areas of major US cities largely controlled by Democrats. I will add to this list as i gather more instances of what will undoubtedly be an inundation of Dem vote fraud.
Look for Acorn-type activist groups to register fake ID illegal voters in LA's vast ghetto districts. There will be minimum 50,000, and perhaps as much as a 100,000 illegal/green card fraudulent votes dredged up from the murkey LA Barrios.
It is far easier to register fake ID Hispanic non-citizens to vote illegally than to use Chicago-style cemetary voter rolls. As the immigrant LA Hispanic population has long experience in using fake ID's, and a complete ready-made setup in LA for fake ID doc mills, transferring this know how over to LA voter registration fraud should be a piece of cake.
Look at what Nikki Diaz was able to pull off, using fraud ID docs to work in USA illegally for Whitman, and multiply this by several million illegals using exact same means to illegally work in CA. Forging fake vote registration docs would be far easier than forging fake green cards and using borrowed/stolen SS Nos.
Even if most of these fraudulent votes are actually thrown out we may still end up with 1000's of illegally cast votes by LA non-citizens in the final tally. We all know that the Dems have a history of using fraudulent vote tactics in dense inner city urban areas. LA City is overwhelmingly minority and Democrat. Since most of them depend on welfare freebies they will go to any lengths to defraud the electoral process to retain CA for the Dems, who are the party of welfare handouts to illegals and the lazy shiftless classes.
This IS not a preposterous scenario. I live in long beach(LA COUNTY) and when i go to vote the voter booth never asks me for voter or picture ID. I have just received my mail-in ballot and it looks rediculously easy for some clever fake doc forger to be able to forge/copy/reprint and use multiple fake signatures on mail-in ballots, esp as CA does not require proof of photo ID to vote.
The LA SEIU is the most powerful dominant vote-getting pressure group in CA/LA and they are making a massive concerted effort to register and get all Latinos to the polls. I can really picture them rounding up a few or maybe 1000's of non-citizen Hispanic immigrants( there are 1 million illegals and several million non-citizen green carders just in LA County). LOOK FOR FRAUDULENT ACORN/SEIU-TYPE VOTER FRAUD IN LA IF THE BROWN/WHITMAN AND BOXER/FIORINA VOTES ARE CLOSE, as they will undoubtedly be.
My prediction for both CA governor and Senate races will be that both will fall within margin of error(-/+ 3-4%)in voter polling results up to last week of campaign, and race may be decided by massive get-out the vote SEIU LA vote fraud.
Here is a short list of emerging Dem voter frauds with 2 weeks left till Nov 2 elections. Much of this vote fraud is committed by SEIU/activist voter canvassers in heavily minority/immigrant urban ghetto areas of major US cities largely controlled by Democrats. I will add to this list as i gather more instances of what will undoubtedly be an inundation of Dem vote fraud.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
How Unions or Their Allies Could be Stealing November’s Election Right Now | RedState
How CA elections could turn into a massive voter fraudfest this NOV. crossposted from REDSTATE
How Unions or Their Allies Could be Stealing November’s Election Right Now | RedState
"Over the last year, unions have been planning their election strategy to create “firewall” states by spending hundreds of millions to turn voters out in November. In addition to the unions, the DNC’s Organizing for America has been conducting voter registration drives for the last few months."....
'In August, the SEIU and California Teachers Association announced a voter registration drive that raised little attention when it was announced, but requires a closer look [emphasis added]':
' The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) California, the California Teachers Association (CTA) and Latino leaders announced a major statewide marketing campaign, “Por Nuestras Familias – Todos a Votar!,” aiming to register thousands of new Latino voters and boost November’s Latino election turnout by signing up Latinos as new, permanent absentee (PAV) voters.'
' At a news conference in Los Angeles’ historic Placita Olvera last week, Eliseo Medina, International Executive Vice President of SEIU and David Sanchez, President of the California Teachers Association announced that they will embark on the 9- city “Por Nuestras Familias – Todos a Votar!” bus tour beginning August 14, with the goal of reinvigorating Latino voter participation and empowering those who do not regularly cast their ballot on election day. The campaign will provide non-registered Latino voters the tools they need to vote and generate motivation among all Latino constituents through a permanent absentee application drive.'
A CA observation:
'I just took the GOP poll watcher course. No ID is required in CA to register to vote. No ID is required in CA when you appear at the polls to vote (I tested this myself last time in the primary) I did not offer an ID and none was requested of me before I got my ballot. No ID required indeed.'
'Every political office (like campaigns) in CA has hundreds of voter registration forms about. Fill one out and mail it in and you are good to go."'
LA voter fraud could dwarf Houston 2008 vote fraud:
Also read this:
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Inland Energy Inc.
Apparantly CA is meeting it's renewable energy mandate by allowing hybrid plants to be built, which are combination gas/solar power plants,or hybrids.
The solar portion will contribute 9% of plants total energy production, a whopping 50 MW. We have heard all these fantasy plans of CA AB32 nuts that CA will wean itself off of evil GHG-belching fossil fuels, yet CA regulators allowed the PHPP plant to be put up which burns 90% 'evil' fossil-fuel natural gas, though the gas plant is latest ultra-modern low-carbon emmitting design.
Inland Energy Inc.
"In response to the looming shortage of electric generating capacity facing Southern California and to help generate local economic growth, the City of Palmdale unanimously voted on September 13, 2005 to develop a 570 megawatt (MW) “hybrid” power plant near Plant 42.'
'PHPP will be the nation’s first “hybrid” plant, combining the ultra high efficiency of the modern natural gas fired combined cycle technology with the proven renewable design of a solar thermal system, using parabolic trough mirrors to capture the sun’s energy and turn it into electricity. Much like a hybrid car, this approach combines the best features of two-state-of-the-art technologies to produce a design that is an improvement over either one as stand-alone technologies. The result will be the cleanest and most efficient fossil fuel fired plant in the world.'
'The City decided to use the solar thermal technology for the Project’s renewable component because the sun’s recoverable energy levels in the High Desert are among the highest in the world. This, coupled with the fact that high population concentrations (therefore high demand for energy) are found nearby, makes this one of the most valuable and unique renewable energy resources in the world. PHPP will produce up to 50 MW of electricity from the solar component alone, which will require 250 acres of mirrors.'
'The proposed Palmdale project would have a net electrical output of 570 megawatts (MW), with construction planned to begin in summer of 2009 and commercial operation planned by the 2nd quarter of 2011. Palmdale is designed to use solar technology to generate a portion of the project’s output and thereby support the State of California’s goals of increasing the percentage of renewable energy supplies. Primary equipment for the generating facility would include two natural gas-fired combustion turbine-generation (CTGs) rates at 155 MW each, two heat recovery steam generators (HRSFs), one steam turbine-generator (STG) rated at 260 MW, and 250 acres of parabolic solar-thermal collectors with associated heat transfer equipment.
The solar-thermal collectors would contribute upto 50 MW of the STG’s output'
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Pelosi, 30 CA DEM lawmakers call for Foreclosure Investigation one month before Nov elections!
It’s a TARP! Pelosi, California Lawmakers Call for Foreclosure Investigation - By Daniel Foster - The Corner - National Review Online
"California Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives are calling for federal investigations into whether financial institutions broke any laws in their handling of foreclosures in the midst of the U.S. housing crisis."
"Reports from thousands of homeowners in their congressional districts( (predominantly Dem districts i add ) show an “apparent pattern” of practices that led to foreclosures that could have been avoided, the lawmakers wrote in an October 4 letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and the U.S. Treasury Department."
(Pelosi and CA Dem legislators pitch this letter one month before Nov election day, to show their constituents that they are looking out for them, and should therefore be re-elected. Nothing will get done on loan mods but appearance is more important than reality)
"The letter was signed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and 30 California lawmakers."( All Dems).
“The excuses we have heard from financial institutions are simply not credible three years into this crisis. People in our districts are hurting,” the letter said. “It is time that banks are held accountable for their practices that have left too many homeowners without real help.”
( big lie: No one one put a gun to their heads and forced them to sign those RE contracts: realters and brokers are scumbags, and RE purchasers should have been more financially savvy)
"The lawmakers said thousands of people have reported that despite efforts to seek loan modifications or other relief many financial institutions “routinely fail to respond in a timely manner, misplace requested documents, and send mixed signals” about what is required to avoid foreclosures."
( This sounds fishy to me,like attempts by those about to be foreclosed to scam banks into loan forgiveness, or twist contract law on it's head)
"Of course, any minimally even-handed investigation could embarrass the Obama administration, by further laying bare the many deficiencies of its mortgage modification program. That program — HAMP — was blasted in great detail in a July report by the Special Inspector General in charge of administering TARP. The picture painted was of an opaque, unaccountable, and aimless program that put no real dent in foreclosures and subsidize economic activity that would have occurred anyway."
(Obama and his economic team are bribed and compromised by the big banks and wall street, so no accounting possible)
COMMENT; High Foreclosure rates and the attendant blight it leaves in neighborhoods is a big, big problem In California but it is almost 100% due to CA meteoric rise in housing prices in 2003-2007, and folks financial stupidity in paying housing bubble prices without doing due diligence. You sign a RE contract and stupidly overpay for housing, that's your problem. I am against Fed doing mortgage modifications in principal, because it basically rewards financial stupidity and even scamming homebuyers, who may have taken out big helocs for fancy vacations and then turn around and bitch over banks reluctance to grant loan mods.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Project No Project: Ivanpah Solar Power Project, Bright Source Energy, San Bernardino County
Project No Project: Ivanpah Solar Power Project, Bright Source Energy, San Bernardino County
STATUS: In progress
TYPE: Solar
OPPOSITION: Various environmentalist groups (not specified in source materials)
PROSPECTS: Indeterminate
BACKGROUND: BrightSource is currently developing its first solar power complex in California’s Mojave Desert. The $3 billion Ivanpah Solar Power Complex will be located in Ivanpah, approximately 50 miles northwest of Needles, California, and about five miles from the California-Nevada border. The complex will be a 6-square mile facility (4065 acres) within the 25,000-square mile Mojave Desert and will generate enough electricity to power 140,000 homes and reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by more than 500,000 tons per year. According to BrightSource, the Ivanpah Solar Power Complex will nearly double the amount of solar thermal electricity produced today in the U.S.
According to a preliminary assessment, construction will require an average of 474 daily construction workers and a peak daily workforce of 959. Once completed, the project would provide a total of about $5.4 million (2007 dollars) in operational payroll at an average salary of $60,000 per year for an estimated 90 full-time employees.
