Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Los angeles facing a bleak future-random thoughts

Look for massive increases in penalties and code enforcements (stealth taxes) from every corner of the state and local governments”

The local municipalities will be calling on their PD’s to step up traffic ticketing enforcement. Look for speed traps set up al over CA along favored roads in which the speed limit is 35-40 MPH on empty wide thoroughfare lane and U are going 45 or 50 mph and boom, motorcycle cops is set up in a hidden turn- off with radar gun and hits U for speeding over 10 mph. $200 ticket min and increases exponentially for each mile over the posted speed limit. Add $33 for court fee and $20-40 for traffic school. Red light cameras even better for city revenues :$400-450 per ticket including school and court fees, which is why U are seeing them everywhere now.
Cities are calling on the local PD’s to be revenue fee collectors extracting money from normally law-abiding citizens who may ocasionally rush thru traffic late for work or race thru that light turning from yellow to red. Especially in Car-crazy SCal 9 in 10 drivers goes 5-10 mph over speed limit on fwys and roads.

Meanwhile 40 % of LA city drivers ,many of them immigrants, drive without auto insurance.

CA state and local gov’ts only exist to screw law-abiding taxpayers out of their hard-earned income while the state employee unions , CA bureacrats ,political hacks and assorted pasasites are all sucking off the gov’t dole, and sticking it to the average middle class citizens and small business owners.

Illegal crime wave in formerly tidy middle class Orange County

What do u know! Orange County(California) has gang stabbings, drive-by shootings, packs of roving gangstas just like LA. Even far down in the formerly mid-upper class picturesqe tourist trap of Juan Capistrano of all places. OC may be even worse than LA inner city as the illegals and their smart-mouthed, unruly gangsta spawn have emmigrated and spread out all over Scal from their original lairs in inner LA, leaving only the most recent poorest humble docile immigrants left in the inner LA stews.
The OC suburbs are not safe, except for gated, guarded walled-in communities in which the diminishing OC middle/ upper classes huddle away from the hellish plebian mobs.
The PC'ed articles of the LA Time and OC reg regarding illegals and gang crimes are aided and abetted by the state of CA and even the Obama adm and congress who are now proposing amnesty for illegals, as they only want the votes to stay in power and it does not matter to them if LA/OC are becoming third world ghetto crapzones. Votes is what matters: just throw freebees at the howling 3rd world proletariat masses and keep them in line with state handouts and laker games.
It matters little to them if there is an illegal alien-spawned crime wave, with illegal-aliens & their devil spawn killing off each other, and even an occasional innocent bystander killed by stray bullets or hit by a drunken illegal. The Liberal Dems see it as small coin in exchange for getting the hispanic vote and maintaining their grip on power in CA and the US. It is all about power and control and no matter that CA has a 20-25% U-6 REAL UE RATE: the sufferings of the UE Americans are of little consequence to greedy power hungery liberal Dems as long as the Hispanics keep voting them in by throwing them the shamnesty bone .

la gang tours - Google Search

Here is a satirical jab a the much-hyped LA Gang Tours. Seriously, this is touted as a serious enterprise and is actually in process of getting some serious major backers:

la gang tours - Google Search

AH, the beauties of LA barrios, grafittied freeway signs, ragged bullet-ridden apt slums, section 8 wrought -iron gated communities infested with homies in black imperials slung half way down legs, white-tees and black menacing hooded jackets . All so stunningy captured by camera clicking Chinese tourists on video.
Maybe they should do a live action reinactment of ghetto shootouts like at Universal Studio, with rival gangs adorned in multi-colored bandannas, waving the gang signs, and taunting each other for the edification of the tourists( what hood U from homey!!) They then duck, whip out chains and assorted small arms and reinact the battle of imperial gardens, boyle hts or willowbrook. The toursts will be thrilled to watch and record every bit of the action and consider it a bargain at $65 to see reinacted real live gangland street battles , sort of like the wild west shootouts at universal. They may even volunteer to dress up in gang garb and particiopaite in the action for an additional fee.

