In my home city of long beach there was a pro-illegal alien march in DWTN, organized by the ultra radical leftist SEIU.
This march by the pro-illegal,pro-amnesty SEIU in dwtn Long beach is no surprise, as it reflects the general trend toward the ghettoization of LB,LA and CA due to massive illegal alien invasion.
The state and city are dead broke and LB has a 15% UE rate(real UE rate is close to 30%) so the chance for anyone currently UE to get a job is close to zilch, yet the illegals want amnesty? get real.
The corrupt ultra-leftist CA Dem politicians have created and perpetuated ghettos by their policy of unlimited welfare handouts, allowing jobs & benefits-stealing illegals to inundate CA, and have turned CA into the big sugar daddy and free ATM for the state's 10-15 million shiftless and welfare spongers. yet we are suppose to take the SEIU seriously?
Long beach is already infested with more gang bangers and all other assorted outscourings of society than any other city of it's size save Oakland. Long beach, the ghetto by the sea, has a talent for attracting the best and brightest as one can witness by a simple drive down Atlantic ave/long beach blvd or along PCH between the west edge of city and lakewood circle. Yet we are suppose to grant amnesty/allow open borders so that LB can pack even more illegals/criminal gang bangers into the 3rd world blighted hoods of central/western/north LB.