The presence of Desert Tortoises in Ivanpah and regulatory requirements to mitigate environmental impacts are delaying the construction of the solar plant, as Bright Source is burdened with the task of relocating about 26 tortoises before gaining the permission to proceed with construction. Delays not only stall construction but might also endanger the company’s opportunity to use stimulus dollars to fund the project. A company spokesman said, “We want to take advantage of as many stimulus dollars as there are available to these packages, and there is a very important imperative and that is that the projects begin construction in 2010, to have that money available.”
LINKS: Bright Source Energy; USC News; CalFinder; Preliminary Staff Assessment
Project No Project: Ivanpah Solar Power Project, Bright Source Energy, San Bernardino County
STATUS: In progress
TYPE: Solar
OPPOSITION: Various environmentalist groups (not specified in source materials)
PROSPECTS: Indeterminate
BACKGROUND: BrightSource is currently developing its first solar power complex in California’s Mojave Desert. The $3 billion Ivanpah Solar Power Complex will be located in Ivanpah, approximately 50 miles northwest of Needles, California, and about five miles from the California-Nevada border. The complex will be a 6-square mile facility (4065 acres) within the 25,000-square mile Mojave Desert and will generate enough electricity to power 140,000 homes and reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by more than 500,000 tons per year. According to BrightSource, the Ivanpah Solar Power Complex will nearly double the amount of solar thermal electricity produced today in the U.S.
According to a preliminary assessment, construction will require an average of 474 daily construction workers and a peak daily workforce of 959. Once completed, the project would provide a total of about $5.4 million (2007 dollars) in operational payroll at an average salary of $60,000 per year for an estimated 90 full-time employees.
The presence of Desert Tortoises in Ivanpah and regulatory requirements to mitigate environmental impacts are delaying the construction of the solar plant, as Bright Source is burdened with the task of relocating about 26 tortoises before gaining the permission to proceed with construction. Delays not only stall construction but might also endanger the company’s opportunity to use stimulus dollars to fund the project. A company spokesman said, “We want to take advantage of as many stimulus dollars as there are available to these packages, and there is a very important imperative and that is that the projects begin construction in 2010, to have that money available.”
LINKS: Bright Source Energy; USC News; CalFinder; Preliminary Staff Assessment
Saturday, October 2, 2010 » Hate Rally: ‘One SOCIALIST Nation’
Friday, October 1, 2010
The SEIU Gets a Visit From an Angry Housewife in Arizona
The SEIU Gets a Visit From an Angry Housewife in Arizona
This lady has true spirit and guts to show up alone at Arizona SEIU headquarters and blast them for boycotting Arizona. We need 1000 like her to show up at Los Angeles SEIU HDQRS and blast them too.
This lady has true spirit and guts to show up alone at Arizona SEIU headquarters and blast them for boycotting Arizona. We need 1000 like her to show up at Los Angeles SEIU HDQRS and blast them too.
Gateway Pundit- green stimulus windfarm pork giveaway to Obama Dem supporter
Gateway Pundit
"Tom Carnahan, brother of Robin and Russ Carnahan, was gifted with $107 million in stimulus money for his wind farm project in Missouri."
"Fertilized with federal stimulus money, 100 new wind turbines have cropped up among the soybean fields of northwest Missouri, and they’re generating some high-voltage sparks in Missouri’s U.S. Senate race.That’s because the Lost Creek Wind Farm, which received $107 million in stimulus money, was developed by a company run by Tom Carnahan — the younger brother of Democratic Senate candidate Robin Carnahan and U.S. Rep. Russ Carnahan. Vice President Joe Biden highlighted the project during a visit to Missouri in April 2009. Two weeks ago, the White House included it on a list of “100 Recovery Act Projects Changing America.” Since then, the wind farm has generated a steady breeze of criticism for Republicans. Missouri Republican Party Executive Director Lloyd Smith claimed the Carnahans “used their power and influence to bail out their own brother with more than $100 million in taxpayer dollars.”
Comment; To me, Wind energy is the most wasteful, graft-ridden, gov-subsidized and inefficient method of green energy. 107 million was likely only startup and DOWNPAYMENT ON THE COLOSSEL LOST CREEK BOONDOOGLE. WIND TOWERS COST AROUND 3 MILLION EACH TO CONSTRUCT, NOT INCLUDING COST Of TRANSMISSON LINES. The taxpayerS of MISSOURI will foot the bill for 80-90% of remaining future recurring costs of these wind turbines, and pay higher electric bills as wind farms have to be subsidized by Gov to complete with lower cost natural gas/coal/oil energy.
"Tom Carnahan, brother of Robin and Russ Carnahan, was gifted with $107 million in stimulus money for his wind farm project in Missouri."
"Fertilized with federal stimulus money, 100 new wind turbines have cropped up among the soybean fields of northwest Missouri, and they’re generating some high-voltage sparks in Missouri’s U.S. Senate race.That’s because the Lost Creek Wind Farm, which received $107 million in stimulus money, was developed by a company run by Tom Carnahan — the younger brother of Democratic Senate candidate Robin Carnahan and U.S. Rep. Russ Carnahan. Vice President Joe Biden highlighted the project during a visit to Missouri in April 2009. Two weeks ago, the White House included it on a list of “100 Recovery Act Projects Changing America.” Since then, the wind farm has generated a steady breeze of criticism for Republicans. Missouri Republican Party Executive Director Lloyd Smith claimed the Carnahans “used their power and influence to bail out their own brother with more than $100 million in taxpayer dollars.”
Comment; To me, Wind energy is the most wasteful, graft-ridden, gov-subsidized and inefficient method of green energy. 107 million was likely only startup and DOWNPAYMENT ON THE COLOSSEL LOST CREEK BOONDOOGLE. WIND TOWERS COST AROUND 3 MILLION EACH TO CONSTRUCT, NOT INCLUDING COST Of TRANSMISSON LINES. The taxpayerS of MISSOURI will foot the bill for 80-90% of remaining future recurring costs of these wind turbines, and pay higher electric bills as wind farms have to be subsidized by Gov to complete with lower cost natural gas/coal/oil energy.
Lots of cash and little scrutiny in city redevelopment
Lots of cash and little scrutiny in city redevelopment
This picture of an abandoned, foreclosed, gutted, trashed-out property is very common throughout greater LA basin/region, and IE. Much more common that most folks realize. Last 3-4 years has seen uncounted No of foreclosures in LA, mostly in the inner densely urbanized inner city areas such as South Central,SE, and NE LA
Tuesday, September 28, 2010 - Citizens' Group Helps Uncover Alleged Rampant Voter Fraud in Houston - Citizens' Group Helps Uncover Alleged Rampant Voter Fraud in Houston
A Houston volunteer citizens group called 'true the vote' discovers huge voter fraud committed in 2008 elections, in Harris County, Texas. A prime organizer/activist for Houston Votes, the organization committing the voter fraud, is one Maria Isabel, former head of an Obama campaign office.
Here are the findings:
“Vacant lots had several voters registered on them. An eight-bed halfway house had more than 40 voters registered at its address,” Engelbrecht said. “We then decided to look at who was registering the voters."
"Their work paid off. Two weeks ago the Harris County voter registrar took their work and the findings of his own investigation and handed them over to both the Texas secretary of state’s office and the Harris County district attorney."
"Most of the findings focused on a group called Houston Votes, a voter registration group headed by Sean Caddle, who also worked for the Service Employees International Union before coming to Houston. Among the findings were that only 1,793 of the 25,000 registrations the group submitted appeared to be valid."
"The other registrations included one of a woman who registered six times in the same day; registrations of non-citizens; so many applications from one Houston Voters collector in one day that it was deemed to be beyond human capability; and 1,597 registrations that named the same person multiple times, often with different signatures. "
"Caddle told local newspapers that there “had been mistakes made,” and he said he had fired 30 workers for filing defective voter registration applications. He could not be reached for this article."
"The integrity of the voting rolls in Harris County, Texas, appears to be under an organized and systematic attack by the group operating under the name Houston Votes," the Harris voter registrar, Leo Vasquez, charged as he passed on the documentation to the district attorney. A spokesman for the DA's office declined to discuss the case. And a spokesman for Vasquez said that the DA has asked them to refrain from commenting on the case."
"The outcome of the efforts grew in importance the day after Vasquez made his announcement. On the morning of Aug. 27, a three-alarm fire destroyed almost all of Harris County’s voting machines, throwing the upcoming Nov. 2 election into turmoil. While the cause wasn’t determined, the $40 million blaze, according to press reports, means election officials will be focused on creating a whole new voting system in six weeks. Just how they do it will determine how vulnerable the process becomes."
Regarding the strong evidence of voter fraud in Houston, the organization accused of shady behavior, Houston Votes, is linked to a former head of an Obama campaign office. She is a fan of Che Guevara. Her name: Maria Isabel. This fan of Che Guevara and an Obama devotee is shown to have been involved (beginning as early as 2007) with the organization, 'Houston Votes', that stands credibly accused of rank voter fraud in 2008 elections.
It took two years for this rank voter fraud to come out, and even then the Houston Democratic city machine will likely bury it. Certainly the Obama DOJ voting rights division will not pursue this blatant voter fraud committed in a dense inner city, heavily minority neighborhood, and they will turn a blind eye to voting irregularities committed in minority-dominated voting districts.
Question? How many instances of voter fraud such as this were committed in 2008 elections in heavily minority inner-city voting districts? Is Houston vote fraud just tip of iceberg in widespread Dem voter fraud in 2008 elections? And can we expect similar Dem voter fraud in 2010 nov elections?
Monday, September 27, 2010
My replies to yet another boneheaded pro AB32 article by LAT's Steve Lopez
Fighting Prop. 23 one phone call at a time
Reply one:
AB32 appear to be a vaunted attempt by billionaire silicon valley green tech entreprenours, greedy money-stealing state bureaucrats & politicians, and the ultra left enviro-fascists to use global warming scaremongering/anti big oil rhetoric, to impose carbon use fees/taxes upon all CA families and businesses, which would be a massive carbon tax/revenue windfall for the state of CA which can then redirect and funnel this windfall revenue into favored silicon valley green tech companies, and also into the pockets of greedy tax-grabbing CA politicians.
It may also be a scheme to balance CA's budget by extorting carbon taxes upon all California citizens and small business owners, already burdened by the steepest taxes and environmental regulations in America. The big oil multi-nationals like Chevron/shell/BP will actually go along with AB32 and cap&trade as they are large enough to game the system to their benefit.