Gangland battles, whizzing bullets,drive-bys, bloodied heads, beaten and robbed victims, graffittied hoods, these are permanent 'cultural treasures' and a regular feature of LA such as palm trees on a tropical beach or hookers and motels in LA Vegas. They should be advertised and promotedjavascript:void(0) to allow all the world to really know the real hidden treasures of LA.

Los angeles facing a bleak future-random thoughts

On the LA Gang Tour, LA City's dysfunctional government,LA compared to Detroit, permament 3rd world status & de-gentrification,extent of LA ghettos, and other random thoughts on decline and fall of LA:

The LA Gang Tour is nothing but a slick marketing gimmick which attempts to cash in on LA third world blight and the associated burgeoning gang problems, which have always been fundamental features of LA inner ghettos and are now ensconced in formerly tidy LA county burgs such as Torrance, Carson, Santa Monica, Venice, Mar Vista, Culver City, ad nauseum.

LA City agencies and city leaders cannot do nothing: do not look for leadership from them. LA City is essentially bankrupt and is a sealed-off bubble separate from the vast ghetto spreads which start right at City Hall's doorstep. Villarigosa is only interested in his own self esteem, is a selfish promoter of himself, and is in the pockets of the big dwtn developers and other interests. The rest of LA' s leadership elites, virtually all Dem's, are essentially useless flotsam floating in a vast sea of 3rd world ghettos which ring and surround the central LA DWTN district. They are only interested in demagoging the largely immigrant plebeian PPL thru the roman-style concept of free bread and circuses handed out to the public( in the form of endless free welfare, free education for their kids, and a vast array of social services), as long as the the Dems can control the socialist/labor union agenda and keep getting re-elected to perpetual office.

LA has serious problems and is headed toward a permanent Detroit status till US makes long term fundamental changes in the problems of outsourcing all manufacturing & high tech jobs, and stops importing cheap illegal immigrant labor. Otherwise LA wil permanently cement itself as a third world bifurcated city with a hugh labor/service plebian population making average $10 an hr, and a small wealthy oligarchy clinging to their villas and enclaves in a narrow beach front strip and in the hollywood hills.
Very few outside those actualy living in LA really know the extent of the impoverished spread of third world ghettos, which are 80% of the city and 60% of the county. Entire formerly middle class suburbs such as large parts of the San Fernando Valley have simply declined into slovenly untidy decrepit slumburgs. An entire 10 X 15 mile section of south central LA( 150 sq miles),is so transformed into one gigantic 3rd worlds ghetto that u can drive thru it entirely and find not a single person who speaks Eglish as a first language.
LA City hall cannot nor will not halt this process of overall de-gentrification which has accelerated last 2 years in the current economic and real estate meltdown. City Hall and mayor are useles entities. LA is headed toward Detriot-type permanant urban decay as the last shreads of manufacturing have left this city. The last RE bubble only resulted in more ugly housing/commercial additions now pockmarking the city as foreclosed blighted structures.

Update to original post:

This was written almost 2 yrs ago but nothing has changed. If anything, the situation has likely worsened. LA's UE rate is officially 14% but the real UE rate is around 23-24%. The city is overridden by foreclosures and lots of closed shops and commercial firms. I used to drive all over the city as a driver pre-2008 and even then there was lots of decay and deterioration in it's vast slumzones. The real estate bubble was just starting to collapse in mid-late 2007 and i knew back then that all the new speculative real estate developments going up were a ticking timebomb. I have not driven since 2008 but i know that the city has contnued to deteriorate as the RE bubble collapse hit LA harder than any other city in USA. Note: there are few sources of primary source info coming out of LA detailing it's collapses during the great recession/near depression of 2008-2011. The main source of info for most folks about LA is the venerable but dem agi-prop newspaper the LA Times, which is not interested in detailing it's gritty depressionary aspects.

