Friday, December 16, 2011

California Goes KAPUT - implications of 2010 Dem election sweep then and now

Post 2010 CA election blues, and what's ahead:

Post CA election blues. I was one of the 40 % who were on the wrong side as the Dems completely swept all CA political offices, and elected re-relected the leftist Dems Jerry brown and Barbara Boxer. After the Nov 2 elections the wind seemed to have been taken out of CA: i even felt a general dampening mood in the streets, as if a stange disease had settled upon CA.

All productive busnesses and middle class productive folks should be depressed and down-spirited by the election results. We all know that CA will see more taxes and fees imposed by the left-wing socialist business-hating green-goon democrat thugsters upon the higher income PPL, while the huge imported 3rd world proletaran welfare-scamming classes pay no taxes.

CA has become a fairly bifurcated third-world banana-republic, with a tiny wealthy elite, a repressive goose-stepping thug-union leftist political ruling elite, and a huge population of poor and welfare dependents. The CA middle class is shrinking and many have pulled stakes and already left for greener pastures in other less-taxed states.

The heavy, oppressive, leftist public-union government thugsters will keep on strangling CA and extracting oppressive taxes and fees upon the few remaining Productive hard-working Californians. That is the unalterable rule and nothing can change it.

The only thing left is to avoid the system, or scam it by becoming a CA entitlement grifter, if u are not yet an official entitled CA welfare dependent. Either you are a beneficiary of CA welfare payouts or a payer. The majority who vote and keep the CA Dems party in power are the receivers and beneficuaries of CA generous welfare entitlement payouts such as illegal aliens, scamming anchor offspring of illegals, scamming CA Works recipients, medi-cal recipents, home-care aide grifters, supplemental SS grifters,ect.

Update: CA has already cut billions from welfare/entitlement payouts due to tough budget problems but, as i long predicted, the shrill cries from CA Government leftist policy wonks for more taxes are already echoing clear across CA's vast landscape. 2012 will witness a bevy of proposals for more taxes, or CA wil fall into the sea or burn up in some greek-type financial inferno. A least that is the cassandra predictions.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Occupy LA Plans to 'Occupy ICE' at Downtown Federal Building: Immigrant Crackdowns to be Protested

Occupy LA Plans to 'Occupy ICE' at Downtown Federal Building: Immigrant Crackdowns to be Protested

Looks like there will be a little-publicized march by pro-illegal alien activist groups this morning starting at 11:30am at Olivera st and ending up in front of ICE building in DWTN LA. This is several blocks east of the original OWS camp at City Hall Plaza Park. I have closely followed the LA OWS rallies and while the OWS hard-core have up to now conducted their rallies separate fron the pro-ilegal alien activist groups, it appears from this article that an open undisguised merging of OWS and pro-illegal alien rights coalitions has occurred.

News report from LA Weekly,

'OWS L.A.'s City Hall encampment might be a thing of the past, but the occupiers continue to return to their Civic Center home for "general assembly" meetings and protests. Today, DEC 15 at 11:30am, demonstrators warn, the tents will return to the neighborhood, this time in front of the downtown federal building(ICE) that's just around the corner from Occupy's former City Hall residence. The target of their ire? Immigration and Customs Enforcement. They're calling it "Occupy ICE." And not the kind rednecks smoke, either....'

'The groups involved, including Good Jobs LA, several SEIU locals, ANSWER Coalition, CHIRLA (Coalition for Humane Immigrants Rights of Los Angeles), and the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor AFL-CIO, claim in a statement that ICE and the Department of Homeland Security have been "doing the dirty work of wealthy corporations by targeting hardworking immigrant families.'

'Quote from writer,
'Huh? We're a little confused. We thought the 1 percent liked their baby sitters brown and their Walmart workers browner.
We guess their point is that the heat put on the allegedly undocumented and the people who look like them results in downward wage pressure (scratches head).'

'Here's what organizers say:
"... Immigrant workers are part of the 99% ... The activists say that ICE agents are doing the work of the 1%, attacking workers like janitors who have sacrificed and struggled in efforts to turn poverty level jobs into good jobs."

'Mike Garcia, president of SEIU United Service Workers West:
"The 1% profits from fear. The fear of not being able to find a job. The fear of losing your house that you have worked hard for. And, the fear that immigrant workers feel that they may be separated from their children. But, we refuse to be afraid. We are going to fight back."