The promise of abundant green jobs is only a smokescreen - the federal massive stimulus funds devoted to green industries have resulted in virtually no domestic green jobs creation.
reply two:
Another latimes sob story about some poor down and out immigrant in some poor LA ghetto district being the victim of horrendous evil industrial polluters and evil monster oil companies, and texas oil companies at that. All these oil companies are concentrated in torrance/carson/south bay/LA Port area yet South Bay is a quite livable quality district. Manhatten beach and Hermosa beach are a few miles from chevron refinery and Scattergood power/waste water treatment facility, with it's 3 smokestacks. Yet MB has some of the highest priced beachfront homes in LA and it is an extremely high quality city to live in.
In case lopez has been living in a cave CA just passed LA/LB Port Clean Air legislation which greatly reduces port diesel emissions and mandates that all trucking companies use modern updated big rigs which run much cleaner that older polluting big rigs.
Actually the air quality in the South Bay may be cleaner than LA DWTN and in the IE. Palos Verde is only 2-3 miles from Wilmington's Tesoro oil facility but is one of LA's most expensive exclusive high rent districts
If you live in a typical LA barrio/Ghetto like Wilmington you are much more at risk of getting injured/maimed from gangbanger bullets than getting sick from asthma/cancer.
reply 3
Global warming is fraud science and the global warming eco-nuts are extreme nutbags. Cap and trade is dead at the national level and China pollutes at 10,000 times the rate of CA. Go ahead environmental wingnuts- make CA a job dead state with your job killer AB32. What CA does has no impact upon rest of world which will go ahead with max resource extraction and spew out those greenhouse gasses. Meahwhile CA will 'import' 10 million more illegals(carbon polluters) who may actually need blue collar jobs like workin on offshore oil rigs. Environmental extremism is good if one can ignore the 1000+ sq miles of polluting 3rd world ghettos spread all over the LA Basin, filled with inconvenient immigrants who may actually need work in blue collar/trades jobs in 'dirty'smokestack industries.Global climate warming is a massive scam based on misleading, even fraud science, like Piltdown man. So what if a few glaciers are melting and the oceans rise 1-2 ft in 100 years. Earth has had violent geologic/climatic upheavels all its history without man's impact--review the Little Ice Age.
Reply one:
AB32 appear to be a vaunted attempt by billionaire silicon valley green tech entreprenours, greedy money-stealing state bureaucrats & politicians, and the ultra left enviro-fascists to use global warming scaremongering/anti big oil rhetoric, to impose carbon use fees/taxes upon all CA families and businesses, which would be a massive carbon tax/revenue windfall for the state of CA which can then redirect and funnel this windfall revenue into favored silicon valley green tech companies, and also into the pockets of greedy tax-grabbing CA politicians.
It may also be a scheme to balance CA's budget by extorting carbon taxes upon all California citizens and small business owners, already burdened by the steepest taxes and environmental regulations in America. The big oil multi-nationals like Chevron/shell/BP will actually go along with AB32 and cap&trade as they are large enough to game the system to their benefit.
The promise of abundant green jobs is only a smokescreen - the federal massive stimulus funds devoted to green industries have resulted in virtually no domestic green jobs creation.
reply two:
Another latimes sob story about some poor down and out immigrant in some poor LA ghetto district being the victim of horrendous evil industrial polluters and evil monster oil companies, and texas oil companies at that. All these oil companies are concentrated in torrance/carson/south bay/LA Port area yet South Bay is a quite livable quality district. Manhatten beach and Hermosa beach are a few miles from chevron refinery and Scattergood power/waste water treatment facility, with it's 3 smokestacks. Yet MB has some of the highest priced beachfront homes in LA and it is an extremely high quality city to live in.
In case lopez has been living in a cave CA just passed LA/LB Port Clean Air legislation which greatly reduces port diesel emissions and mandates that all trucking companies use modern updated big rigs which run much cleaner that older polluting big rigs.
Actually the air quality in the South Bay may be cleaner than LA DWTN and in the IE. Palos Verde is only 2-3 miles from Wilmington's Tesoro oil facility but is one of LA's most expensive exclusive high rent districts
If you live in a typical LA barrio/Ghetto like Wilmington you are much more at risk of getting injured/maimed from gangbanger bullets than getting sick from asthma/cancer.
reply 3
Global warming is fraud science and the global warming eco-nuts are extreme nutbags. Cap and trade is dead at the national level and China pollutes at 10,000 times the rate of CA. Go ahead environmental wingnuts- make CA a job dead state with your job killer AB32. What CA does has no impact upon rest of world which will go ahead with max resource extraction and spew out those greenhouse gasses. Meahwhile CA will 'import' 10 million more illegals(carbon polluters) who may actually need blue collar jobs like workin on offshore oil rigs. Environmental extremism is good if one can ignore the 1000+ sq miles of polluting 3rd world ghettos spread all over the LA Basin, filled with inconvenient immigrants who may actually need work in blue collar/trades jobs in 'dirty'smokestack industries.Global climate warming is a massive scam based on misleading, even fraud science, like Piltdown man. So what if a few glaciers are melting and the oceans rise 1-2 ft in 100 years. Earth has had violent geologic/climatic upheavels all its history without man's impact--review the Little Ice Age.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
E-mails Add Fuel to Black Panther Scandal
E-mails Add Fuel to Black Panther Scandal
According to Judicial Watch, a Freedom of Information request resulted in a report that "describes documents the government is withholding from the public. Among those documents are internal DOJ emails regarding the Black Panther case between the highest political appointees inside the DOJ, including former Deputy Attorney General David Ogden and the Associate Attorney General Thomas Perrelli, the second and third ranking officials at the DOJ...This new evidence shows that the Obama team lied when it said politics did not influence the Black Panther dismissal,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “We now know that top political leaders inside Obama Justice Department were involved in the call to drop the Black Panther case. And we also know that at least one top Justice official said otherwise under oath. In the meantime, we will ask the court to require the Obama Justice Department to release these (and other) secret documents about this scandal and its cover-up.”
On Friday, Justice Department attorney Christopher Coates testified before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights that the New Black Panther Party case was gutted for "irrational reasons" because the some department officials are opposed to pursuing voting-rights cases in which whites have been victimized...I had people who told me point-blank that they didn't come to the voting rights section to sue African-American people," Coates testified.
Fitton appeared Sunday on Fox News and said the Department of Justice "probably has been lying to the commission [on civil rights] and members of Congress when they say the political appointees, political leadership was not involved in the decision to drop many of the Black Panther charges. ... It shows that the attorney general may have been briefed on this issue. That belies everything they have been telling us."
Judicial Watch has released a report showing that the two highest-ranking political appointees at the Department of Justice played roles in the decision to dismiss a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party. The group was accused of displaying weapons, blocking a Philadelphia polling station and insulting white voters on Election Day 2008.
According to Judicial Watch, a Freedom of Information request resulted in a report that "describes documents the government is withholding from the public. Among those documents are internal DOJ emails regarding the Black Panther case between the highest political appointees inside the DOJ, including former Deputy Attorney General David Ogden and the Associate Attorney General Thomas Perrelli, the second and third ranking officials at the DOJ...This new evidence shows that the Obama team lied when it said politics did not influence the Black Panther dismissal,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “We now know that top political leaders inside Obama Justice Department were involved in the call to drop the Black Panther case. And we also know that at least one top Justice official said otherwise under oath. In the meantime, we will ask the court to require the Obama Justice Department to release these (and other) secret documents about this scandal and its cover-up.”
On Friday, Justice Department attorney Christopher Coates testified before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights that the New Black Panther Party case was gutted for "irrational reasons" because the some department officials are opposed to pursuing voting-rights cases in which whites have been victimized...I had people who told me point-blank that they didn't come to the voting rights section to sue African-American people," Coates testified.
Fitton appeared Sunday on Fox News and said the Department of Justice "probably has been lying to the commission [on civil rights] and members of Congress when they say the political appointees, political leadership was not involved in the decision to drop many of the Black Panther charges. ... It shows that the attorney general may have been briefed on this issue. That belies everything they have been telling us."
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Repost of my rather over the top polemic against the Dream Act, which would have opened the door to yet another illegal-alien wave
I have reposted, in abbreviated form, my original 2009 polemic against the Dream Act, when i was really mad about illegal immigration, having recently lost my job in late 2008. This post or variations of it have been e-mailed & faxed to my CA Senators, my Congress Rep, POTUS, and LA Times about a 100+ times , and re-blasted 4 times Yesterday Sept 20th, prior to today's Senate vote on the Dream Act. Both my traitorous CA Senators Boxer and Feinstien sponsored the Dream Act, and Boxer will hopefully pay for this with her defeat in NOV. Boxer has about a D- grade in her illegal immigration stance, and has voted against every bill which would strengthen our borders, strengthen E-verify ,and voted against every other bill to limit/restrict illegal immigration.
A short precise comment on dream act, cleaned up to put out in public posting
The Dream Act is nothing but another minority empowerment boondoggle which attempts to boost up a select minority group, in this case latino immigrants, who are the most uneducated & uneducatable class of immigrants to come into the US.
They soak up billions of taxpayer wasted dollars in free healthcare , education funds, welfare pmts, law enforcement and justice system resources, yet provide zero returns to the US in the form of an educated, skilled, productive class.
Dream Act is yet another Attempt to reward illegal alien lawbreaking by handing out amnesty to illegal’s kids. These kids have a 50% dropout rate in LA and often become lawbreaking gang-bangers, yet we are supposed to to give them amnesty so they can steal away jobs from the growing ranks of UE American citizens. The Liberal appeasing pro illegal-alien Democrats are in effect saying 'screw you unemployed American Citizens, we in Washington do not give a damn about you but want to give employment opportunities to millions of lawbreaking illegal nationals and their gang-banging children so they can crowd the increasingly scarce jobs market in a depression'.
Shame on the Congressional traitors who have decided to grant out freebies and citizenship privileges to illegal alien lawbreaking foreign nationals who steal away lower-level jobs from UE American Citizens, often by using fake phony ID’s
The dream act is a Trojan Horse which if passed would open the gates to another massive wave of illegals, chiefly by allowing the students granted citizenship status to bring in all their families and extended relatives. It is just a sneaky backdoor attempt to grant amnesty to millions of illegals illegals.'
Friday, September 10, 2010
A hypothetical conjecture( hopefully wrong) of LA Dem voter fraud in Nov elections
The key for the Dems to win the CA Governor and Senate races in Nov is getting the Hispanic vote in LA County. They need at least one 1 million Hispanics to vote Democrat in LA County to counteract the rest of state(Excluding Alameda County), which will vote majority Republican.