Illegals gaming the CA healthcare safety net: part 3

How Illegals scam Gov't- subsidized health care in CA and how they will soon be able to scam the national health soon to be shoved down thwe throats of the American people:

CA is BK because it hands out free subsidized health care for illegal aliens and their anchor babies
. LA county alone spends 400-500 million each year at taxpayers expense to provide health care care to the poor, mainly to illegals.
US and CA both suck up to the illegal alien lobby/socialist do-gooders, and cheap labor -exploiting corporations in granting freebies such as free healthcare for illegal alien children
(CA healthy families program).

Meanwhile the middle class pays thru the nose for private healthcare, and their premiums keep going up partly to subsidize the millions of uninsured deadbeats in CA , over half of whom are illegals or lowly paid green carders.

Not being an illegal means getting stiffed by the healthcare system. If i get sick and have to go into ER i get a bill and have to pay because i am a US Citizen. If an illegal gets sick and goes into ER he/she pays nada/ zilch because they are uninsured , are likely using phony ID's and give fake address's and phones so they cannot be billed.
Illegals scam the State out of billions in taxpayer-subsidized health care and contribute nothing in return to their communities. They pay no taxes and send back monies to Mexico yet are recipients of billions in free CA health and education spending, which is wasted upon their kids who have a 50% dropout rate in LA high schools.
If CA quits providing free health care to illegals and stops handing out free benefits they they will get the message and self deport back to Mexico. Mexico simply dumps its poorest into CA so as to get rid of a social unrest problem, and CA receives these poorest of Mexicans, which in turn creates huge vast third-world impoverished slums here in LA.

California the Golden state, American future, is fast becoming the poster child for an bankrupt
third world State!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Los angeles facing a bleak future-repost of a 2008 posting

I wrote this about what LA will look like in near future. Written in 2008 i am repeating it as most of my predictions have come to pass. It is short and made to be tongue in cheek but i choose not to dwell on LA's bad to much as it would fill a long book and likely put me in depression.

"There will be water rationing imposed in LA city/county/LB by this summer. Long beach already has restrictions on water use:
U can only water lawn 3 days of the week(Monday, Thursday, sat). No watering permitted from 9 to 4 . No driveway or sidewalk pressure spraying with water permitted.....
Just another in a host of problems faced in LA metro area which will get worse next several years. Cities/ State will reduce services, crime will spike, LA RE continues to fall, economy collapses, unemployment increases, good chance of an inner city race riot . LA is raising fees on everything to make up for budget shortfall, and cops will be aggressively ticketing drivers, more Red light cameras to steal $'s from citizens.....

La will be a bad place to reside in next several years unless U are a ghetto punk, illegal, gang banger, run a business operating in the black market such as salvage yard, a still employed municipal employee able to escape the budget axe, run a mom and pop donut shop or liquor store employing only relatives.

Also flourishing in bad times will be illegal- alien imported crime syndicate operations such as smuggling, drugs, pot growing, meth, money laundering, car theft rings insurance fray rings,all out of an abandoned gutted REO property in some LA dump such as bell, cudahy, maywood,sgate, vernon,hawthorne, lynwood, bellflower, norwalk, wilmigton, inglwwood, firstine compton,la puente, pacoima, san fernabdo, suncvalley, ect.

U will also escape the bad times if U are part of the 2% LA uberwealthy in some exclusive cocooned Westside enclave.

Los Angeles revealed as a vast illegal drug market

Is it not surprizing that we hear about these big pot busts inside big Mcmansions in the outer exurbs of LA and the IE? There have been qiute a few recenty in areas such as city of industry diamond bar, hacienda hts, SGab valley, walnut, rowland hts, as well as out in the IE. Not to mention big busts of pot farms in the local mts.

Is greater LA basin becoming a third world corrupt region like Mexico/ tijuana , with local/ imported drug cartels, city street drug runners, large- scale marijuana growing operations?. Or is this just a commonplace occurrance for a large mostly third world ghettoized city like LA , which after all is the
focus and world leader of so many illegal imported or home grown criminal syndicate operations, due in large part to a large tractless undocumented population which can conduct its illegal activities using forged/fake /stolen ID docs and identities and easily evade law authorities by slipping in and out of the border.

