This is in regards to the much-hyped protests by opponents of Arizona SB 1070 law at Staple center, May 17th, during first game of lakers/sun NBA playoff series. Protests were mainly aimed at Lakers coach Phil Jackson for his qualified support of Arizona's tough new law against illegal immigration, SB 1070. The protests turned out to be a big bust, as only 40 showed up. This was of course magnified by the leftist-slanted LA Times into a mega news event, so i responded with a sharp rebuff to LAT under their comments section, which i reprint below:
Lakers coach criticized for remarks on immigration law
'40 people, including 15 naive bussed-in H.S. students, stage a protest and LA Times and local media make a big deal out of it. THE LAT has gone out of it's way to magnify this tiny protest and make it into a front page major news item, which effectively provides free air/print/news propaganda for the protesters of Ariz 1070. If LAT wants to run interference for the pro-illegal protesters then i will twitter /facebook all over the web to boycott LAT as well as City of Los Angeles. LA will feel the brunt of a nationwide summer tourism boycott, which has effectively gone viral all over the US/worldwide web on socal network sites. LA City could loose billions in tourist $ from the boycott due to moronic actions of LA City Council in calling for arizona boycott. Who would want to visit the ghettoish illegal alien haven 3rd world craphole of LA anyway.'
I want to thank Coach Jackson for his courage in standing up to the anti-arizona, anti-SB 1070 hysterical inner city mobs and slimy politicians who only whore themselves to the illegal-alien latino voter block to garner votes to stay in power, unlike Jackson who is likely the greatest NBA coach of all time and cannot be bribed nor intimidated.
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