Look for Acorn-type activist groups to register fake ID illegal voters in LA's vast ghetto districts. There will be at least 1/2 million illegal immigrant fraudulent votes dredged up from the murkey LA Barrios. It is far easier to register fake ID hispanic non-citizens to vote illegally than to use Chicago-style cemetary voter rolls. As the immigrant LA Hispanic population has long experience in using fake ID's, and a complete ready-made setup in LA for fake ID doc mills, transferring this knowhow over to LA voter registration fraud should be a piece of cake.
Even if most of these fraudulent votes are actually thrown out we may still end up with 1000's of illegally cast votes by LA non-citizens in the final tally. We all know that the Dems have a history of using fraudulent vote tactics in dense inner city urban areas. LA City is overwhelmingly minority and Democrat. Since most of them depend on welfare freebies they will go to any lengths to defraud the electoral process to retain CA for the Dems, who are the party of welfare handouts to illegals and the lazy shiftless classes.
If election is real close in CA Gov and Senate races the outcome may come hinge on a few 1000 or more likely 10,000+ illegally cast votes in LA City/county. Republicans are nearly non existence in over half of LA county's 270 zip codes so it would not be out of question for the voting process to be corrupted and defrauded on a large scale in those 100+ LA zips in which Dems are 70-90% of registered voters.
This IS not a preposterous scenario. I live in long beach(LA COUNTY) and when i go to vote the voter booth never asks me for voter or picture ID. LA HAS MILLiONS OF NON-CITIZEN GREEN CARDERS AND ILLEGALS AND IT WOULD BE A PIECE OF CAKE FOR THEM TO USE FAKE ID's AND FAKE INFO TO REGISTER TO VOTE.
That is why the LA County SEIU/AFL-CIO are launching a huge drive to register LA voters and get Hispanics to the polls. That is why LA keeps funding welfare to illegals and their anchors at cost of 2 billion/yr for schools, health care, policing, and other welfare payouts. Obama adm knows this and that is why he injected 60 million for bolstering medicare to LA County. The welfare payouts to illegals is the bribe paid to the LA Hispanic voter block to keep them in the Dem column
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Why CA AB32 global warming solutions act needs to be suspended/delayed/halted
Why CA AB32 global warming solutions act needs to be suspended/delayed/halted?
Why CA AB32 global warming act needs to be suspended/delayed/halted
The only thing CA leads in is not landmark green laws but in being a 15-20% high unemployment 3rd world bankrupt entity, a beggar state which has driven out productive tax-paying businesses and citizens and replaced them with a hoard of 3rd world uneducated welfare leeches, who pack the ghettos which encompass wide swathes of the greater LA basin region.
I say pull back/delay implementation of restrictive environmental job-killing acts such as AB32, and get CA moving again with high-paying blue-collar traditional power industry construction trades jobs. Put our vast numbers of unemployed/underemployed/idle construction workers into high-paying trades jobs such as the oil and traditional power energy industries can provide. We do not need anymore obama stimulus road construction projects, which only add to our already catastrophic debt loads, and all other large-scale infrastructure building projects will also add to our crushing debt.
The millions of promised green jobs are a mirage. The only 'green jobs' i see in CA are the 1/4 million immigrant(illegal) landscapers/gardeners driving around in beaten-up old polluting pickups. Putting 10,000-20,000 300 ft- high wind towers in the Mohave creates massive unsightly steel towers in the desert, besides killing birds. Installing solar panels can only be afforded by rich, well-off progressive limousine libs dwelling in exclusive seaside enclaves. CA cannot create enough jobs in home weatherization because of our mild weather and because property values will remain stagnant for another 5-10 years
Why CA AB32 global warming act needs to be suspended/delayed/halted
The only thing CA leads in is not landmark green laws but in being a 15-20% high unemployment 3rd world bankrupt entity, a beggar state which has driven out productive tax-paying businesses and citizens and replaced them with a hoard of 3rd world uneducated welfare leeches, who pack the ghettos which encompass wide swathes of the greater LA basin region.
I say pull back/delay implementation of restrictive environmental job-killing acts such as AB32, and get CA moving again with high-paying blue-collar traditional power industry construction trades jobs. Put our vast numbers of unemployed/underemployed/idle construction workers into high-paying trades jobs such as the oil and traditional power energy industries can provide. We do not need anymore obama stimulus road construction projects, which only add to our already catastrophic debt loads, and all other large-scale infrastructure building projects will also add to our crushing debt.
The millions of promised green jobs are a mirage. The only 'green jobs' i see in CA are the 1/4 million immigrant(illegal) landscapers/gardeners driving around in beaten-up old polluting pickups. Putting 10,000-20,000 300 ft- high wind towers in the Mohave creates massive unsightly steel towers in the desert, besides killing birds. Installing solar panels can only be afforded by rich, well-off progressive limousine libs dwelling in exclusive seaside enclaves. CA cannot create enough jobs in home weatherization because of our mild weather and because property values will remain stagnant for another 5-10 years
Update and 'progress' of LA westlake riot. It Appears LA has narrowly escaped having a 1992 -type widespread riot
This is a brief update on LA Westlake riots. Wednesday night Sept 8 they had the community meeting which was set up to allow the community to vent their spleen at LAPD. Afterwards when the meeting was finished and protests went outside there was about 1000+ protestors/ bystanders/onlookers lined up along 6th street & union ave., with heavy police presence. The mobs stood along that street waiting for something to incite them and trigger widespread rioting. That fuse was not lit and Wednesday night, Sept.8th may have marked the final day of 4-day tense tinderbox situation when LA came as close to a general widespread riot since the 1992 Rodney king riots(which i went thru). I may be wrong and demonstrations and attempts at starting riots may continue, but i think that the protests will wind down from here, though there may be a few smoldering embers here and there.
I had been following westlake protests very closely via KFI 640 talk radio and local TV.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Random thoughts on Westlake riots
I have some random thoughts on the recent Westlake LA riots which ran for 4 days/evenings straight and ended last week. This is in extremely impoverished pico-union/Westlake/rampart district 1 mile west of LA DWTN. I have been there several hundred times last 30 years and know that area well. It has long been ghettoized and appears to be as packed with recent Hispanic illegals as it was in the mid-late 80's, when i did a number of trips there.
It is well known in the Hispanic immigrant community that Westlake is where one can obtain any fake doc's or fake ID's. It is in fact a zone where assorted shady businesses can be set up, dealing with anything from shady fraudulent immigrant attorney services to medi-cal mills to phony doc mills, shady med-clinics, ect. It is in fact a true freemarket business enterprize zone, operating almost 100% in the infamous LA black market and catering mostly to the large recent Hispanic immigrant(illegal)community, though many of the business owners are Chinese/Koreans/other ethnicities who are very adept in running black market businesses.
As far as the riots go, the business owners would back the police 100%. They remember the Rodney King riots in 1992 when roving gangs pillaged their businesses, and Korean shopowners were up on rooftops with shotguns guarding their shops.
LAPD, LA politicians, and community activists have to draw a fine line here. Any giving in to or appeasement to the rioters gives them carte blanc to rob/pillage Westlake, which the LAPD has been trying to clean up recently. It would be a black eye upon the huge LA immigrant Hispanic community to have their ghettos going up in smoke on national news, and bad politics for them and their fellow Dems. A citywide spread of the Westlake riots, with mass looting, pillaging and throwing objects at Police would instantly move 10% more Americans into the anti-illegal camp, when already 70-80% of Americans want tougher measures against illegals.
My prediction, made just before riots ended a week ago on Sept 8th , was that the community leaders, LAPD brass, and local politicians would assuage the rioters with promises to have more friendly policing and attempts to meet needs of the impoverished community. These will only be promises of course and nothing gets done but the leftist LA/CA Dems needed to buy time by assuaging and massaging the feelings of the community for only a couple more months, till after the Nov elections. It was a halfway sellout to the rioters, mixed with arrests by LAPD against a few ringleaders to appease the law-abiding and anti-illegal folks.
It is well known in the Hispanic immigrant community that Westlake is where one can obtain any fake doc's or fake ID's. It is in fact a zone where assorted shady businesses can be set up, dealing with anything from shady fraudulent immigrant attorney services to medi-cal mills to phony doc mills, shady med-clinics, ect. It is in fact a true freemarket business enterprize zone, operating almost 100% in the infamous LA black market and catering mostly to the large recent Hispanic immigrant(illegal)community, though many of the business owners are Chinese/Koreans/other ethnicities who are very adept in running black market businesses.
As far as the riots go, the business owners would back the police 100%. They remember the Rodney King riots in 1992 when roving gangs pillaged their businesses, and Korean shopowners were up on rooftops with shotguns guarding their shops.
LAPD, LA politicians, and community activists have to draw a fine line here. Any giving in to or appeasement to the rioters gives them carte blanc to rob/pillage Westlake, which the LAPD has been trying to clean up recently. It would be a black eye upon the huge LA immigrant Hispanic community to have their ghettos going up in smoke on national news, and bad politics for them and their fellow Dems. A citywide spread of the Westlake riots, with mass looting, pillaging and throwing objects at Police would instantly move 10% more Americans into the anti-illegal camp, when already 70-80% of Americans want tougher measures against illegals.
My prediction, made just before riots ended a week ago on Sept 8th , was that the community leaders, LAPD brass, and local politicians would assuage the rioters with promises to have more friendly policing and attempts to meet needs of the impoverished community. These will only be promises of course and nothing gets done but the leftist LA/CA Dems needed to buy time by assuaging and massaging the feelings of the community for only a couple more months, till after the Nov elections. It was a halfway sellout to the rioters, mixed with arrests by LAPD against a few ringleaders to appease the law-abiding and anti-illegal folks.
LAPD declares tactical alert as fires burn in Westlake
LAPD declares tactical alert as fires burn in Westlake
Fires were burning on Union Avenue and 6th Street in Westlake on Tuesday night as crowds clashed with Los Angeles Police Department officers.
Hundreds of police, clad in helmets and wielding batons, had responded to the area. Officers formed skirmish lines as protesters scattered in alleys and streets adjacent to 6th Street. LAPD Officer Karen Rayner said a citywide tactical alert was declared, freeing up more officers to respond to the scene.
She said she had not received any reports on whether people had been arrested or injured.
Protesters were hurling bottles and other objects at officers, who declared an unlawful assembly about 9:30 p.m. The protesters had marched along 6th Street and past Union Avenue, where Manuel Jamines was shot Sunday by officers who say he lunged at them with a 6-inch switchblade and refused commands to drop the weapon.