I further submit the claim that Ca and local city gov'ts have not a clue or simply do not care , and/or are isolated in their cubicles and simply do not have any street knowledge, or may even in a few cases be in on the action.
LA civic leaders have their heads so far up the arse that they cannot see the problem even if it sat on them.

To illustrate, back in the 80's-90's every illegal who came into LA -an estimated 10-15 million- went straight to MacArther park/Alvarado st/pico-union/Westlake district to get fake green cards which instantly gave fabricated right- to- work doc's. All this took place less than a mile from dwtm la so this crap was conduced right under the noses of La City hall

The dream act - rewarding illegal alien lawbreaking

These separate but similar posts were all blasted to my Washington Congressional reps and to POTUS in 2009:

"Another Attempt to reward illegal alien lawbreaking by handing out amnesty to illegel's kids. These kids have a 50% dropout rate in LA and often become lawbreaking gangbangers yet U want to give them amnesty so they can steal away jobs from the growing ranks of UE American citizens . U are saying screw U UE american citizens, we in washington do not give a damn about you but want to give employment opportunities to millions of lawbreaking illegals and their gangbanging children so they can crowd the increasingly scarce jobs market in a depression.
Shame on you my traitorous Reps who have decided to grant out freebies and citizenship privileges to illegal alien lawbreaking foreign nationals who steal away jobs from UE American Citzens, Often by using fake phony ID's and stolen SS numbers"....

"The dream act is nothing but another minority enpowerment boondoggle which attempts to boost up a minority group, in this case latinos, who are the most uneducated & uneducatable class of immigrants to come into the US, yet soak up billions of taxpayer wasted dollars in free healthcare , education funds, welfare pmts, law enforcement and justice system rsources, yet provide zero returns to the US in the form of an educated lawabiding class.
U have decided to screw over millions of UE older educated law-abiding American citizens, especialy aging boomers, who now need to work at lower paying jobs just to survive yet U are ready to grant outright citizenship and amnesty to miilions of illegels who are basically stealing food and benefits from law- abiding and UE American Citizens."

a short precise comment on dream act, cleaned up to put out in public posting

The dream act is nothing but another minority enpowerment boondoggle which attempts to boost up a select minority group, in this case latino immigrants, who are the most uneducated & uneducatable class of immigrants to come into the US.
They soak up billions of taxpayer wasted dollars in free healthcare , education funds, welfare pmts, law enforcement and justice system resources, yet provide zero returns to the US in the form of an educated, skilled, productive class.

Good luck to the Lib dems trying to pass on any form of amnesty such as this dream act in this crashing economy with 15 % real UE rate.
Dems have till 2010 to shove this crap down the American electorate-good luck!!

another short cleaned up comment on dream act

Another Attempt to reward illegal alien lawbreaking by handing out amnesty to illegal’s kids. These kids have a 50% dropout rate in LA and often become lawbreaking gang-bangers, yet we are supposed to to give them amnesty so they can steal away jobs from the growing ranks of UE American citizens. The Lib dems are saying ’screw U UE American Citizens’, we in Washington do not give a damn about you but want to give employment opportunities to millions of lawbreaking illegal nationals and their gang-banging children so they can crowd the increasingly scarce jobs market in a depression.
Shame on the Congressional traitors who have decided to grant out freebies and citizenship privileges to illegal alien lawbreaking foreign nationals who steal away lower-level jobs from UE American Citizens, often by using fake phony ID’s and stolen SS numbers"

In depth look at llegal alien fraud in clownifornia part 2

How Illegals scam Gov't- subsidized health care in CA and how they will soon be able to scam the national health soon to be shoved down thwe throats of the American people:

CA is BK because it hands out free subsidized health care for illegal aliens and their anchor babies
. LA county alone spends 400-500 million each year at taxpayers expense to provide health care care to the poor, mainly to illegals.
US and CA both suck up to the illegal alien lobby/socialist do-gooders, and cheap labor -exploiting corporations in granting freebies such as free healthcare for illegal alien children(CA healthy families program).

