Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Pro-illegal alien protest in dwtn long beach

In my home city of long beach there was a pro-illegal alien march in DWTN, organized by the ultra radical leftist SEIU.


This march by the pro-illegal,pro-amnesty SEIU in dwtn Long beach is no surprise, as it reflects the general trend toward the ghettoization of LB,LA and CA due to massive illegal alien invasion.

The state and city are dead broke and LB has a 15% UE rate(real UE rate is close to 30%) so the chance for anyone currently UE to get a job is close to zilch, yet the illegals want amnesty? get real.

The corrupt ultra-leftist CA Dem politicians have created and perpetuated ghettos by their policy of unlimited welfare handouts, allowing jobs & benefits-stealing illegals to inundate CA, and have turned CA into the big sugar daddy and free ATM for the state's 10-15 million shiftless and welfare spongers. yet we are suppose to take the SEIU seriously?

Long beach is already infested with more gang bangers and all other assorted outscourings of society than any other city of it's size save Oakland. Long beach, the ghetto by the sea, has a talent for attracting the best and brightest as one can witness by a simple drive down Atlantic ave/long beach blvd or along PCH between the west edge of city and lakewood circle. Yet we are suppose to grant amnesty/allow open borders so that LB can pack even more illegals/criminal gang bangers into the 3rd world blighted hoods of central/western/north LB.


Monday, May 24, 2010

LA & CA cities increasing ticket enforcement

Today, I went out for a short errand here in long beach and was stopped by a police officer. According to PO, i got off the freeway off ramp and did a rolling stop at the freeway off ramp stop sign, and the cop saw that and pulled me over. In my defense, i drive real slow and cautious, and maybe i did not fully stop at that freeway off ramp stop sign but i was not being wild and reckless. I made a stupid mental error, being somewhat tired and groggy.

Luckily I actually got off without a ticket, as i told the cop i was in economic hardship and could not pay that ticket, and i told him that in a sad, desperate manner. I have learned from long hard experience that it is better to put one's head down and be as inoffensive to ticketing PO's as possible, even to feigning desperation and extreme sadness. Another words, go limp and conjure up a desperate story of economic hardship, which many of us are going thru these days. Accepting tickets angrily does not work-cops are human, vindicative, and will give you that ticket if you get mad about it and argue over it.

luckily i was feeling really sad, worn, and depressed at that moment(I suffer from depression), and that feeling filtered to the cop, and he actually let me off with a warning only.

Now to my more public statement, which relates to my personal story above. Los Angeles and all other BK CA cities are stepping up traffic enforcement efforts, employing more red light camera's, and raising parking fees, in desperate attempts to raise more incoming revenue for nearly BK city coffers.



carmine pete (ripsaw880) on Twitter

I have been aware of this for some time, as all cities in CA are facing budget problems, and to balance their books will use their Police Depts as revenue collectors.
This i call balancing city budgets on the backs of taxpayers and law-abiding drivers. Being a 15 year veteran driver i know all the tricks PD's use to issue tickets.
That's one reason i quit driving for a living, as the economic climate in CA is so stacked against delivery drivers, and the idiotic CA DMV laws make it almost a capital crime to have penalties/DMV points on your driving record. These points are used by insurance companies/delivery companies to ferret out risky drivers. As cities get more desperate and broke they will issue standing orders to their PD's to go after driver's and collect more tickets.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Costa Mesa's 'rule of law' does not apply to LA

I applaud Costa Mesa's stance on being a 'rule of law' city. Too bad there is no rule of law in LA or even large parts of the OC, which allow illegal alien criminal syndicates/gang bangers and their criminal gang banging spawn offspring to roam at will without the ability of police to stop, question and detain. We have an epidemic of illegal alien- spawned gangstas driving around LA roads packing heat, and the illegal alien packed ghettos are rampant with crime, guns, drug dealing, drug/ human smuggling, gang- to -gang shootings, property crimes, ect.

There are two sets of law in LA, one for law-abiding citizens, and another one for undocumented illegal alien criminals who drive with suspended or no drivers license, no insurance, expired registration, who willfully disregard CA driving laws, who use fake, fraudulent ID's to obtain jobs and benefits illegally, who commit felonies and flee back to Mexico, and then return again and again after multiple deportations.

