I am quoting from an article here which reflects my sentiments:
"Robert Krentz, a well-known and much-beloved southern Arizona rancher, was shot and killed on his own property on March 27 by what police firmly believe was an illegal immigrant, one of countless numbers who’ve been using ranches like Krentz’s as portals to America for far too long now. The 58-year-old Krentz was apparently checking water line and fencing on the property his family has owned since 1907 when his life was so ignominiously snuffed out by an invader....
Sadly, too many of you reading about Robert Krentz here are doing so for the first time. Our government officials, many of whom receive taxpayer-funded personal, armed protection and nearly all of whom live far away from the front lines of this war zone , continue to (shamefully) enjoy the luxury of viewing the problem of illegal immigration in terms of political expediency, rather than as the national emergency it has long been. Every “leader” of ours who has ever behaved accordingly has the blood of Robert Krentz on his hands, and is nothing short of a traitor to this nation. Rest in Peace, Mr. Krentz."
Decent Americans like Arizona rancher Robert Krentz are being killed due to the policy of appeasement to the open borders pro-illegal alien lobby by traitorous Washington politicians. US has the financial, military and technical resources but lacks the will to wipe out the ruthless drug and human smugglers who make a mockery of our wimpy border control efforts. The drug cartels regularly attack our border agents and are attacking US consulates and personnel along the border. Yet Obama adm would rather appease the Hispanic lobby in Wash and cut back on border fence funding and agents.
The US-Mex border is completely out of control and the drug cartels have the upper hand due to US appeasement to the Hispanic pro-illegal alien lobby. Politicians have sold America out for pure political gain. Maybe US is already a corrupt 3rd world banana republic, with politicians brought and paid for by funneled cartel money
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