Meanwhile the middle class pays thru the nose for private healthcare, and their premiums keep going up partly to subsidize the millions of uninsured deadbeats in CA , over half of whom are illegals or lowly paid green carders.
If the National HC passes, the well off and ordinary working american citizens and familiies will be screwed over while 12-18 million illegals just enfranchised will get taxpayer- subsidized rates. This amnesty proposal is perfectly timed with the NHC package as it will create a whole new class of entitlements for a new class of mostly impoverished illegals suddenly granted the citizenship, which will mean more business for scam immigration lawyers, big greedy pharma, Dem voter registration drives, medi-caid/medi-cal, and keep the dems in power for decades.
The amnesty and NHC are nothing but a big gigantic scam foisted upon the American people to
benefit the big exploiting outsourcing business interests, big greedy pharmacutical corps, greedy immigration lawyers, and unscrupulous radical Dems. Follow the money.

Not being an illegal means getting stiffed by the healthcare system. If i get sick and have to go into ER i get a bill and have to pay because i am a US Citizen. If an illegal gets sick and goes into ER he/she pays nada/ zilch because they are uninsured , are likely using phony ID's and give fake address's and phones so they cannot be billed.
Illegals scam the State out of billions in taxpayer-subsidized health care and contribute nothing in return to their communities. They pay no taxes and send back monies to Mexico yet are recipients of billions in free CA health and education spending, which is wasted upon their kids who have a 50% dropout rate in LA high schools.
If CA quits providing free health care to illegals and stops handing out free benefits they they will get the message and self deport back to Mexico. Mexico simply dumps its poorest into CA so as to get rid of a social unrest problem, and CA receives these poorest of Mexicans, which in turn creates huge vast third-world impoverished slums here in LA.

California the Golden state, American future, is fast becoming the poster child for an bankrupt
third world State!

In depth look at illegal alien fraud in clownifornia part 1

10's of Millions of illegals have come into CA and spread across U.S last 20-30 years. A significant % of these illegals have committed serious document fraud thru use of phony work documents to obtain work which should go to unemployed American citizens. After a couple years working under the table using fake doc's or no doc's these illegals start moving up the economic chain by obtaining improved fake green cards or by scam marriages to US citizens.
By these methods, Just in last two decades, 10 million + illegals in CA have scammed and abused the immigration process and thereby insinuated themselves in American society. They will work here only long enough to send back monies to their home country, then go back after fleecing Ca out of billions in welfare, education and health care handouts.

They also spawned another 20-30 million U.S- born anchor babies while here illegally, or brought them across border when young. These anchors grow up in abject poverty and many of them turn to gangs, This is especially evident in SCal and LA. The dropout rate for the anchors in LASUD is 50%.
These barely educated, often illiterate anchors, being citizens, add to a massive surplus of laborers/blue collars in SCal ,and being eligible for benefits do drain the CA welfare net of 10+ billion each year. Being first generation offspring of illegals they still feel primary allegiance to their home countries, often despise and disrespect the US, and will not easily assimilate.
They along with their illegal parents contribute to a huge CA budget shortfall, as they are very adept in scamming the CA safety net and grabbing as many benefits as they can, often using fake /phomy doc's and crooked clinics/lawyers/gov't workers.

I have actual first hand knowledge of the types of fraud and phony green card doc reproduction which took place back in the 80's and 90's here in LA. Millions of illegals took advantage of the laxity of enforcement of our immigration laws and LA/CA being sanctuary regions to brazenly commit uncounted felonies and frauds in obtaining work permits and benefits illegally.
In CA we have 13% UE and 20%+ real UE and 2.5 million Native Californians are hurting and out of work yet we have allowed illegals and their anchors to swamp into CA/LA last 3 decades and steal way blue collar and laboring jobs which should be held by UE Americans.
There are now 3 million illegals in CA. 2 million are working in non-agricultural jobs, often in lucrative blue collar jobs. At least 1 million of these workers are using fake stolen docs/SS cards.