I've seen lots of this crap after living 30+ years in LA and seeing this city turn into one gigantic favela in about 3 decades.

Below is news link of a typical illegal alien-spawned criminal syndicate activity for the 3rd world cesspool of LA, though this actually is in adjoining Orange County, which is seeing an epidemic of LA- type syndicate criminal gang activity.


LAPD arrests 9 in immigration march that blocked Westside traffic

LAPD arrests 9 in immigration march that blocked Westside traffic

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Short comment on this protest. It took place at Wilshire blvd a few blocks east of 405 freeway, probably in front of federal bldg in LA Westside. A small group of illegal alien protestors staged a sit-down/laydown protest right on Wilshire blvd.

Their ringleader was one Nancy Meza, 23, a UCLA student who is an undocumented illegal protesting for passage of the Dream Act.
Her timing,location and tactics were letter perfect. That protest jammed traffic all along 405 freeway, wilshire blvd, and seized up traffic in entire surrounding area for several hrs. Wilshire blvd exit off 405 is one of busiest in entire LA, and there must have been a lot of enraged commuters stuck in traffic for hrs.

I have driven through there in heavy traffic, and even in normal tims it is a nightmare at rush hr. The LA Westsiders are normally a tolerant and liberal lot, but they do get enraged by insane Westside traffic tie-ups. I do not imagine this protest will be received with much forgiveness by even liberal tolerant Westsiders. Her biggest mistake was to enrage John and Ken, the influencial AM 640talk show hosts, who were involved in the traffic tie-up , and who in a spate of anger launched a phone/mail tirade against Nancy Meza's twitter and facebook accts.

I predict that the pro ilegal-alien, liberal LA Times will bury this incident, to avoid the angry comments which will inundate their pro-illegal rag over this outrageous tie-up caused by less than a dozen illegal alien student protestors.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Lakers coach Phil Jackson's courageous stand

I want to thank Coach Jackson for his courage in standing up to the anti-arizona, anti-SB 1070 hysterical inner city mobs and slimy politicians who only whore themselves to the illegal-alien latino voter block to garner votes to stay in power, unlike Jackson who is likely the greatest NBA coach of all time and cannot be bribed nor intimidated. Unlike the slimy greaseball money-grubbing politicians infesting Los Angeles and CA, who only suck up/down to the hysterical loony leftist inner city minority mobs , Jackson takes a truly independent courageous stand in favor of enforcing America's immigration laws, impartially but firmly.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lakers coach criticized for remarks on immigration law

This is in regards to the much-hyped protests by opponents of Arizona SB 1070 law at Staple center, May 17th, during first game of lakers/sun NBA playoff series. Protests were mainly aimed at Lakers coach Phil Jackson for his qualified support of Arizona's tough new law against illegal immigration, SB 1070. The protests turned out to be a big bust, as only 40 showed up. This was of course magnified by the leftist-slanted LA Times into a mega news event, so i responded with a sharp rebuff to LAT under their comments section, which i reprint below:

Lakers coach criticized for remarks on immigration law

'40 people, including 15 naive bussed-in H.S. students, stage a protest and LA Times and local media make a big deal out of it. THE LAT has gone out of it's way to magnify this tiny protest and make it into a front page major news item, which effectively provides free air/print/news propaganda for the protesters of Ariz 1070. If LAT wants to run interference for the pro-illegal protesters then i will twitter /facebook all over the web to boycott LAT as well as City of Los Angeles. LA will feel the brunt of a nationwide summer tourism boycott, which has effectively gone viral all over the US/worldwide web on socal network sites. LA City could loose billions in tourist $ from the boycott due to moronic actions of LA City Council in calling for arizona boycott. Who would want to visit the ghettoish illegal alien haven 3rd world craphole of LA anyway.'

I want to thank Coach Jackson for his courage in standing up to the anti-arizona, anti-SB 1070 hysterical inner city mobs and slimy politicians who only whore themselves to the illegal-alien latino voter block to garner votes to stay in power, unlike Jackson who is likely the greatest NBA coach of all time and cannot be bribed nor intimidated.



Saturday, May 15, 2010

3 million in LA County on California welfare rolls.