'Starting at 11:30 a.m. demonstrators will march from Olivera Street (at 845 N. Alameda St.) to the federal building at Los Angeles and Temple streets. They promise 2,000 workers will show up and that there will soon be "tents in front of the downtown federal building, which houses local ICE offices.'

[@dennisjromero / / @LAWeeklyNews]
County Federation of Labor, downtown federal building, Good Jobs LA, immigration, Occupy ICE, Occupy LA, SEIU

Monday, December 12, 2011

OWS attempted shutdown of Long beach port - observations

Report on Long beach Port attempted shutdown by OWS. I drove down to the protest start location at Harry Bridges Park. I had no problem getting there. Access to harbor area was very easy coming down Pico ave and transferring to Harbor Scenic Drive. Inbound truck traffic seemed very light Time 7:30 AM

It was raining steady in Long Beach as i entered the area of protest. Encountered a small group of hard-core OWS protestors numbering no more than 100-200, clustered at corner of harbor plaza drive and harbor scenic drive. The anarchist element was there and some of them were just starting to leave the area to march down S. harbor scenic drive toward SS Marine terminal at south end of Pier J. There were 20-30 PD cars and motorcycle cops at that intersection keeping the OWS crowd within bounds.
It was not an overly big crowd of OWS there- the rain and dismal cold day and early morning 5 am monday meet time likely kept the crowd small. Tiime now 8:00 am

I left area to attempt to find parking nearby so i could watch protest on foot or by bike but everywhere in dwtn LB/harbor area there is no free available parking. In Entire dwtn LB area you have to pay for parking and I do not like paying for parking. If the weather was dry and sunny i would have parked several miles away, out of the DWTN LB restrictive parking zone and rode my bike to the OWS protests but it was raining and i don't ride my bike well in rain.

After looking for parking and driving a bit i returned at spot of protest to observe from my vehicle. It appeared that port traffic outbound was a bit clogged and tied up by protestors and by PD roadblocks and traffic diversions. I was held up about 10 minites by one traffic seizure which was right at Queen Mary parking entrance and exit. The halt was only 10 minites however and the outbound port truck traffic again moved. There was a 2 mile-long backup of inbound big-rigs coming off the 710 freeway and backed up along S harbor scenic drive but that is nothing unusual on a Monday morning for LOng Beach Port inbound truck traffic. From my observation the 710 long beach freeway truck traffic volume was unusualy light for a Monday starting work week.

Report summation- the small band of protestors numbered no more than 400 tops and there were 50-60 cop cars and 50+ motorcycle cops in my immdediate viewable vicinity. At least 200 and likely far more Long beach police personnel plus other Fed/State/local law enforcement agencies enveloped & smothered the port protestors. I even saw 2 unmarked but ominous black vehiciles( Feds. DHS?) observing/ photographing the protestors from a nearby bridge.
As the entire LB port protest group was happening at the huge Pier J shipping terminal and entire LB/LA ports have 12 terminals this protest will not shut down entire port, not even close. They may delay or perhaps block truckers entering/ exiting Pier J terminal but that will be at most a several hr delay for truckers. As the ILWU union is not a participant there is no way to shut down entire port operations by a tiny band of 300-400 protestors. They could attempt as a last ditch drastic move to lay down and block incoming trucks at several vital trucker ingress roads but that is a federal violation of impeding interstate commerce and subject to immediate arrest and removal of protestors on the spot. I do not see that as happening today.

Update: at 1:00 pm i went back to Port of Long Beach Harbor's huge shipping terminal at Pier J to check on progress of OWS port protests. I did not see any sign of the protestors anywhere, even at the original Harry Bridges Park start point. The entire Huge Pier J complex seemed rather empty of trucks or activity except at the Pier J south entrance, where there was a two-block long line of trucks waiting to enter south pier entrance at end of South Harbor Scenic Drive. Police presence was fairly light as well but there were a few squad cars posted at strategic intersections along vital port roads. I apparently had missed the real action early in the morning, in which a small band of 200 or so protestors had marched to Pier J South entrance to block the entrance. Some arrests had taken place and the PD had rounded up the protestors and moved them back to an impound location near the park. All this had taken place between 5 and 7 AM before i got to the scene at 8 am. I looked at LA Times pictures of port protest and they make out the crowd to be bigger than it actually was, due to up-close picture crowding, but the active picketing crowd was never larger than 200 or so any any time. By 1 pm the entire Pier J port complex was cleared and port was operating normally.