Police had completely cordoned off 6th Street between Union Lane on the east and Alvarado Street near MacArthur Park on the west. At least two volleys of nonlethal foam projectiles were fired at demonstrators.
Comment- Am surprized at the duration of protests, which have gone into third day nonstop since the Sunday afternoon defensive shooting/killing of knifewelding, drunk immigrant laborer by LAPD, and it appears that protests are getting more violent. So far protests are localized to immediate area east of MacArthur Park, along 6th street to union avenue. This may be the closest chance of that much ballyhooed, repeatedly predicted LA riot since Rodney King in 1992
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Pictoral views of ghettoized Area around RFK 578 million LAUSD 'Taj Mahal' K-12 school
Google Maps
These 360% interactive photo shots are all next to or within 1 block of LAUSD 578 million super-boondoogle school project, which likely cost more than 99% of all USA college campuses. The first pic has an expanded goog satellite map window showing the school construction site. Look at these movable photos,scan around, zoom in,use the yellow fellow at lower right map window to move around and click on different adjacent streets. See the decrepit rundown 3rd world ghettoish area in which this school was put up. These pics are actually good pictoral descriptions of 70-80% of LA City. The area i am describing and picturing is informally called Mid-Wilshire, Koreatown, Westlake District, or Pico-Union but is is all within LA City.
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These 360% interactive photo shots are all next to or within 1 block of LAUSD 578 million super-boondoogle school project, which likely cost more than 99% of all USA college campuses. The first pic has an expanded goog satellite map window showing the school construction site. Look at these movable photos,scan around, zoom in,use the yellow fellow at lower right map window to move around and click on different adjacent streets. See the decrepit rundown 3rd world ghettoish area in which this school was put up. These pics are actually good pictoral descriptions of 70-80% of LA City. The area i am describing and picturing is informally called Mid-Wilshire, Koreatown, Westlake District, or Pico-Union but is is all within LA City.
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Tuesday, September 7, 2010
3-D panoramic map of street corner where Illegal day laborer was shot by LAPD
Google Maps
Panoramic 360% moving photo of corner of 6th Street and Union ave(1/2 mile west of DWTN Los Angeles) where the drunk, knife-welding Guatemalan illegal day laborer was shot/killed by LAPD officers on Sunday afternoon Sept 5th. I don't know the exact location where the shooting took place, but it was likely along the south side where all those small mom and pop shops are clustered. The camera originally points west along 6th st away from dwtn. Look carefully at pic, notice the Tijuana aspect of this district. This view describes/represents 70-80% of LA City.
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Former L.A. union leader sentenced to prison for fraud | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times
Former L.A. union leader sentenced to prison for fraud | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times
'A former leader of one of California's most powerful unions was sentenced to prison Thursday for fraud, federal authorities said.'
'Alejandro Stephens, 66, who headed the Service Employees International Union, Local 660, in Los Angeles, was sentenced to four months in prison and three months of home confinement, the U.S. attorney's office in Los Angeles said. The local he headed has since merged into a larger local. Stephens defrauded a nonprofit organization called the Voter Improvement Project out of $52,000, which he used to launch his union reelection campaign. The nonprofit group was formed to do nonpartisan voter outreach by Miguel Contreras, the late head of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor.'
'In a plea bargain, Stephens pleaded guilty to mail fraud and tax evasion for his failure to report the stolen money. At his sentencing, Stephens admitted for the first time that he used the money for his 2004 reelection effort, according to the U.S. attorney's office.'
'The Times reported in 2008 how top SEIU officers in California improperly spent tens of thousands of dollars and engaged in questionable financial dealings. The scandals rocked the powerful organization, the nation's fastest-growing union at the time, with 2 million members, more than 700,000 of them in California.'
'A former leader of one of California's most powerful unions was sentenced to prison Thursday for fraud, federal authorities said.'
'Alejandro Stephens, 66, who headed the Service Employees International Union, Local 660, in Los Angeles, was sentenced to four months in prison and three months of home confinement, the U.S. attorney's office in Los Angeles said. The local he headed has since merged into a larger local. Stephens defrauded a nonprofit organization called the Voter Improvement Project out of $52,000, which he used to launch his union reelection campaign. The nonprofit group was formed to do nonpartisan voter outreach by Miguel Contreras, the late head of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor.'
'In a plea bargain, Stephens pleaded guilty to mail fraud and tax evasion for his failure to report the stolen money. At his sentencing, Stephens admitted for the first time that he used the money for his 2004 reelection effort, according to the U.S. attorney's office.'
'The Times reported in 2008 how top SEIU officers in California improperly spent tens of thousands of dollars and engaged in questionable financial dealings. The scandals rocked the powerful organization, the nation's fastest-growing union at the time, with 2 million members, more than 700,000 of them in California.'
The SEIU LA Chapter is an extremely corrupt graft-ridden union. Unfortunately it has become a very powerful arbiter of left-wing Dem politics in LA and CA, and is indeed running politic interference on behalf of Jerry brown, Boxer and all CA Dem politicians.
California's global warming law’s economic impact is still hotly contested
California's global warming law’s economic impact is still hotly contested
AB 32, the four-year-old California Global Warming Solutions Act, has sharply divided environmental groups as well as trade and business associations.
The California Chamber of Commerce and the California Manufacturers & Technology Association released a report this week that states the climate law could cost the state 485,000 jobs during the next decade because companies would move to less regulated states.
AB 32 requires that the state’s greenhouse gas emissions be reduced to 1990 levels. It would also boost solar, wind and other sources of renewable energy, cut the carbon intensity of gasoline, promote electric cars, discourage sprawl and include energy-saving measures into home-building, manufacturing and other sectors of the economy, so says proponents.Opponents, however, say the law is, in fact, a “massive energy tax.”
“A Sacramento State University Study and other studies say there’s likely to be a cost of $50,000 per small business and up to $4,000 per family in increased costs related to housing, transportation, energy and food,” said Eric Eisenhammer, spokesman for the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association.
Eisenhammer also criticized AB 32’s cap-and-trade program.
“It is a carbon tax,” Eisenhammer said. “It raises taxes on every productive business in California and ultimately will drive jobs away from California, which is already one of the most over-regulated states in the union.”
Eisenhammer said the cap-and-trade program will require businesses to reduce CO2 emissions, and if they are unable to meet the target reductions, they will have to buy a “carbon credit.” Businesses — some operating on thin profit margins as it is, Eisenhammer said — will have to pay to retrofit, pay for the credit or leave the state. AB 32 “will cost Californians billions in higher taxes and more expensive energy at a time of record-high unemployment and a severe recession” wrote Jon Coupal, president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, on the initiative’s Web site. Coupal writes the CARB job creation estimate is “cold comfort for the 2.2 million workers currently on California’s unemployment rolls.” ...."
" AB 32 will cost more jobs than it creates, he says. “AB 32 does in fact create some green jobs,” he said. “But it also creates winners and losers. While the state will tax and regulate most business, it will subsidize and kick back some money to a few green enterprises. That’s where it’s creating jobs. But it’s a small number of jobs, and it’s killing the economy as a whole to do it... Because a reduction in "greenhouse gas emissions" would have no impact whatsoever upon global climate change, a delay in the implementation of AB 32 would have a net positive effect upon Californians' quality of life, both short- and long-term.
from another site
Information coming more acutely into public consciousness in the wake of the Climategate leaks and subsequent investigation into other anthropogenic global warming(AGW) alarmists' datasets and correspondences have demonstrated that the AGW hypothesis is really nothing more than an elaborate and rather pitiful fraud.
All legislation and regulation predicated upon the AGW fraud is therefore worthless, damaging, and possibly criminal (malfeasant). Were the state of California to implement the provisions of AB 32, the officers of the state government would be arguably culpable of criminal malfeasance in public office, and liable to arrest, indictment, prosecution, and both criminal penalties and civil damages.
It is therefore best for both the people of California and the agents of California's state government if AB 32 were not implemented.
Before the economic downturn, Californians naively approved the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (Assembly Bill 32) that mandates 2012 reductions of greenhouse gases through carbon taxes, alternative fuels and renewable replacements. All new climate laws increase the unit production costs and corresponding consumer prices of goods and services. A study by the Governor's Small Business Advocate reports that small businesses pay more than $134,000 each in annual California regulatory costs. Estimates are that the total cost of California regulations is about $493 billion annually – the equivalent of 3.8 million jobs. Environmental regulatory costs are a significant embedded cost in all of California’s products, services and enterprise.
What is clear in California, and globally, given recent climate frauds, is that partisan ideologies and cultish environmentalism have replaced prudent science and economic realities in climate policy. What is also clear is that environmentalism no longer offers any product or service in support of our future security and prosperity. Militant environmentalism and green-obsessed bureaucrats have become an “axis of antagonism” that we can no longer afford.
AB 32, the four-year-old California Global Warming Solutions Act, has sharply divided environmental groups as well as trade and business associations.
The California Chamber of Commerce and the California Manufacturers & Technology Association released a report this week that states the climate law could cost the state 485,000 jobs during the next decade because companies would move to less regulated states.
AB 32 requires that the state’s greenhouse gas emissions be reduced to 1990 levels. It would also boost solar, wind and other sources of renewable energy, cut the carbon intensity of gasoline, promote electric cars, discourage sprawl and include energy-saving measures into home-building, manufacturing and other sectors of the economy, so says proponents.Opponents, however, say the law is, in fact, a “massive energy tax.”
“A Sacramento State University Study and other studies say there’s likely to be a cost of $50,000 per small business and up to $4,000 per family in increased costs related to housing, transportation, energy and food,” said Eric Eisenhammer, spokesman for the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association.
Eisenhammer also criticized AB 32’s cap-and-trade program.
“It is a carbon tax,” Eisenhammer said. “It raises taxes on every productive business in California and ultimately will drive jobs away from California, which is already one of the most over-regulated states in the union.”
Eisenhammer said the cap-and-trade program will require businesses to reduce CO2 emissions, and if they are unable to meet the target reductions, they will have to buy a “carbon credit.” Businesses — some operating on thin profit margins as it is, Eisenhammer said — will have to pay to retrofit, pay for the credit or leave the state. AB 32 “will cost Californians billions in higher taxes and more expensive energy at a time of record-high unemployment and a severe recession” wrote Jon Coupal, president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, on the initiative’s Web site. Coupal writes the CARB job creation estimate is “cold comfort for the 2.2 million workers currently on California’s unemployment rolls.” ...."