Our governor has just announced yet more big cuts in welfare programs for the states needy, disabled, out-of-work, seniors, impoverished, poverty-level families with kids, other state assistance programs for the state's huge class of 'needy'. Here is a snapshot of LA County's share of those needy Californians, a portrait of a county swamped with 3 million folks collecting direct welfare payouts. Much of the payouts go to indirect transfer payments to illegals , unentitled scamming greencard immigrants,and unscrupulous scamming anchor spawn of illegals.

"As the State of California continues to fill up with poor, illiterate illegal aliens, it must tax the wealthier population to fund the aliens' health care, education and jail time. "


Direct quote from above article:

"One in five Los Angeles County residents -- nearly 2.2 million people -- are receiving public assistance payments or benefits, a level county officials say will rise significantly over the coming months as the fallout from the recession continues. The percentage of people on county aid already equals the figure at the height of the 2001-03 recession and far exceeds the one in seven who needed help during the economic downturn in the early 1990s and the one in nine assisted in the collapse of the early 1980s."

That article was written in fed 2009. since then it is a safe bet that close to 3 million or 30 % of LA county's population is receiving public assistance. Anyone care to rebut my assertion that CA, and LA in particular, is being filled up with poor illegal aliens and their anchors!. The anchors may either be born here or brought into US when young but in many cases they are barely more educated than their illegal parents.

SIDENOTE; The Los Angeles Unified School District (LASUD) is one of the largest in US with a huge population of anchor schoolkids yet the dropout rate in the LASUD is 50%. These dropout anchors are big welfare recipients and the latina anchors draw more public benefits proportional to their numbers than any other ethnic group due to their having high rates of teen pregnancies.

LA city and county population is 10% illegal alien, and 30-40% of entire county population are recent immigrants(legal and illegal) here less than 30 years. Vast majority in either case are south of border immigrants. LA has 10 million souls which is 27 % of the states population. 3 million of those are on welfare assistance programs. 3 million is more than the population of all but two or three cities in entire US.

The vast majority of the 3 million In LA County receiving public assistance are either illegals, recent green card immigrants, or anchor offspring of illegals. LA City itself is now 70% latinoized and much of the city is a vast illegal alien- spawned ghetto dump. Example: zip 90011 which is the old historic south central part of LA just below Dwtn may be the most polluted filthy ghetto in America. It is filled with nothing but illegals.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tourism counter boycott of LA due to City Council's boycott of Arizona

This is a response to LA City Council voting to boycott Arizona over it's tough new immigration law SB 1070:

I am calling for an economic and tourism boycott of the 3rd world ghetto cesspool of LA. I cannot think of any positives to come out of an economic boycott of Arizona. Most folks would rather visit the famous and beautiful redrock scenery of Arizona than visit the nasty, smoggy, hot, muggy, traffic- choked, 3rd world graffiti-ed ghetto cesspool of LA. I have called from my twitter and facebook accounts for summer tourism boycotts of the illegal-alien haven, loonyville leftist cities of LA and San Francisco.

I understand why LA City Council took this immature action, which is tantamount to a child throwing a temper tantrum due to its helplessness and anger. CC needed to create a political diversion to distract the public and pander to their huge Latino/illegal alien base.

LA City Council is basically a useless irrelevant body unable to deal with LA's intractable problems such as 14 %-25% UE rate, 70% of LA being a 3rd world ghetto packed with illegals , 1/2 of city population collecting direct welfare handouts, gangs running amok, city treasury 500 million in the red, extortionist DWP rate hikes, unions & their political whores squeezing taxpayers & small businesses , 10% sales tax, 40% black market economy, and about a 100 other problems in this largely ghettoized BK city. It is easier to engage in stupid political resolutions/silly boycotts than deal with the real intractable problems in the city.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

LA needs to pass Jamiel's law to go after illegal alien felons

Left Creates New Class of Victims, Illegal Aliens, While Real Victims Are Smeared as Racists

Here is a passage from proposed Jamiel's law, named in honor of a promising young black teenager murdered by an illegal alien gang-banger here in S Central Los Angeles:

"WHEREAS, the City of Los Angeles is unsafe for law-abiding citizens, legal aliens and illegal aliens due to the prevalence of gangs that routinely commit crimes including but not limited to murder, extortion, robbery, rape, theft, drug-trafficking, and vandalism.....
WHEREAS, many, if not most, of the members of the gangs in Los Angeles are illegal aliens; and,...
WHEREAS, there is no legitimate public policy reason for the City to extend “sanctuary city” protection to illegal aliens in the gangs that are ravaging our city….... No Sanctuary For Gang Members.