Friday, December 9, 2011

RE bubble collapse pre-2008 in LA ghetto areas

This is a look back at fraudulent bubblicious prices pre-2008 in some really nasty LA ghetto zip codes. These are some of the poorest impoverished neighborhoods in US and are 90% populated by minorities and recent immigrants, including illegals. As you can see on the chart, there were already price declines of from 16% to 50% in home prices YOY from peak 2007 prices to mid-2008, the time i wrote the list. And this was just the start of the great SoCal RE bubble collapse. Today the average prices in these hoods is $200,000; perhaps $250,000 for the slightly better hoods. Prices have fallen 100-150% or more in vitually all the listed zips. Today they have scarcely budged from their lows and foreclosures are on the rise again.

Occupy Wall St movement and their ultra-left radical allies decry big banks as being the sole cause of rampant foreclosures in LA inner city areas. In fact it was local neighborhood homeowners, local realtors, local mortgage brokers, local speculators and the homeowners themselves who drove the 200-300 % markups in the LA ghettos. Examination of foreclosure lists back then and even today will reveal a majorty of the foreclosed-upon have Hispanic names. These Minorities and other ethnic minorities, including Blacks, constitute the overwhelming majority in these listed LA zips, and are the ones you see marching at take-back foreclosure rallies and protests against the villanous banks. Google Refund LA and who backs them. It is a coalition of radical groups composed of minorities, similar to ACORN's composition.

It was not solely the big banks who caused the price runups in the LA inner ghettos but local RE speculators who were in fact minorities selling/reselling/ buying homes on margin, and reselling those homes at ponzi-ed prices, then buying higher priced properties in a speculative frenzy for speculative porposes. At every step in the RE sales they took out massive HELOC's, or re-financed each time, and took out yet another HELOC. I delivered and passed thru all these zips in 2004-2007 and saw all the speculation, re-models, teardowns and rebuilds occurring in these ghetto hoods, and marked for sale at %300-%400 markups. Tiny 700 sq foot crackshacks with 1 bdrm/1 bath were listed at $400,000, even $500,000 in such ghettoized ratholes as lennox and Compton.

The list below was written in mid-2008, before the great fall 2008 financial meltdown, of which the SOCAL/LA RE bubble collapse was a harbinger and symptom

These are a few selected areas, maybe 20-30% of the total inner ghetto zips and the ones i have some familarity with. My inclusion of these particular ones is because these are where mortgage fraud was running most rampant, and these contain some of the nastiest gutted hoods in america. Bell and Maywood are for all intents and purposes controlled by the 18th st gang lock stock and barrel. Where mortage price specualtion and fraud activity was the highest you will see the steepest drops in YOY drops. LA inner city price run-ups were in mnay cases based entirely upon fraudulent appraisal and subsequent 200-300% markups. They should revert back to under $200,000 when the smoke clears.

City/ Zip/ # homes sold/ home prices early-2008/ % price drop from peak 2007

Bell 90201 5 $420 -11.6%
Huntington Park 90255 5 $385 -16.3%
Inglewood 90301 2 $400 -22.3%
Inglewood 90302 4 $450 -25.6%
Inglewood 90303 5 $295 -49.1%
Inglewood 90304 1 $417 -16.2%
Inglewood 90305 3 $469 -20.6%
LA 90011 5 $360 -18.2%
LA 90018 4 $343 -43.6%
LA 90047 17 $350 -26.7%
LA/View Park/Windsor Hills 90043 8 $363 -30.3%
LA 90062 9 $380 -23.4%
Long Beach 90805 17 $378 -16.3%
Maywood 90270 2 $325 -29.3%
Norwalk 90650 30 $352 -27.8%
Pacoima 91331 17 $320 -37.9%
Paramount 90723 9 $260 -46.8%
San Fernando 91340 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Wilmington 90744 5 $355 -20.7%
Winnetka 91306 11 $360 -35.7%