CA does not have a state mandatory e-verify system which if implemented would result in the immediate firing of one million illegals holding down jobs using fake/ phony work doc's.

More on CA budget mess

I am almost a native California and my heart bleeds real bad. This great socialist state in which half the population is on the state dole is effectively BK. Too bad, I have no pity and ask for none. I don't depend on the state at all and am entirely self sufficient. I only ask that they provide a min degree of public safety such as policing and maintaining the public roads and parks. I did submit my annual car registration fee- small token to help with the budget.
Ca is such a huge parasitic socialist state with every ones hand in the state cookie jar via medi-caid, educational spending and welfare services that this budget mess should be impacting a large % of the population here.
I dislike this parasitic state organism for personal reasons but the effects of the state running out of funds to operate on a day to day basis are chilling. I think CA will get some bailout funds from Obama or pass some emergency bond measures to tide things over till at least summer. The state is well- known to just keep passing the buck AND patch over budget problems from quarter-to quarter or year- to- year.

Calif. is such a totally messed up state

Here is yet another article on the demise of the 3rd world loony bin called clownifornia. I put down a quick synopsis on Mish's post on the Caifornia budget mess amd what CA will do about it. Here is the repost:

The current CA budget fiscal meltdown is really another ho hum event. I've seen this
go on most of past decade. Here is a quick synopis of what will happen:

They will just pass the problem down the road, pass an emergency bond measure or steal from one fund to bolster the general fund. Too many folks in the CA
gov't cookie jar and they do scream loud if they are not funded. This
dog and pony show has been going on most of last decade. When a budget
crisis hits the CA Gov't always manages to sleaze out of the problem
with some sort of accounting trick/temp band aid fix. Never deal with
the problem now, put it off or kick it down the road. Ca will never make
truly deep cuts in those social welfare safety net programs or Gov't
employee pensions. They will manage to conjure up additional funds by
hook or crook, ether thru more taxation increases or emergency short-
term borrowing . The really desperate move is going hat in hand to the
fed and asking for a 7 billion handout from POTUS. Good luck with that.

We already have the highest taxes in the nation on everthing. Sales taxes approach 10%. State personal incomes taxes are way up. Gasoline is taxed to the hilt, ect.
There will be attempts to raise even more taxes and the general screaming,scare tactics and threats to cut off social programs are just a way to scare the CA public into consenting to more taxes. The state employee unions will not allow any more cuts in their bloated salaries or any more forlough days.

California's solution to the budget mess is to tax anything that moves, crawls or breathes.

Transformation of the former Los Angeles sylvian suburb of San Fernando valley into a gigantic illegal alien/gang infested stew

This is not the valley which has been portrayed in the song 'valley girl' or in TV and movies depicting a serene mid-upper class enclave of wide ranch-type homes nestled in lush surroundings. In last 25-30 years an unrelentless invasion of CA by illegals, mainly from south of border, has transformed the once idyllic SFV into one gigantic third world ramshackle slovenly slumville, as bad as anything u can find in south- central or dwtn LA.

Here are the geographic/demographic particulars:
If U break down the demographics of the latino population in the valley the eastern half, basically the section east of San diego freeway, is prodominantly latino, mainly recent immigrants. The northeast SFV which is Sun Valley, Arleta, Pacoima, San Fernando, Sylmar, ect. is an extremely impoverished gritty, highly polluted, old industrial section of LA populated mainly by recent illegals( One industry which thrive in this polluted section of SFV is waste/garbage/ refuse hauling).
Parts of van nuys, North hollywood, Panorama city, Mission hills, Burbank, are or becoming extremely ghettoish, with decaying slummish apt districts packed with illegals and their attendant gangs.