"The policy of this City from this point forward is, and shall be, to deny any 'sanctuary city' protection to illegal aliens in gangs. Neither the Mayor, the Chief of the Police nor any other City employee shall prohibit or inhibit Los Angeles Police Department officers from lawfully investigating possible violations of federal immigration laws by gang members."

Los Angeles/LAPD needs to get rid of Special order 40, which provides illegal alien criminal felons & gang bangers protected safe haven status in Los Angeles. CA/LA needs to copy/adopt Arizona's tough new SB 1070 law.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Morgan Hill- epicenter of unruly rioting Mex teen mobs

Gee, we have in-your-face uppity latino/Mexican anchor brats of illegals attacking American flag waving patrotic teens, ripping away the American flag and tossing it away,, and rampaging around the Morgan hills hi school campus, defying school authorities, and displaying their proud Mexican heritage on Cinco de Mayo. This being a school in left-wing half Hispanized, half balkanized CA, and the entire CA school system subverted by America-hating leftist radical unionized teachers, i am not a bit surprized at this display of taunting of the American flag, and bullying of outnumbered white patriotic kids.
Maybe CA should just take down the bear flag or turn it upside down and wave the Mexican flag, along with a big red socialist/communist banner displayed on the state capital bldg. The Balkanization of California into an unruly America-hating Hispanic immigrant/minority/diversity stew is complete.

3 reputed gang members arrested after attack on off-duty LAX officer

3 reputed gang members arrested after attack on off-duty LAX officer

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Business as usual in LA

Three suspected gang members were arrested after they allegedly opened fire on a car driven by an off-duty LAX airport police officer in unincorporated South Los Angeles, authorities said Monday. The officer had stopped at an intersection in the 1600 block of East Firestone Boulevard on Sunday afternoon when another vehicle pulled alongside.

One of the men shouted at the officer before firing two shots into the vehicle. The officer, who was not identified, suffered cuts to his head from broken glass but was not hit by any of the rounds. The attackers ,later ID'ed and arrested for attempted murder, were all known gang members, who's names are Efren Alcaraz, 24; Carlos Vasquez, 18; and Israel Garcia, 21.

Here is my own unbiased, uncensored, non-'PC' observations:

These are 3 illegal criminal aliens from Mexico and/ or Central America, or are anchor gangsta spawn of illegals. The Firestone district(zip 90001) where shooting occurred is one of the most blighted run-down illegal alien-infested ghettos in LA. It is located next to South Central LA and is actually an unincorporated half-industrial ragged strip informally called the Alameda corridor, and it is a haven for LA illegal-immigrant/gang criminal activity. That officer was off duty and presumably driving an unmarked vehicle so the 3 gangsta punks did not know that he was an off-duty LAX PO. If this was a shooting involving gang-to-gang car shooting or involving non-police officer(s)LA times would not have reported it, as this crap happens so much in wasted gang-infested LA that LAT will ignore this stuff most times, especially if it is deep in ghettoland.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Blog - Homicide Report - Los Angeles Times

Blog - Homicide Report - Los Angeles Times

I am looking at the LA Times excellent interactive homicide report with maps, which does an excellent jobs of compiling stats and pic's on all homicides since 2007. I do blast LA City & County a lot on my blog so i did a check on homicide frequencies for LA County. Lo and behold!! Homicide rates are actually, and shockingly, declining! In 2007 we had 939 homicides(war zone levels): in 2008 we had 880: 2009 we had 740: and in first 4 months of 2010 we have had 230
homicides, which extrapolates out to roughly 700 for all of 2010. However, summer likely sees rise in homicide levels so we will likely see levels in 2010 which exceed 2009. Also there seems to have been a dramatic surge last few weeks in LA homicides, with rates running at 60-70 per month.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Gruesome bloodbath day in LA

Today May 6th in LA there was an outbreak of murders, shootings, outrage, car wreaks, attempted shootings, a drug-Cartel kidnapping, a minor protest in dwtn LA, more shootings, ad nauseum.

