Sunday, August 15, 2010

Rants on my hometown of long beach, a mini version of the ghettoized 'PC ed ' cesspool of LA

On Long beach affordable housing plans

Yeah we really need more affordable housing in long beach. LB already has 1000's of section 8 apt dumps and foreclosed trashed out properties so adding more affordable low income housing would make little difference. After all LB is largely a marginalized community of welfare suckling illegals, gang bangers, section 8'ers, and all other assorted welfare leeching marginals, and the city has virtually no decent paying middle class supporting jobs so the only thing LB can do is pump affordable housing to add even more marginal folks to the already third world ghettoish cesspool which LB has largely descended into.

LB used to be called 'Iowa by the Sea'. We can now call it 'Ghetto by the Sea' or 'Oakland south.'

LB sold out to 'progressive' unions
My view of the LB political establishment is that most of them are left wing union-bribed hacks who have PC stamped on their foreheads and go around sprouting 'we are the world' and 'cumbaya'. Ditto for most LA and CA politicians. Union bribed, brought and sold, and sucking up/down to minority empowerment politics. The only thing they have in common is their absolute inbecility in practical business matters. LB, LA, and CA are examples of what far left socialist/progressive/union thug/ illegal-alien catering politics do to a city and state: turn it into a BK third world polyglot laughing stock of USA and entire world.

Here is the key to how the Dems maintain power in CA:

Greater LA basin region,including Long beach, is now predominantly minority, and the Dem 'progressives' based in northern CA know exactly how to play the fiddle with these minorities. They simply keep on giving massive doses of welfare handouts and portray themselves as the party of compassion for the downtrodden. The local LB far left union -bribed politicians are nothing but puppets on a string guided by their leftist union masters/Dem party operatives based up in Sacto, San Francisco, and Washington. The concept is simple: throw a few crumbs at the minorities/illegals/Hispanic voting block to keep them in line.

why Dems need the welfare spigot to keep flowing to their Democrat voting constituents

LA county, which includes LB, has 3 million souls collecting welfare, and a huge impoverished population at or near poverty level. 90% of these welfare recipients are minority, most of them recent immigrants both legal and illegal, and you can add to that an equally huge impoverished anchor baby population . They know the hand that feeds them and will keep voting democrat like brain dead zombies as long as the welfare spigot keeps on coming from the bankrupt CA treasury. No problem getting the minority votes for the Dems.

The northern-based CA Dems see LA region and much of SoCal as one vast dumbed down minority-populated backwater to be kept in line with welfare handouts

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