These immigrant ghetto apt slum districts spread out to west of the 405 and well into Canoga park, Reseda, Winnetka, Northridge,ect.
The apt ghetto districts are especially evident as you exit the 405 and go east/west along Sherman Way or Roscoe blvd. Basically east and central portions of the valley are now one gigantic black hole of ghettish latino immigrant slums. Only the extreme foothill areas of Sherman oaks, Encino, Woodland hills, maybe some parts of Chatsworth, and the far west valley areas west of Topanga blvd, are still largely middle class tidy white districts but the lowland flat parts of the valley has become one vast unrelieved latino immigrant ghetto.
This is the result of 25-30 years of relentless invasion of south of border illegal immigrants into SoCal/LA. Many of the ghettos in the East/northeast valley are as bad or worse than the nastiest sewer pockets of Tijuana.

View Larger Map

Additional sidenote: Carefully pan map to NE section of SFV and center it on San Fernando. That stretch from SF North to Sylmar is massively ghettoized and invaded by illegals. Go south to Pacoima/Arleta: very ghettoized as well. Shoot south down 5 freeway to Sun Valley. This is an old marginalized, slummy industrial sector of LA, and overrun w/illegals. Go west along Rosco or Sherman blvds toward 405 fwy. U will see only vast stretches of slums, ghetto apts, cheap derelict shopping malls, small/med businesses and cottage industries employing nothing but illegals/green carders.

This highly ghettoized NE SFV sector loses some of its ghettoish nature but reveals endless housing tracts pockmarked with declining, slummified residential units as it spreads west and south to most corners of the East/central SFV.

As U pan over this east SFV district of LA U will see plenty of former middle class tracts declined into exurban near-ghettos. The illegals/impoverished green carders/anchors have swarmed and swamped the eastern SVF completely. Only the areas south of 101 fwy, up in the foothills, remain largely white middle/upper class sylvian enclaves.


Illegals gaming the CA healthcare safety net: part 2

To bad that illegals crowd into LA , are without health isurance, yet expect free county health treatment. Life is tough and we have 15-20% % UE in CA, and many US Citizens are without health care coverage and jobs If they have to go into crowded county hospital ER rooms they are pushed back and have to wait 5-10 hrs by uninsured illegal nationals who don' t have health coverage so crowd out american citizens and seniors from county hospitals.
LA is one gigantic, fraud infested, third world Tijuana-style dump where illegals are given sanctuary status and protected so i am not surprised that LA county won't cut back on health treatment to illegals .
I have to pay for health care coverage despite being out of work because if I get sick and go to ER i get a bill from the hospital and i have to pay ,unlike the illegals who use fake addresses, fake names and ID's to avoid paying for ER bills.

That is why i pay as little as possible to the state,county, and local Gov't in fees and Taxes, as my taxes would go to provide free medical to illegal alien nationals from Mexico. I hope that all state ballot propositions to raise taxes fail, and that the tax revolt succeeds. CA is a third world dump where illegals are welcome to drain and plunder the social security net at CA taxpayer expense.

Why CA needs E-Verify to prevent illegals from obatining work here illegally

“U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) data from the first seven weeks of 2009 suggest that by the end of this year, E-Verify use will have grown 442 percent since 2007.”

It’s about time that Companies adopt E-Verify more and more. A day late and a dollar Short i might add, as Use of phony work doc’s and stolen SS numbers in the illegal alien community was, and still is , widespread. Here in LA during last 25 years virtually every illegal alien crossing into CA and winding up in LA could go to Macarthur park near Dtwn and get a phony work doc, and virtually all did.
Illegals did this to gain entry into the US workforce, and to later get more gainful employment once they became more ensconced into American society.
A lifetime background check on every illegal immigrant and current green carder who crossed over last 25-30 years would reveal vast gaps in employment , numerous name changes, swapped Id’s, changes in SS, ect. . Many of the ID switches would hide prior felonies & fraudulent activities committed by the illegals under a previous Identity, and hidden from public records.

