Apparently some areas south of Phoenix and west of Tucson are so overrun with illegal alien invaders and drug cartel activity that signs such as this have been posted along US interstate 8. If such a sign(s) were posted in CA the illegal alien activists/pro-illegal alien leftist CA politicians would have pulled the signs and/ or illegal alien taggers would have defaced it with gang graffiti.
This brand new sign is posted on U.S. Interstate 8, which is just south of Phoenix and west of Tucson:
• * Active Drug and Human Smuggling Area
• * Visitors May Encounter Armed Criminals and Smuggling
Vehicles Traveling at High Rates of Speed
• * Stay Away From Trash, Clothing, Backpacks and
Abandoned Vehicles
• * If You See Suspicious Activity Do Not Confront
Move Away and Call 911
• * BLM Encourages visitors to use Public Lands North
• Of Interstate 8
Bad news for supporters of Arizona's tough new SB 1070 anti-illegal immigration law. The entire leftist Obama adm and their ultra-leftist minions in Washington, including most cabinet dept heads, have openly come out in support of the murderous drug cartel narco traffickers streaming up from the corrupt,3rd world narco state of Mexico.
Yes, the Obama adm by it's actions in opposing Arizona's SB 1070 have shown themselves to be allied with the murderous Mexican Narco gangs who have murdered, pillaged, kidnapped, and gone on crime sprees all over Arizona.
We are in effect faced by a traitorous 3rd world corrupt junta administration in Washington, a much more larger and dangerous syndicate than the Chicago gang thugs Obama has allowed to infiltrate his administration. He has infected his entire administration with open borders advocates, and is moving against Arizona for purely cynical political reasons.
We have a sellout administration which must be stopped at all costs. The most important step is to elect majority Republicans in both houses this November and elected strong, patriotic Republican governors like Gov Brewer in every statehouse. Governor candidates who will stand by the rule of law and stand by the American people and our flag.
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