" AB 32 will cost more jobs than it creates, he says. “AB 32 does in fact create some green jobs,” he said. “But it also creates winners and losers. While the state will tax and regulate most business, it will subsidize and kick back some money to a few green enterprises. That’s where it’s creating jobs. But it’s a small number of jobs, and it’s killing the economy as a whole to do it... Because a reduction in "greenhouse gas emissions" would have no impact whatsoever upon global climate change, a delay in the implementation of AB 32 would have a net positive effect upon Californians' quality of life, both short- and long-term.
from another site
Information coming more acutely into public consciousness in the wake of the Climategate leaks and subsequent investigation into other anthropogenic global warming(AGW) alarmists' datasets and correspondences have demonstrated that the AGW hypothesis is really nothing more than an elaborate and rather pitiful fraud.
All legislation and regulation predicated upon the AGW fraud is therefore worthless, damaging, and possibly criminal (malfeasant). Were the state of California to implement the provisions of AB 32, the officers of the state government would be arguably culpable of criminal malfeasance in public office, and liable to arrest, indictment, prosecution, and both criminal penalties and civil damages.
It is therefore best for both the people of California and the agents of California's state government if AB 32 were not implemented.
Before the economic downturn, Californians naively approved the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (Assembly Bill 32) that mandates 2012 reductions of greenhouse gases through carbon taxes, alternative fuels and renewable replacements. All new climate laws increase the unit production costs and corresponding consumer prices of goods and services. A study by the Governor's Small Business Advocate reports that small businesses pay more than $134,000 each in annual California regulatory costs. Estimates are that the total cost of California regulations is about $493 billion annually – the equivalent of 3.8 million jobs. Environmental regulatory costs are a significant embedded cost in all of California’s products, services and enterprise.
What is clear in California, and globally, given recent climate frauds, is that partisan ideologies and cultish environmentalism have replaced prudent science and economic realities in climate policy. What is also clear is that environmentalism no longer offers any product or service in support of our future security and prosperity. Militant environmentalism and green-obsessed bureaucrats have become an “axis of antagonism” that we can no longer afford.
Monday, September 6, 2010
US Cartoon of Mexican Flag Draws Ire Across the Border
US Cartoon of Mexican Flag Draws Ire Across the Border
"An American cartoonist's rendition of the Mexican flag is causing controversy south of the border, where Mexicans say it's offensive to taint their national symbol with images of drug violence.....
Political cartoonist Daryl Cagle's drawing, which ran on the front page of several Mexican newspapers this week, shows what's normally a regal-looking eagle at the center of Mexico's flag riddled with bullets and bleeding. It's a reference to the drug wars that have riled Mexico and left more than 28,000 people dead there in less than four years."
I applaud this cartoonist's depiction of a bullet-ridden Mex flag- showing a downed eagle blown to smithereens by drug cartel bullets. This is what Mexico is about. In fact it is their chief 'cultural' contribution to the world and chief 'cultural' export to USA.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Biased LATimes writer Lopez attacks prop 23 while supporting CA job killer AB 32
California's Prop. 23, backed by oil giants with a lot to lose, needs to go down in flames
This is a partial, abbreviated synopsis of the above wingnut piece by ultra lefty LA Times writer Steve lopez, who is basically running a propaganda hit piece against 'big oil', tea partiers, and Texas energy companies. He is running political interference against prop 23, the pro-jobs measure which would roll back CA global-climate AB 32 job killer measure
Here is his rant:
"I don't mean to disturb your holiday weekend just when you're trying to scrub that grease off the barbecue grill. But I thought now was a good time to remind you that in two months, you'll have an important choice to make about the air you breathe.'
'In November, you'll be asked whether California should continue on the path to becoming one of the world's environmental leaders. Or give up the good fight and pray that the global warming deniers are right.'
'I'm talking about Proposition 23, which comes to us courtesy of some of the finest corporate citizens America has to offer. We begin with Texas oil giants Valero and Tesoro, which both have refineries in California and are together sinking millions into the campaign to rewrite environmental standards here.'
'Then there's a company owned by oil billionaires Charles and David Koch, which has kicked $1 million into the Prop. 23 kitty. Those two cowboys have earned themselves a reputation for sponsoring campaigns to debunk the need for renewable energy and also for backing groups that have trained "tea party" activists.'
My rebuttel:
Lopez says Valero/Tesoro are major polluters. That is a lie. Huntington beach has Valero energy extraction site right along Hunt Beach/Bolsa Chica shoreline. Hunt beach has 5 oil well platforms off HB coast. Hunt beach is a world famous surfing beach, and famed for it's wide white sandy beaches and clean cold pacific waves. HB/bolsa chica also has the Bolsa wetlands sensitive marshlands. I personally surf & swim in those waters 3-4 times a week and don't emerge from those waters soiled with oil or grimy soot.
Having Valero right at the HB coast does not affect the local shore/beach/marshland environment, and there is little or no oil pollution. Orange County & the energy companies make great efforts to mitigate and minimized effects of energy production infrastuctures upon OC shoreline environment.
Steve Lopez is a genuine left-wing ultra Dem hack who is running pro-Jerry Brown/ anti-Meg Whitman pieces, and slanted pro-AB32 articles in the LA Times. I am responding to his ultra-left rants in LAT comments section. At least LAT has the decency to allow opposing counter arguments to their slanted left-wing articles by their leftist moonbat writers.
This is a partial, abbreviated synopsis of the above wingnut piece by ultra lefty LA Times writer Steve lopez, who is basically running a propaganda hit piece against 'big oil', tea partiers, and Texas energy companies. He is running political interference against prop 23, the pro-jobs measure which would roll back CA global-climate AB 32 job killer measure
Here is his rant:
"I don't mean to disturb your holiday weekend just when you're trying to scrub that grease off the barbecue grill. But I thought now was a good time to remind you that in two months, you'll have an important choice to make about the air you breathe.'
'In November, you'll be asked whether California should continue on the path to becoming one of the world's environmental leaders. Or give up the good fight and pray that the global warming deniers are right.'
'I'm talking about Proposition 23, which comes to us courtesy of some of the finest corporate citizens America has to offer. We begin with Texas oil giants Valero and Tesoro, which both have refineries in California and are together sinking millions into the campaign to rewrite environmental standards here.'
'Then there's a company owned by oil billionaires Charles and David Koch, which has kicked $1 million into the Prop. 23 kitty. Those two cowboys have earned themselves a reputation for sponsoring campaigns to debunk the need for renewable energy and also for backing groups that have trained "tea party" activists.'
My rebuttel:
Lopez says Valero/Tesoro are major polluters. That is a lie. Huntington beach has Valero energy extraction site right along Hunt Beach/Bolsa Chica shoreline. Hunt beach has 5 oil well platforms off HB coast. Hunt beach is a world famous surfing beach, and famed for it's wide white sandy beaches and clean cold pacific waves. HB/bolsa chica also has the Bolsa wetlands sensitive marshlands. I personally surf & swim in those waters 3-4 times a week and don't emerge from those waters soiled with oil or grimy soot.
Having Valero right at the HB coast does not affect the local shore/beach/marshland environment, and there is little or no oil pollution. Orange County & the energy companies make great efforts to mitigate and minimized effects of energy production infrastuctures upon OC shoreline environment.
Steve Lopez is a genuine left-wing ultra Dem hack who is running pro-Jerry Brown/ anti-Meg Whitman pieces, and slanted pro-AB32 articles in the LA Times. I am responding to his ultra-left rants in LAT comments section. At least LAT has the decency to allow opposing counter arguments to their slanted left-wing articles by their leftist moonbat writers.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Rise in public benefits to children of illegal immigrants in L.A. County has supervisor 'very concerned' | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times
Rise in public benefits to children of illegal immigrants in L.A. County has supervisor 'very concerned' | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times
This is a direct repost of an LA Times article from last month:
"Welfare payments to children of illegal immigrants in Los Angeles County increased in July to $52 million, prompting renewed calls from one county supervisor to rein in public benefits to such families.
The payments, made to illegal immigrants for their U.S. citizen children, included $30 million in food stamps and $22 million from the CalWORKS welfare program, according to Los Angeles County figures released Friday by Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich.
The new figure represents an increase of $3.7 million from July 2009 and makes up 23% of all county welfare and food stamp assistance, according to county records.
Last year, welfare and food stamp issuances totaled nearly $570 million, an amount projected to exceed $600 million this year. In addition, county taxpayers spend $550 million in public safety -- mostly for jail costs -- and nearly $500 million for healthcare for illegal immigrants, Antonovich said.
“The supervisor is very concerned,” said Antonovich spokesman Tony Bell. “He believes we have an economic catastrophe on our hands.”
Shirley Christensen of the county Department of Public Social Services said the number of households with illegal immigrant parents and U.S. citizen children receiving welfare increased by 7% from January to June of this year.
“With the economy the way it is, a lot of people have had to avail themselves of programs they may not have needed before,” Christensen said. “Everyone is taking a hit, including undocumented immigrants.”
Amid continued economic gloom, debate has intensified over the public cost of providing benefits to illegal immigrants and their U.S. citizen children. In recent months, calls have grown for a constitutional amendment that would effectively deny citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants, whose numbers have increased from 2.7 million in 2003 to 4 million in 2008, according to the Pew Hispanic Center.
At present, U.S. citizenship is automatically granted to children born on U.S. soil. Last month, U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) announced he might introduce a constitutional amendment to deny citizenship to children of illegal immigrants. Antonovich and several legal scholars, however, argue that a federal statute is sufficient to change the law.
But even some immigration hawks are wary of such a move. Steven Camarota of the Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington-based research organization that supports immigration restrictions, said ending birthright citizenship would hurt children for their parents' misdeeds, require new federal registration systems and create other problems. The ultimate solution, he said, is to continue driving down illegal immigration with tough enforcement."
This is a direct repost of an LA Times article from last month:
"Welfare payments to children of illegal immigrants in Los Angeles County increased in July to $52 million, prompting renewed calls from one county supervisor to rein in public benefits to such families.
The payments, made to illegal immigrants for their U.S. citizen children, included $30 million in food stamps and $22 million from the CalWORKS welfare program, according to Los Angeles County figures released Friday by Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich.
The new figure represents an increase of $3.7 million from July 2009 and makes up 23% of all county welfare and food stamp assistance, according to county records.
Last year, welfare and food stamp issuances totaled nearly $570 million, an amount projected to exceed $600 million this year. In addition, county taxpayers spend $550 million in public safety -- mostly for jail costs -- and nearly $500 million for healthcare for illegal immigrants, Antonovich said.