I have a great deal of knowledge of frauds committed by illegals here in LA, and document theft/ID fraud is just the tip of the iceberg.

Update on the amnesty wars in los Angeles and California:

The May 1st 2009 immigration marches were a joke, a tiny turnout compared to the big ones in 2007 which failed in the Amnesty that year.
The pro-illegal alien lobby is desperate to get an amnesty early in 2010 because as we get deeper into 2010 and during the midterms congress will not touch this very unpopular measure(75% of the voters nationwide oppose amnesty and want strong border measures). The pro illegal alien lobby groups are loud(though numerically in a tiny minority) and amply funded by the greedy immigration rights lawyers, a scam group. However, 10's of millions of US patriotic citizens will be galvanized/angered by any push for amnesty especially in a severe economic depression with 17-20 % Real U-6 UE rates.
The amnesty forces are deluded if they think Obama and congress will pass any amnesty this year. Half of the country did not vote for him and this half will hammer washington with e-mail, faxes,and angry phone calls.
I am on the front lines of this anti-illegal alien backlash as i am a member of 5 anti-illegal organizations and was one of the moving forces in getting John and ken radio show (AM 640 los angeles/SCal) on the anti-illegal alien bandwagon. We were successful in stamping out amnesty in 2007 and will succeed again in 2010 as US is now in the worst economic meltdown since the great depression and 75-80% of the citizens are opposed to amnesty and want the borders shut down. It will be a piece of cake in a depressionary climate to block amnesty-much easier than in 2007.

If you really want to see how illegals benefit the economy just take a visit to Los Angeles and drive all over the city. 80% of the city and 60% of the county is nothing but impoverished 3rd world ghettos or decaying middle class slumburgs. LA is just one more sun baked 3rd world seedy grimy megalopolis with large portions of it as slimy as Tijuana. Of course this never is portrayed as such by the lying LA TIMES newsrag, which is about as truthful as your typical MSM/cable news spin rag.

stop amnesty now and forever part 1

If u are against amnestyfor illegals and planning rallies with ALIPAC and other anti-immigration groups this spring this is what u are up against:

The lobbying forces for amnesty are loud, well funded and unscrupulous. Besides the affordsaid immigration rights law groups you have the biased bogus academic studies coming out of the anti american lefist/marxist universities, the SEIU/ Acorn thug groups, the scamming hispanic causus, racist LA Raza, Mecha, and other pan Mexican/pan S American groups, the US Chamber of commerce and their allies the big, exploiting, outsourcing big business interests, agribusiness, ad nauseum.
All these forces simply want to drive ordinary independent-minded middle class Americans under the bus in favor of a third world klepktocracy run by tiny financial/gov't oligarchy, with the aid of unions, Gov't employees, and other assorted leftist/marxist groups who want to see Amercia as a concept disappear in favor of a balkanized multicultural mishmash which they can more easily control. The politicans are dupes and well plied with bribes and favors and are the puppets doing the bidding of the multi-culturists and multi-nationals.
It is no accident that amnesty is being pushed hard as the hard-left Dems see 12-18 million more democratic voters they can easily dupe and manipulate with bread and circuses(handouts) and maintain their power . That is why amnesty is being push against the will of the ordinary American Citizens in the US.

Only a massive inundation of phone calls, e-mails and letters to your local, state and national reps will turn the tide decisively against amnesty. We did this back in 2007 but this time the Dems are firmly in power( though their support is rapidly eroding), and will likely attempt to force thru an unpopular amnesty bill like they did with the abomitable health care bill. They have this small window in early 2010 before the fall elections when the Dems will lose seats in both senate and house.

Here are the anti- imigration groups to joIn and make your voices heard:
Numbers USA - Best action site for e-mails,faxes direct to your reps
FAIR - most scholary and respected
ALIPAC - Grassroots organizing network