With the city in deadly throes of a 20-25 % REAL U-6 UE rate, with the hot smoggy summer coming up, with contentious elections and political/ethnic anger building to white hot levels, anger, desperation on the streets and in financially BK suburbia, anger over oil spill, broke CA gov't, lying leftist-union looters in CA gov't ripping off taxpayers, public pensioners getting fat pensions while 25% of Californians are out of work or underemployed , and half of LA residents either dead broke, living off gov dole, or living hand to mouth, no wonder we get bad days such as this.

A bad day in LA is nothing out of ordinary as folks in this grim yellow-brownish, ghettoish, traffic-choked city of 4 million(10 million in LA County), deal with living in the most grimiest, smokiest, bleakest, ghettoized, illegal alien-infested metro in the US, with crime rates greater than even fearsome chicage(honest).

Here is a summation of todays bloodshed:

1. A gun battle erupted near Dockweiler State Beach on Thursday afternoon after reputed gang members came to the coast in a rented stretch Hummer limousine to celebrate so-called Hood Day, according to police. Two people were injured -- one hit by gunfire and another struck and dragged by the limo after it was riddled with bullet holes, the Los Angeles Police Department said.

2. A gunman walked up to a man at a crowded hamburger stand just south of downtown Los Angeles on Thursday and fatally shot him in the head, Los Angeles police said.

3. Authorities are looking for a man accused of shooting and injuring a Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy during a traffic stop Thursday in Lomita.


4. A man carrying an AK-47 rifle and a can of gasoline entered the Hawaiian Gardens home of his ex-girlfriend early Thursday and shot four family members -- Three of them fatally -- before being shot by a Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department deputy, officials said. Included is video of that murderous rampage. Notice the drab ghettoized nature of that hood. Tiny gang-infested Hawaiian Gardens is just one of several hundred ghettoized communities in LA County


5. All but two northbound lanes of the 405 Freeway in the San Fernando Valley have been reopened after an L.A. County Sheriff's Department vehicle struck a stopped pickup truck, killing the woman inside, authorities said.

Four people were killed early Thursday when a sports car crashed near Van Nuys airport, police said.

The yellow 2007 Chevy Corvette was traveling at high speeds when it hit a guard rail on Roscoe Boulevard shortly after midnight, said Officer Gregory Baek of the Los Angeles Police Department. The car skidded several hundred feet, crossed some railway tracks and came to rest upside down, he said.

7. GARDEN GROVE - Several men in black clothes with the word "POLICE" printed on them and driving a black Lincoln Navigator burst into the home of a Garden Grove businessman just before dawn and kidnapped him, authorities said. This is a drug cartel type kidnapping in orange county, but included in this list because it demonstrates that Mex border drug mafia activity has hit the former tidy suburb of garden grove, OC.

Tally for today:
4 murders
deputy injured in shooting
3 injured in shootings
5 killed in auto accidents
One drug cartel kidnapping

And we haven even entered the weekend yet!

Prince Oliver Band -Μαύρες Ψυχές (unofficial video clip)

One of the better U-tube videos of the Greek riots, played to a lively rock-music beat but it is entirely in Greek language and also likely done from the perspective of the rioters.
I normally am not a fan of rioting, being a law and order guy, but when 100,000 Greeks, of all backgrounds, march out into Athens streets protesting there is a big problem.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Investigations=Campaign Stops - Kathryn Jean Lopez - The Corner on National Review Online

A short summation of the dangerous ideological leftist Jerry Brown from NRO:

Investigations=Campaign Stops - Kathryn Jean Lopez - The Corner on National Review Online

California attorney general and Democratic Governor candidate Jerry 'loony' brown is using his attorney general's
office to run pit dog investigations/attacks upon Republican candidates and conservative-oriented policies, and generally
using his office to run political interference on behalf of the leftist coalitions now in control
in California.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Video: Arizona Deputy Shot By Illegal Immigrants With AK-47

Video: Arizona Deputy Shot By Illegal Immigrants With AK-47

I wonder if the ACLU and ultra radical reconquista's LA Raza, Mecha,LULAC, Al Sharpton,ect. will inquire about any violation's of 'civil rights' as Arizona law enforcement and border agents pursue armed illegal alien border invaders who shot at Arizona officer.