“The supervisor is very concerned,” said Antonovich spokesman Tony Bell. “He believes we have an economic catastrophe on our hands.”
Shirley Christensen of the county Department of Public Social Services said the number of households with illegal immigrant parents and U.S. citizen children receiving welfare increased by 7% from January to June of this year.
“With the economy the way it is, a lot of people have had to avail themselves of programs they may not have needed before,” Christensen said. “Everyone is taking a hit, including undocumented immigrants.”
Amid continued economic gloom, debate has intensified over the public cost of providing benefits to illegal immigrants and their U.S. citizen children. In recent months, calls have grown for a constitutional amendment that would effectively deny citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants, whose numbers have increased from 2.7 million in 2003 to 4 million in 2008, according to the Pew Hispanic Center.
At present, U.S. citizenship is automatically granted to children born on U.S. soil. Last month, U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) announced he might introduce a constitutional amendment to deny citizenship to children of illegal immigrants. Antonovich and several legal scholars, however, argue that a federal statute is sufficient to change the law.
But even some immigration hawks are wary of such a move. Steven Camarota of the Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington-based research organization that supports immigration restrictions, said ending birthright citizenship would hurt children for their parents' misdeeds, require new federal registration systems and create other problems. The ultimate solution, he said, is to continue driving down illegal immigration with tough enforcement."
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
A sharp drop in illegal border crossings reported
A sharp drop in illegal border crossings reported
These are the two retorts i put up in LA Times comments section after they put up a slanted article on 'sharp drop in illegal alien border crossings'. Anyone who follows this issue closely cannot believe their figures, nor that of the Obama Adm/DHS/Census bureau. As they say, it is "lies, damn lies, and statistics". This is just a whitewashed attempt to paint a rosy picture of fabricated illegal immigration reduction numbers as a prop for the Dems fall election campaign. It is meant to mollify and sooth the independent voter block, moderate Dems and even moderate Republicans into thinking that our illegal immigration problems are being solved, even as the real picture tells a different story. My estimation, based upon much study on this issue, is that Arizona alone had 1/2 million illegals invading across their borders each year in 2007-2009. That includes repeat re-crossers, which the U.S bureau of liars in our Fed gov chooses to ignore.
degoboy at 10:02 PM September 01, 2010
"I applaud Arizonas tough stance on illegal immigration. At least that state is facing up to the massive problems of illegals invading across the Arizona border and wreaking havoc on law enforcement. AZ is only responding to the epidemic of crime and lawlessness from the cartel drug wars spilling over into Arizona.
CA has for too long allowed illegals to roam freely, and freeload on the state's welfare programs thru their anchors. No other country allows foreign nationals to enter illegally thru our open borders so easily as the US does. Here illegals are allowed to run free in the streets, commit massive ID/ doc fraud and SS theft in obtaining jobs, and engage in wholesale criminal activities such as drug/human smuggling, auto insurance fraud, EITC fraud, mortage fraud, medi-cal fraud, bogus 'civil rights' lawsuit fraud, ect.
That time has come to and end with US in bad recession/ depression, and official UE at 10 %(CA at 13%), real U-6 UE at 17%(CA at 20+%). Americans are demanding that the drawbridge be raised and there be a complete moratorium to any more immigration, legal and illegal, till the UE rate dips to under 6%. Obama Adm is deporting at rate of close to 400,000 per year: we need to deport a million/2 miilion a year till 20-30 million UE/underemployed American citizens are put back to work. "
degoboy at 9:43 PM September 01, 2010
"This PC'ed article by the LA Times regarding illegals is aided/abetted by the CA Liberal progressive Dems, SEIU, and the Obama adm, which is proposing amnesty by executive decree, attacking AZ, and actually encouraging even more illegal immigration. The ultra LIB 'progressive' Dems only want the votes to stay in power and it does not matter to them if LA/CA are becoming third world ghettoized cesspools. Votes and keeping power is all that matters: just throw freebees at the howling 3rd world proletariat masses and keep them in line with state handouts and laker games.
It matters little to them if there is an illegal alien-spawned crime wave, with illegal-aliens & their devil spawn killing off each other, and even an occasional innocent bystander killed by stray bullets or hit by a drunken illegal. The Liberal Dems see it as small coin in exchange for getting the hispanic vote and maintaining their grip on power in CA and the US. It is all about power and control and no matter that CA has a 20-25% U-6 REAL UE RATE. The sufferings of UE Americans are of little consequence to greedy power hungery liberal Dems as long as the Hispanics keep voting them in. Just throw the shamnesty bone every now and then."
These are the two retorts i put up in LA Times comments section after they put up a slanted article on 'sharp drop in illegal alien border crossings'. Anyone who follows this issue closely cannot believe their figures, nor that of the Obama Adm/DHS/Census bureau. As they say, it is "lies, damn lies, and statistics". This is just a whitewashed attempt to paint a rosy picture of fabricated illegal immigration reduction numbers as a prop for the Dems fall election campaign. It is meant to mollify and sooth the independent voter block, moderate Dems and even moderate Republicans into thinking that our illegal immigration problems are being solved, even as the real picture tells a different story. My estimation, based upon much study on this issue, is that Arizona alone had 1/2 million illegals invading across their borders each year in 2007-2009. That includes repeat re-crossers, which the U.S bureau of liars in our Fed gov chooses to ignore.
degoboy at 10:02 PM September 01, 2010
"I applaud Arizonas tough stance on illegal immigration. At least that state is facing up to the massive problems of illegals invading across the Arizona border and wreaking havoc on law enforcement. AZ is only responding to the epidemic of crime and lawlessness from the cartel drug wars spilling over into Arizona.
CA has for too long allowed illegals to roam freely, and freeload on the state's welfare programs thru their anchors. No other country allows foreign nationals to enter illegally thru our open borders so easily as the US does. Here illegals are allowed to run free in the streets, commit massive ID/ doc fraud and SS theft in obtaining jobs, and engage in wholesale criminal activities such as drug/human smuggling, auto insurance fraud, EITC fraud, mortage fraud, medi-cal fraud, bogus 'civil rights' lawsuit fraud, ect.
That time has come to and end with US in bad recession/ depression, and official UE at 10 %(CA at 13%), real U-6 UE at 17%(CA at 20+%). Americans are demanding that the drawbridge be raised and there be a complete moratorium to any more immigration, legal and illegal, till the UE rate dips to under 6%. Obama Adm is deporting at rate of close to 400,000 per year: we need to deport a million/2 miilion a year till 20-30 million UE/underemployed American citizens are put back to work. "
degoboy at 9:43 PM September 01, 2010
"This PC'ed article by the LA Times regarding illegals is aided/abetted by the CA Liberal progressive Dems, SEIU, and the Obama adm, which is proposing amnesty by executive decree, attacking AZ, and actually encouraging even more illegal immigration. The ultra LIB 'progressive' Dems only want the votes to stay in power and it does not matter to them if LA/CA are becoming third world ghettoized cesspools. Votes and keeping power is all that matters: just throw freebees at the howling 3rd world proletariat masses and keep them in line with state handouts and laker games.
It matters little to them if there is an illegal alien-spawned crime wave, with illegal-aliens & their devil spawn killing off each other, and even an occasional innocent bystander killed by stray bullets or hit by a drunken illegal. The Liberal Dems see it as small coin in exchange for getting the hispanic vote and maintaining their grip on power in CA and the US. It is all about power and control and no matter that CA has a 20-25% U-6 REAL UE RATE. The sufferings of UE Americans are of little consequence to greedy power hungery liberal Dems as long as the Hispanics keep voting them in. Just throw the shamnesty bone every now and then."
Monday, August 30, 2010
City of Long Beach cutting back 100+ police officers in face of budget woes | | A Vegetable Garden Is Not A Substitute For Enough Cops
"One year ago in September 2009, the LB City Council voted 9-0 to cut LB budgeted sworn officers for taxpayers for deployment citywide by 76 sworn positions (59 sworn + 17 recruits from an erased replenishment Academy class). That came after City Manager Pat West proposed, without dissent from Mayor Bob Foster, to cut LB's sworn police level by 88 officers; the Council's response was to cut "only" 76 officers."
"In the next two weeks, the new Council is scheduled to vote on a proposal by City Manager West, advanced without dissent by Mayor Foster, that the City Council cut 27 more sworn officer positions (four civilianized) if city employee unions agree to modify contracts City Hall negotiated with them (that the unions modified last year that City Hall wants modified again by September 15). If the unions don't agree to this, West and Foster propose that the Council cut 49 more sworn officer positions (on top of the 27 they're already proposing to cut). That would leave LB with 76 fewer officers budgeted for taxpayers for citywide deployment in FY11 than in FY10, when the Council slashed 76 officers from FY09's level."
"The Foster/West "best case" would leave LB taxpayer with roughly 100 fewer budgeted officers than last year (76 + 27 = 103) while their worst case ("Plan B") would leave LB with roughly 150 officers (103 + 49 = 152).That would leave Long Beach with a per capita budgeted officer level for citywide deployment roughly equivalent to cutting L.A.P.D's level by roughly 25% (and think closer to 30%). L.A. Mayor Villaraigosa hasn't proposed this. No L.A. Councilmember has proposed this. And LBPD Police Chief Jim McDonnell didn't propose this when he was L.A.'s Assistant Police Chief."
"In Long Beach, it's the culmination of years of evasions, including another of City Hall's famously non-binding (eventually ignored) "plans" that recommended 1,023 officers by FY2000. Taxpayers never received those officers, not in 2000 or at any time subsequent. At one point, the City Council budgeted 1,020 total officers but that included nearly 60 officers who weren't available for citywide neighborhood deployment because they're contracted to handle tasks at the Port/Airport/LBCC/LBUSD, paid by those entities and not by the Council's General Fund."
"At its maximum, LB's neighborhood/citywide police level budgeted by the Council's General Fund barely reached 960, which was thinned by City Hall's failure to provide a replenishment police academy class to replace retiring/exiting officers, then slashed by the Council in Sept. 09 by 76 budgeted sworn officer positions and now thinned further by over two dozen sworn officer positions budgeted on paper left unfilled on the street."
"That is the level from which LB city management and the Mayor have proposed that the Council cut police still further, from 27 to 76 more officers. By our rough reckoning, that would leave LB below 850 officers and headed toward 810. These were the types of police levels that LB City Hall itself acknowledged over a decade and a half ago should be increased...and that was at a time when LB was smaller and gangs were less entrenched."
comment: Long beach proposals to slash it's PO force, if they follow the extreme cutback option, would have LB having an extremely thinned PD force of 850 policing a city of 450,000, a 1-529 ratio of PO to inhabitants. In comparison Los Angeles has a 1-421 ratio of PO to inhabitants. LB is every bit as dangerous as LA, in fact it is a mini-version of LA. We are a hi-crime city with large swathes of impoverished ghettos and a large, sullen, welfare-leeching minority population.
Long beach looks like it will slash it's force like Oakland did, due to public Employee union intransigence in city negotiations. Looks like LB will become a very dangerous unlivable city.
"One year ago in September 2009, the LB City Council voted 9-0 to cut LB budgeted sworn officers for taxpayers for deployment citywide by 76 sworn positions (59 sworn + 17 recruits from an erased replenishment Academy class). That came after City Manager Pat West proposed, without dissent from Mayor Bob Foster, to cut LB's sworn police level by 88 officers; the Council's response was to cut "only" 76 officers."
"In the next two weeks, the new Council is scheduled to vote on a proposal by City Manager West, advanced without dissent by Mayor Foster, that the City Council cut 27 more sworn officer positions (four civilianized) if city employee unions agree to modify contracts City Hall negotiated with them (that the unions modified last year that City Hall wants modified again by September 15). If the unions don't agree to this, West and Foster propose that the Council cut 49 more sworn officer positions (on top of the 27 they're already proposing to cut). That would leave LB with 76 fewer officers budgeted for taxpayers for citywide deployment in FY11 than in FY10, when the Council slashed 76 officers from FY09's level."
"The Foster/West "best case" would leave LB taxpayer with roughly 100 fewer budgeted officers than last year (76 + 27 = 103) while their worst case ("Plan B") would leave LB with roughly 150 officers (103 + 49 = 152).That would leave Long Beach with a per capita budgeted officer level for citywide deployment roughly equivalent to cutting L.A.P.D's level by roughly 25% (and think closer to 30%). L.A. Mayor Villaraigosa hasn't proposed this. No L.A. Councilmember has proposed this. And LBPD Police Chief Jim McDonnell didn't propose this when he was L.A.'s Assistant Police Chief."
"In Long Beach, it's the culmination of years of evasions, including another of City Hall's famously non-binding (eventually ignored) "plans" that recommended 1,023 officers by FY2000. Taxpayers never received those officers, not in 2000 or at any time subsequent. At one point, the City Council budgeted 1,020 total officers but that included nearly 60 officers who weren't available for citywide neighborhood deployment because they're contracted to handle tasks at the Port/Airport/LBCC/LBUSD, paid by those entities and not by the Council's General Fund."
"At its maximum, LB's neighborhood/citywide police level budgeted by the Council's General Fund barely reached 960, which was thinned by City Hall's failure to provide a replenishment police academy class to replace retiring/exiting officers, then slashed by the Council in Sept. 09 by 76 budgeted sworn officer positions and now thinned further by over two dozen sworn officer positions budgeted on paper left unfilled on the street."
"That is the level from which LB city management and the Mayor have proposed that the Council cut police still further, from 27 to 76 more officers. By our rough reckoning, that would leave LB below 850 officers and headed toward 810. These were the types of police levels that LB City Hall itself acknowledged over a decade and a half ago should be increased...and that was at a time when LB was smaller and gangs were less entrenched."
comment: Long beach proposals to slash it's PO force, if they follow the extreme cutback option, would have LB having an extremely thinned PD force of 850 policing a city of 450,000, a 1-529 ratio of PO to inhabitants. In comparison Los Angeles has a 1-421 ratio of PO to inhabitants. LB is every bit as dangerous as LA, in fact it is a mini-version of LA. We are a hi-crime city with large swathes of impoverished ghettos and a large, sullen, welfare-leeching minority population.
Long beach looks like it will slash it's force like Oakland did, due to public Employee union intransigence in city negotiations. Looks like LB will become a very dangerous unlivable city.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Brown attended fundraiser at home of terrorist supporter/ Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evan
"The campaign of California Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman released a statement by retired Marine Colonel Bucky Peterson on Wednesday(Aug 25th) urging Whitman’s Democrat rival, California Attorney General Jerry Brown, to return campaign donations raised at a fundraiser last Saturday(Aug 21st)at the home of terrorist supporter and Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans."
'The Whitman campaign issued Col. Peterson’s call to Brown on the occasion of Brown’s scheduled speech Wednesday evening at the Santa Rosa Veterans Memorial Building.'
"Jodie Evans is a longtime political ally of Brown’s who worked for his various campaigns and elective offices from the 1970s to the 1990s, culminating when Jodie Evans managed Brown’s failed 1992 campaign for the Democrat’s presidential nomination."
'In the 2000s, Jodie Evans teamed with communist revolutionary Susan ‘Medea’ Benjamin in founding Code Pink, a group that supports Islamic terrorists and works with state sponsors of terrorism against the United States. Jodie Evans and Benjamin are also leading Democratic Party activists; Jodie Evans was also a top fundraiser for President Barack Obama. Jodie Evans also has donated thousands of dollars to the reelection campaign of her fellow California Democrat, Sen. Barbara Boxer.'
Someone needs to investigate further CA Gov candidate Jerry Brown, Senator Barbara Boxer, and President Obama's political/radical/fundraiser ties to ultra radical, rabidly anti-war, America-bashing commie leftwing nutjob Jodie Evans, founder of Code Pink.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Walter Moore Says: You Are Buying New Trucks For Union Employees Only
Walter Moore Says: You Are Buying New Trucks For Union Employees Only
Los Angeles Times">
From Walter Moore:
"Well, the Los Angeles Times reports today that U.S. District Court Judge Christina Snyder has upheld the "provision, backed by the Teamsters Union, that truck drivers moving through the harbor must be employed by a trucking company." Her reasoning, according to the paper, was as follows:
"Snyder concluded that the concession agreements were a "business necessity" that allowed harbor officials to protect its financial interests. In her ruling, she said that air pollution from trucks had jeopardized the port's future as a commercial enterprise, with lawsuits over emissions stalling growth at the harbor for seven years -- just as other ports were growing dramatically"
"With all due respect, I predict the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit will reverse this decision unless Judge Snyder reconsiders her ruling first.
Barring independent contractors serves no legitimate purpose. If the supposed problem is ensuring drivers can afford a truck, then require a minimum credit score, or require them to post a bond. Any given independent contractor's financial wherewithal may be better, worse, or exactly the same as any given corporation. To close the port to independent contractors is therefore unjustifiable."
"This provision of the "clean trucks" program has nothing to do with cleaning the air, and everything to do with rewarding the unions that fund the political campaigns of career politicians like Villaraigosa. This is special interest politics at its worst. Indeed, more fundamentally, why are you and I, through increased duties imposed on imports, buying "free" trucks for private companies at all? Assuming it makes sense to require cleaner trucks at the port than everywhere else in the city, county and state, the port should simply ban "dirty" trucks, and leave it to the companies and independent contractors in trucking to buy, rent or lease their own trucks."
COMMENT: I have mixed views on the LA Clean Trucks Program. It in effect creates a union closed shop in LA port areas where only unionized teamster EMPLOYEES of large trucking companies can move goods thru the LA Port. It goes against my ingrained free market principals, my past background as an independent contract business owner/driver, and my general stance against closed shop/public unions.
On other hand i live right next to LA Port and next to a very busy freeway thru which port trucks rumble day and night. I benefit healthwise from the ports cleaner air resulting from this ruling, as do all area residents. Also this ruling has admittedly put out of business 1000's of big rig independent contract drivers, many of them recent green card immigrants, who were driving beaten-up old rigs which belched tons of black smoke & spewed pollutants into the air, and fouled up the local streets with their beaten up old deisels.
After careful consideration i have come out against the ruling, as it does foster a closed union shop and allows for large trucking companies to be gov-subsidized. This is a big no-no for me. I ran my own independent contract delivery business for many years and always payed all my expenses of running the operation - no government ever gave me any subsidy.
Los Angeles Times">
From Walter Moore:
"Well, the Los Angeles Times reports today that U.S. District Court Judge Christina Snyder has upheld the "provision, backed by the Teamsters Union, that truck drivers moving through the harbor must be employed by a trucking company." Her reasoning, according to the paper, was as follows:
"Snyder concluded that the concession agreements were a "business necessity" that allowed harbor officials to protect its financial interests. In her ruling, she said that air pollution from trucks had jeopardized the port's future as a commercial enterprise, with lawsuits over emissions stalling growth at the harbor for seven years -- just as other ports were growing dramatically"
"With all due respect, I predict the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit will reverse this decision unless Judge Snyder reconsiders her ruling first.
Barring independent contractors serves no legitimate purpose. If the supposed problem is ensuring drivers can afford a truck, then require a minimum credit score, or require them to post a bond. Any given independent contractor's financial wherewithal may be better, worse, or exactly the same as any given corporation. To close the port to independent contractors is therefore unjustifiable."
"This provision of the "clean trucks" program has nothing to do with cleaning the air, and everything to do with rewarding the unions that fund the political campaigns of career politicians like Villaraigosa. This is special interest politics at its worst. Indeed, more fundamentally, why are you and I, through increased duties imposed on imports, buying "free" trucks for private companies at all? Assuming it makes sense to require cleaner trucks at the port than everywhere else in the city, county and state, the port should simply ban "dirty" trucks, and leave it to the companies and independent contractors in trucking to buy, rent or lease their own trucks."
COMMENT: I have mixed views on the LA Clean Trucks Program. It in effect creates a union closed shop in LA port areas where only unionized teamster EMPLOYEES of large trucking companies can move goods thru the LA Port. It goes against my ingrained free market principals, my past background as an independent contract business owner/driver, and my general stance against closed shop/public unions.
On other hand i live right next to LA Port and next to a very busy freeway thru which port trucks rumble day and night. I benefit healthwise from the ports cleaner air resulting from this ruling, as do all area residents. Also this ruling has admittedly put out of business 1000's of big rig independent contract drivers, many of them recent green card immigrants, who were driving beaten-up old rigs which belched tons of black smoke & spewed pollutants into the air, and fouled up the local streets with their beaten up old deisels.
After careful consideration i have come out against the ruling, as it does foster a closed union shop and allows for large trucking companies to be gov-subsidized. This is a big no-no for me. I ran my own independent contract delivery business for many years and always payed all my expenses of running the operation - no government ever gave me any subsidy.
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